Gong Maoyan simply didn't want to let Gong Shaoting do it for him. He directly invited him personally, which also seemed more sincere.

"Have a meal? Thank me?"

Hearing this, Su Hang was slightly startled and did not react for a while.

"Yes, thank you for carving such a beautiful jade carving and then giving it to me. It must have taken a lot of effort, right?"

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan nodded, and then said.

How much thought Su Hang put into this jade carving can be seen just from its topic selection and conception, as well as the fact that it took such a long time.

"Ha... No need. Before carving this jade sculpture, didn't you already give me corresponding remuneration? There's no need to say thank you."

Hearing this, Su Hang smiled and shook his head, and then said.

Before he went home, he took a look at the bank card that Gong Shaoting handed him, which was the reward for helping him carve. The numbers in it Xiaowan came directly.

When you use money to do things, you naturally have to be more attentive.

"No, no, no, Mr. Su, reward is reward. Most people can't carve such exquisite jade carvings. If you can, please give me a favor and let me treat you to a nice meal to thank you."

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan said"no" three times in a row.

This kind of thanks had one purpose, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to close the relationship with Su Hang.

He had originally thought of other ways of thanking him, For example, he would give Su Hang a red envelope or give him some gifts, but after thinking about it, he rejected it. He had already given Su Hao money several times before, so if he gave Su Hao another red envelope, it would be a different way. It was too single, and it always felt a little inappropriate. I'm afraid it would also leave a bad impression on Su Hang.

As for giving gifts, apart from knowing that Su Hang likes carving, he really didn't know much about anything else, and he had already given them before. Two pieces of top-quality jade, and then giving top-quality jade as a gift would be a little too simple.

So after thinking about it, I still feel that eating is better, and I can express my gratitude more directly and intuitively.

"This...that's okay."

Hearing what Gong Maoyan said, Su Hang thought about it and agreed.

Everyone said so. If he didn't agree, it would be too shameful.

After that, Su Hang and Gong Maoyan They agreed on the time and place for dinner, and then turned around and left.

The next morning, the heavy snow that fell the previous day had stopped, but since yesterday, the whole city had accumulated a thick layer of snow. There is a layer of snow.

Although the city staff have tried their best to clean the snow on the road, it is still difficult to melt away after a while, and it is easy for cars to slip on the road.

Today, Suhang is still lying on the ground. On the bed, on this snowy day, it was indeed a beautiful thing to lie in the bedroom and have a comfortable sleep. It was not until eight or nine o'clock, when Lin Jia called him to have breakfast, that Su Hang climbed out of the bed Get up.

After breakfast, Su Hang originally planned to go out for a walk, take a walk or something, but Liu Bao suddenly ran over and hugged Su Hang's arm.

"Dad, can I ask you a favor?"

She asked while gently shaking Su Hang's arm.

"Um? What's the matter? If you have anything to say, just say it. Let's talk it out first and listen. I'm considering whether to answer or not."

Hearing this, Su Hang frowned slightly, and then said.

Although under normal circumstances, he will agree to the requests of the treasures, it will depend on the situation. Some of the more outrageous requests may not be beneficial to the treasures. If you grow up, Suhang will still refuse.

"Yes, just recently I saw a small ice sculpture competition being held over there in the park. If possible, I would like to sign up for it.……"

Liu Bao said, and the further he spoke, the softer his voice became.

At the end of the sentence, his voice was like the sound of a mosquito. If Su Hang hadn't had good hearing, he might not have been able to hear what she was saying.

"ah? Participating in the ice sculpture competition is a good thing. Dad supports you. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Hearing this, Su Hang thought for a moment, and then said directly.

He quite supports Liu Bao's participation in such a small competition. After all, Liu Bao has been learning jade carving from him and accumulated a lot of valuable experience.

If she signs up to participate This kind of ice sculpture competition will have a natural advantage, and it will be easier to start carving ice sculptures.

If you win a small award or something in the competition, this will also be good for Liubao's future growth. It is definitely very beneficial.

Even if she can't win any prizes in this kind of ice sculpture competition, it can increase her life experience and accumulate a lot of valuable experience for her. In any case, it will be very beneficial to Liu Bao.

So Su Hang is also very supportive of this matter.

"Really? Thank you dad."

Hearing this, Liu Bao first looked at Su Hang with a look of disbelief, and after realizing it, he said very excitedly.

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