However, as Liu Bao becomes more and more proficient in carving ice sculptures and using carving tools, the chances of subsequent mistakes are estimated to be low.

The reason why Liu Bao was able to adapt to ice carving so quickly was inseparable from her morning practice and Su Hang's careful teaching.

On the other hand, it was Liu Bao's genius sculpting talent.

After that, Su Hang stayed in the courtyard, watching Gong Shaoting and Liu Bao sitting at the table practicing ice sculpture carving.

But before he could look at it for long, Gong Shaoting stopped again.

"Master, um, hoo~"

Gong Shaoting turned his head and shouted, and before he finished speaking, he rubbed his two hands and breathed into them. It was obvious that Gong Shaoting had not done anything just now. Because of wearing gloves, his hands were always exposed to the air. In addition, his hands touched ice cubes from time to time and held the cold carving tools.

At this time, his two hands, in this short period of time, , they were all turned red from the cold.

"You need gloves, right?"

Seeing this, even if Gong Shaoting didn't say anything, Su Hang knew what Gong Shaoting wanted.

Before he started practicing carving ice sculptures, Su had already warned Gong Shaoting to be careful of cold hands. As a result, Gong Shaoting was I didn't listen at all.

Now that I'm fine, I kept waiting for my hands to turn red from the cold, and then I thought about the two leather gloves that Su Hang just brought over.

"Cough, cough... Yes, master."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting coughed in embarrassment, but in order not to keep freezing his hands, he nodded and agreed.

He was the one who refused to wear gloves before carving, and he is the one who wants to wear them now.

"Here, can't you just put on your gloves?"

Su Hang raised his eyebrows, and then threw the two leather gloves next to him directly, feeling helpless in his heart.

"Okay, master."

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting agreed, and then quickly took the leather gloves thrown by Su Hang and put them on his hands. The leather gloves Su Hang took out were of very good quality and contained Very warm fleece

"Huh~ it’s warmer……"

After feeling it carefully, Gong Shaoting let out a long breath, but this time it was not cold, but comfortable.

The fluff inside gathered heat quickly. In just a short while, Gong Shaoting felt that his fingers were wrapped in the leather gloves and quickly warmed up.

Just now when his hands were exposed to the biting air to carve the ice sculpture, he almost felt that his fingers were frozen, and the carving of the ice sculpture was also a bit sluggish.

But now it’s better. With the protection of these leather gloves, the problem of frozen hands has been solved.

"Ouch~ It smells so good!"

After a pause, as if in response to Su Hang's words just now, he said that wise saying again.


Hearing this, Su Hang couldn't help but be amused by Gong Shaoting's words.

The law of true fragrance is still the law of true fragrance, and you can't escape it after all.

However, Gong Shaoting still thinks about this matter It was a little easier. After putting on the leather gloves and starting to carve the ice sculpture, new problems soon appeared.


I saw Gong Shaoting holding the carving tool in his hand and scratching the ice in front of him a few times. Well, the entire ice block has cracked hard.

After the previous ice cube cracked, it can be re-carved. After all, the overall cracked volume is not large.

But this time, the entire ice cube in front of me It was torn apart after he carved it, and even if I wanted to pick it up and glue it back together, it wouldn't stick together.

"Master, this……"

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting touched his head helplessly.

This time, this big ice cube can’t be used again, right?

"Go, go over there and get another piece."

Su Hang didn't say anything more. He just asked Gong Shaoting to go over there to get another ice cube and let him continue practicing.

"OK, master."

Gong Shaoting nodded, quickly brought another ice cube from a short distance away, and then continued practicing.

However, the shattering of the ice cube just now turned out to be just the beginning.

The newly brought ice cube was , before carving a few times, a large piece broke into pieces again.

Dang! Dang! Dang...

But he was not discouraged, and started to carve again.

But before carving a few times, he was carving again. The pieces were broken into pieces, and a large piece came out, and then the third and fourth pieces came out.

Su Hang watched Gong Shaoting carving on the side, and also watched the ice cubes on the table being visible to the naked eye. The speed slowed down.

After a while, an ice cube that was as big as Nuo was once again scrapped by Gong Shaoting.


Seeing this, Gong Shaoting gritted his teeth and felt as if the big ice block was against him. He was so angry that his cheeks bulged.

This time he picked another ice block and carved it. On the contrary, it is not as skillful as the first carving.

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