He seemed to have seen through Zhang Zhengyi's thoughts, but he did not point it out to his face. Instead, he admired the old man even more.

If it were an ordinary person, after experiencing such a process of constant conversion between disappointment and hope, I am afraid that they would gradually give up completely. Some people would even give up treatment directly and start to become completely ruined.

But Zhang Zhengyi was different. Even after so many years, he still had hope in his heart to heal his body, but it was hidden so deeply that most people couldn't see it.

The reason why I hide it deeply is to prevent myself from being more disappointed after the treatment fails. After all, the higher I stand, the harder I fall.

"Well, let's start the treatment directly."

Then, Su Hang nodded, and started the treatment directly without saying any more nonsense.

He first asked Gong Shaoting to prepare the medicinal materials to be used. Gong Shaoting had gone to Li Zhengcheng's place with him once before. Finally, he had a more or less understanding, so he wouldn't be in a hurry to cause anything to happen.

After that, Su Hang took out his pack of silver needles, first helped Zhang Zhengyi press various parts of the body, and then started to apply the needles.

Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun watched carefully from the side. Zhang Yun's eyes looked a little worried from time to time. Fortunately, Gong Maoyan kept holding her palm. When

Zhang Yun was worried, Gong Maoyan would lightly He gave it a gentle squeeze and said a few words of comfort.

In fact, Gong Maoyan himself was very nervous. After a while, his palms gradually began to sweat.

"Sigh~ Why don't we go out and walk in the yard first? Don't let the disease not be cured by then, but we will be nervous to death first."

After some time, Gong Maoyan couldn't help but sigh, and then made a joke to Zhang Yun who was smiling on the side.

Although he knew that Su Hang was helping Zhang Zhengyi with acupuncture and treating him, but just looking at it, Their eyelids jumped, as if those silver needles were piercing their bodies. Their hearts became nervous. Gong Maoyan also followed the concept of seeing out of sight, so he suggested this.

"Well, let's go."

Zhang Yun nodded and agreed.

Although he knew that Gong Maoyan was joking with him, he also knew that what he proposed was indeed a solution.

The two of them continued to watch here, but instead showed themselves He was extremely nervous.

As for Gong Shaoting, he went out to buy various medicinal materials and other things needed according to Su Hang's instructions.

After a long time, Gong Shaoting came back.

"Master, I have bought everything you asked for. Do you think there is anything missing?"

Gong Shaoting asked while placing bags of things on the table aside.

"Well, no need, these are enough. You go and boil these medicinal materials. You may want to come over and help your grandpa wipe his body later."

Su Hang nodded, and then gave another instruction

"Well done, master."

Gong Shaoting agreed, and then glanced at Zhang Gongzheng.

He had seen Su Hang helping Li Zhengcheng with acupuncture before. At that time, Li Zhengcheng was pricked like a hedgehog. Now Zhang Gongzheng is fine.

Therefore, after seeing this scene, he was not as nervous as Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun.

In fact, Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun were more nervous because they were afraid that Su Hang could not cure Zhang Zhengyi's illness. He was worried, but Gong Shaoting was different. He had absolute confidence in Su Hang.

After that, he hugged the medicinal materials he had just bought and went to cook them.

During this period, he didn’t know how long it had been. When Shaoting came back with a large pot of boiled medicinal materials, Su Hang had already helped Zhang Zhengyi take out all the silver needles.

At this time, in addition to Su Hang and the other three, Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun also left. Come in.

They had just heard that Su Hang said that the treatment for Zhang Zhengyi was at the last moment. These two people could not bear their temper and wanted to come in and witness the moment when Zhang Zhengyi stood up again.

"Master, do you want me to come up and help my grandpa scrub his body now?"

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting came up and asked quickly.

When Li Gaoyuan helped Li Zhengcheng wipe his legs last time, he stood aside. This kind of thing was not very difficult, so he felt that he had better do it. Earned

"No need for now, wait a moment, I want to confirm some neurological reactions in the old man's body."

Su Hang shook his head and then explained.

If he is not sure, there will be no way to proceed with the next step of treatment.

"Old man, do you feel your legs are itchy now?"

Then, Su Hang turned his head to look at Zhang Zhengyi, and then asked again

"No, I feel a little warm in my legs and other parts of my body now. After you just inserted the needle for me, I seem to have some sensation. Do I want to come down and try it now?"

Zhang Gongzheng shook his head, and then said very excitedly. He couldn't wait to get out of bed.

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