When he saw that figure, Su Hang was slightly startled and thought he was dazzled.


But then a familiar voice fell into Su Hang's ears, which made him sure who the person in front of him was.

During this period of time, Su Hang had to listen to this call and this voice almost every day. One hundred and eighty times, I almost have muscle memory.

"You, why are you here today?"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang looked at the figure walking towards him, and then couldn't help but ask.

Isn't that person Gong Shaoting? If you think about the car carefully, it seems to be Gong Shaoting. This makes sense because it belongs to his father, Gong Maoyan.

Gong Shaoting’s original car was basically damaged by him yesterday. It will definitely not be able to get back on the road for a while, so today Only then did his father's car drive over.

And because his father's car drove over today, the sound of the engine had changed, so Su Hang didn't recognize him for the first time.

Until After Gong Shaoting got out of the car and showed up, Su Hang confirmed his identity.

"Master, look at what you said, of course I came to you to learn carving, and I’m here to have a meal by the way, hehe……"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting said matter-of-factly, and then shamelessly approached Su Hang.

He came here specifically at this time just to have a meal.

When Su Hang went to visit him yesterday, all the chicken soup he brought to him was divided up by Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun, and only a few mouthfuls went into Gong Shaoting's mouth.

When Gong Shaoting thought about this matter, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, and then he became greedy for the food cooked by Su Hang and Lin Jia.

He is so greedy that he drove his father’s car over here today.

"I'm afraid you are the only one who can talk about cheating so confidently."

Su Hang grinned, and then gave Gong Shaoting a thumbs up.

People with a slightly thinner skin really can't do this kind of thing. Obviously, Gong Shaoting is not among these thin-skinned people.

"Hehe... Master, I shouldn't have come late. Did you guys finish your lunch?"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting was not only not ashamed but seemed a little proud. He laughed and then asked

"Not yet. It is estimated that your wife will prepare the food soon. You are quite right on time."

Su Hang glanced at Gong Shaoting, and then said.

Although he felt very helpless, Su Hang did not reject this feeling. Gong Shaoting liked the food he and Lin Jia cooked. Doesn't that just prove that the two of them Is the food delicious?!

Besides, Gong Shaoting doesn’t come to his house shamelessly every day to have a meal.

On the contrary, every time he comes over on weekends, he will bring some small gifts to the treasures. Give them a little surprise, but the children will like it.

"Phew~ Fortunately, fortunately I didn't come late, otherwise I would have been hungry at noon today."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting also patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

That look looked a bit funny, which made Su Hang couldn't help but smile.

"Big brother! whee……"

When they saw Gong Shaoting approaching, the other treasures immediately surrounded him.

At the beginning, they all called Gong Shaoting uncle, but in the later period, thanks to Gong Shaoting's various gifts and language teaching, they finally changed their name to big brother.

"Alas~ Come."

Gong Shaoting agreed, and then he brought all the treasures over. Then, he took out a packaging bag from behind. On the packaging bag was the trademark of a milk tea shop. It was obvious that the contents were some milk tea. Drinks like that

"Here, they are all hot milk tea. In order to keep them warm, I bought them at the milk tea shop not far away."

Immediately afterwards, he opened the packaging bag, took out the milk tea bottles one by one, and distributed them to the treasures.


After receiving the milk tea, the treasures also quickly expressed their gratitude.

Children like them were still unable to resist this sweet drink.

At the end of the distribution, there was an extra bottle

"I just bought six bottles, isn’t that right? Xiaochen, Xiaoyu……"

Gong Shaoting was a little confused as to why there was an extra article, so he checked it carefully to see who didn't get it.

At the end of the comparison, he realized that the Six Treasures were not here.

"Hey~ Where is Xiaoran?"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting turned around and asked, the extra bottle of milk tea is also for Xiaoran.

"Ang, she's in there, carving something right now."

Su Hang said.

When he came out just now, the children were still carving ice sculptures except Liu Bao. Everyone else ran out with him, so Liu Bao was missing here.

"Carving something? oh oh."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting was slightly startled, but he didn't think much about it.

Liu Bao used to learn sculpture from Su Hang, and he knew it very well. He even learned it earlier than him.

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