This is what surprised Gong Maoyan and the others, and it is enough to show the quality of this jar of wine.

Compared with ordinary top-quality wine, this bottle of top-quality Bamboo Leaf Green, which has been aged for twenty years, seems to be mixed with a trace of earthy smell, as well as the aroma after sedimentation.

"You brats, look, what am I talking about? Don’t believe me yet, you missed such a good wine and you won’t be able to drink it today."

When he smelled this fragrance, Mr. Zhang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually very afraid of overturning.

After all, this bottle of wine has been stored for so many years. Although the longer the wine is kept, the more fragrant and mellow it becomes. But there must be good storage methods, and even a special wine cellar.

Otherwise, once a certain period has passed or is not stored well, it will easily deteriorate, and then it will not be fine wine, but poisonous wine. But looking at it now, all these worries were unnecessary. After the mellow smell of wine wafted out, they were sure that there was nothing wrong with the bottle of wine and that it was well preserved. Immediately afterwards,

Gong Shaoting also When the last layer of paper was opened, a stronger aroma of wine wafted out, filling the entire yard in an instant.

If this was placed in the house, the aroma of wine would probably be even stronger and richer. Can't breathe


The old man greedily smelled the aroma of this wine, as if he was afraid that it would be wasted if it spreads.

"Get the bowl. Get the bowl."

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Zhang said hello, and he couldn't wait to take a bite.

But because he had just recovered and had difficulty moving, otherwise, I ran to get a bowl and poured it myself.


Hearing this, Gong Shaoting also excitedly agreed, quickly took a wine bowl, and filled it up for the old man.


Clear wine flowed out of the jar, just like a glass of clear water, without appearing turbid at all.

"Be careful, be careful and don't waste it."

Seeing Gong Shaoting spilling a few drops of wine on the table because he didn't hold his hand steady, Zhang Zhengzheng quickly scolded him, but he almost felt sorry for him.


Gong Shaoting could only smile awkwardly and did not dare to talk back.

You can't blame him just now. There was too much wine in it. It was inevitable that some would be spilled when it first arrived. Now there is no wine vessel to hold the wine, so I can only pour it like this.

Gong Shaoting finished pouring the food for Mr. Zhang Gongzheng, and then turned to Gong Maoyan, Su Hang and others to pour the food one by one.

"I'll drink this bowl of wine first, old man!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Gongzheng raised his wine bowl and said, he couldn't wait to taste what it tasted like.

"Dad, your body has just recovered. Don't drink like this."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yun frowned and persuaded.

Although she did not object, because Zhang Yun knew her father's temper, she could not stop Zhang Zhengyi, but if she drank it on an empty stomach, she would still Injurious to the body

"Sigh~ It’s okay, it’s just this one cup now. I’ve finished the bottle of wine today, and I might not have to drink it in the future."

Hearing this, Zhang Gongzheng waved his hand and retorted directly and confidently.

After that, he didn't pay attention to other people and just drank the big bowl of wine.


Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun let out a worried sound, and even though he drank a large bowl of wine, nothing happened. He seemed fine now.

However, this made Zhang Yun worried as much as he could, and he hurriedly rushed to the house. Gong Maoyan looked at Gong Maoyan and asked him to think of a way.

He didn't care about anything else. Anyway, she had to ask her father, who had just gotten better today, to drink less.

Gong Maoyan also gave her a reassuring look in return. , showing that they were sensible in their hearts.

After that, Su Hang and Gong Shaoting also picked up the wine bowls in their hands and tasted them carefully. The rich aroma of the wine made it slightly bitter after entering the mouth, but after tasting it carefully, It is a little sweet, and this wonderful taste is also unique.

The best bamboo leaf green, after so many years of precipitation, the wine aroma left on the tongue is more lasting and mellow

"Good wine!"

After taking the first sip of wine, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

The words of sudden emotion were extremely concise, but just this sentence was enough to represent their mood at this time.

Boom boom...

After just a few breaths, I could only hear the sound of them swallowing the wine. All the wine bowls that had just been filled were already empty.

"It’s comfortable, I haven’t had such a good drink in years!"

Following that, Mr. Zhang sighed with emotion, and kept smacking his tongue, as if he was reminiscing about the taste of the wine just now.

However, he did not continue to drink. Although the wine was good, he should not be greedy.

He knew that his In terms of physical condition, it is already the limit to fuck such a big bowl on an empty stomach. If he does it for one more night, his body may not be able to withstand it.

In this regard, he is worse than Zhang Yun and Gong Maoyan. You know a lot, after all, you know your own body best.

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