After looking, hearing, and asking, Su Hang found that nothing was left behind. In addition, he kept playing with Zhang Zhengyi's body to see what kind of condition he had.

Mr. Zhang himself was also very cooperative. Even Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun felt that the stubborn old man seemed to have changed his temper today.

In the past, Zhang Zhengyi was annoyed by the doctors who came to check him one after another, but he was not so easy to talk to.

In the end, Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun could only focus on Su Hang and attribute all the reasons to him.


After the general inspection, Su Hang also fell into deep thought, tapping the old man's leg from time to time.

Zhang Gongzheng himself didn't feel anything, but Gong Maoyan, Zhang Yun and Gong Shaoting next to him looked a little anxious.

"How's it going? How is my dad's health?"

Zhang Yun was the first to step forward and ask. She is the one who has the closest relationship with the old man among all the people present, so she is also the one who cares about him the most.

"The situation was not good, his previous body was too worn out."

Su Hang shook his head, and then said

"Look, let me just say, I understand my own physical condition, young man, think about what you are going to prepare for your gift."

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang himself chuckled lightly, then waved his hands and said.

However, if you listen carefully, there is still a bit of disappointment and decadence in his words. What he originally said to Su Hang, I felt that I had a little bit of hope, but now that I heard what he said, my hope was instantly shattered.

Although the gap seems small, it actually has a huge impact on a person.

Just like Zhang A person like Zheng Zheng, who has been involved in official circles all year round, has a very good psychological quality, so he will not show anything.

However, he had already made psychological preparations before Su Hang's inspection, so he still had the intention to joke with Su Hang at this time


Hearing this, Zhang Yun and Gong Maoyan also sighed together, feeling that this trip was in vain.

Although each of them is a very shrewd person, they will not put their own The emotions are shown on their faces, but the depression in their hearts can be imagined

"Oh~ wait a minute, I haven’t finished speaking yet, why are you asking me to prepare a gift?"

However, at this moment, Su Hang's conversation suddenly changed, and then he suddenly said


As soon as they heard this, Gong Maoyan and the others raised their heads for a few moments, and even Zhang Zhengyi looked at Su Hang fiercely.

Listening to the meaning of Su Hang's words, can the old man's disease be cured?!!

"Young man, we can eat as much as we want, but don’t say random things. It’s just a joke, but don’t let me, an old man, take it seriously."

Following that, Zhang Gongzheng quickly expressed that if anyone cared about his condition, it was probably him.

At this age, he has been busy for most of his life and has not fulfilled his wish well. Now he has It was time, but he was still ill in bed.

This shows how strong his desire to stand up again was.

So when Su Hang just said those words, Zhang Zhengyi was not so surprised, but a little surprised. Flustered.

He was afraid that next, he would hear another disappointing answer from Su Hang.

"Can my father's condition really get better? Mr. Su, did you just mean that you can cure my father's disease?"

Immediately afterwards, she quickly asked.

At this moment, anyone could hear the excitement in her words, and even her voice trembled because of it.

"No one has ever dared to say that they are completely sure about curing a disease, but I estimate that it is 70% to 80% possible."

Hearing this, Su Hang also responded with a smile.

At this time, of all the people in the room, he was probably the only one who acted the most relaxed. The hearts of others were all clenched together.

The conversation between several people , the whole process fell into Zhang Zhengyi’s ears without missing a word, and for a moment, he actually became a little distracted.


After a while, Zhang Zhengyi let out a long breath and then gradually came back to his senses.

"OK OK."

Then, Zhang Gongzheng looked at Su Hang again. He seemed to have a lot of things to say, but when he opened his mouth, he came back with the same words, just saying three good words in a row.

If anyone has sharp eyes, they will notice that Zhang The few drops of moisture in the corner of Zheng Zheng's eyes, the excitement in his heart at this moment, was no less than that in Zhang Yun's heart

"Mr. Su, why did you just talk about my father-in-law’s body?……"

At this moment, Gong Maoyan also came up and muttered softly. He still remembered Su Hang's contemplative look just now.

"The old man's body was indeed a bit over-stretched when he was young, but thanks to you, he has taken good care of it and kept it warm and professional in the past few years, and it has recovered a lot."

Hearing this, Su Hang explained softly without hiding anything.

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