
The next moment, the snowball hit Dabao's face directly.

The cold feeling instantly made Dabao's sleepy eyes fade away, and he couldn't help but shudder.


Seeing this scene, the other Jibao were also amused and laughed, because the way Dabao ate was so funny.

Most of his face was covered with a thin layer of snow, which was even more comical, especially since he had just been excited.

However, Dabao was not angry because of this and wiped the ice and snow from his face with his sleeves.

"Okay, Xiaozhuo, how dare you sneak attack me!"

Following that, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked Si Bao

"Hehe... Brother, this is called war."

Hearing this, Si Bao retorted very confidently that this idiom was taught to him by their teacher.

"Good guy, you never tire of deception, right? I will make you never tire of deceit.……"

Dabao's eyes narrowed slightly. As he spoke, his hands were already on the snow at his feet, and then he threw a handful of snow towards the four treasures.

Si Bao couldn't dodge for a while, and was also beaten. The miserable scene was not much better than Dabao just now.


For a moment, there was another sound of joy in the yard.

However, this is not the end

"Let me show you what fire coverage is. Dabao shouted softly, picked up two more handfuls of snow on the ground, shaped them into snowballs and threw them at Sibao.

This time, Sibao reacted quickly and dodged both snowballs, but this time It was just the beginning. Dabao threw several more snowballs one after another and was hit twice.

"I'm going to start fighting back."

After being hit several times by the snowballs thrown by Dabao, Sibao also put his arms across his forehead and said.

Then, he resisted the snowballs thrown by Dabao and picked up two handfuls of snow from the ground. Throw it over.

For a while, snowballs flying here and there kept flying in the air, and the two of them had a great time playing. The other treasures did not watch the show aside, but formed teams to play, and so did the whole yard. There was a cheerful laughter like silver bells.

Su Hang, who was resting in bed, was also awakened by this burst of laughter.


Seeing the scene of children laughing and playing together outside the window, Su Hang couldn't help but chuckle.

The children's joy seemed to have infected him.

"It seems like I haven’t had fun with the kids for a long time.……"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang murmured softly.

He has been quite busy during this time, running around here and there every day, leaving little time to play with the children.

"Ding! Help the kids come out with an elaborate snowman"

"Task reward: 30,000 yuan."

At this moment, a voice sounded next to Su Hang's ears. It was the voice when the system issued a task.

Looking back, it may be because he was too busy during this period and had little time to play with the children. The system It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a mission.

Unexpectedly, by some strange combination of circumstances, a new mission came today.

"Build a snowman……"

Immediately afterwards, Su Hang committed suicide and muttered.

Then, he put on the clothes beside the bed, prepared to wash up, and then went to the yard to play with the children, and by the way, he built a snowman or something.

Su Hang didn't care much about the tens of thousands of yuan reward in the mission, but he wanted to take the opportunity to spend more time with the children and build a snowman with them. It was a good idea.

Not long after, Su Hang finished washing, then put on his coat and walked to the yard.

At this time, the treasures seemed to have stopped because they were tired from playing, and Dabao and Sibao were even panting.

I don’t know whether it was because of the intense exercise just now or because it was too cold in the courtyard. The two cheeks looked like red apples.

"Dad, why did you come out?"

"Dad, did we wake you up because we were too noisy?"

"we didn't mean it……"

Seeing Su Hang coming out, the treasures immediately surrounded him, and then they all said sensibly.

They thought it was because they were too noisy just now and accidentally woke up Su Hang.

Because Suhang is quite busy during this period, plus it is winter, he will get up later.

Usually at this time, Su Hang is still lying in bed sleeping.

"Of course not, isn't this the first snow this winter? I'll come out and take a look."

Hearing this, Su Hang explained with a smile.

Then, he turned to look at Liu Bao

"Xiaoran, what were you doing just now? Are you making a snowman?"

Immediately, Su Hang asked again.

When he was still in the room, he lay on the window and looked out for a few times. While other quarterly reports were having snowball fights and playing in the snow, only Liubao was rolling snowballs there.

"Yeah, yeah dad, but I gave up."

Hearing this, Liu Bao nodded, then lowered his head, looking a little unhappy.

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