"That's it……"

After listening, Gong Maoyan murmured softly, and then fell into deep thought.

"The child has made everything clear. Now that the truth is out, what else do you want?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yun on the side glared at Gong Maoyan, and then asked

"Come on, son, drink this boiled water quickly and take a good rest later."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yun handed a glass of boiling water to Gong Shaoting, and then said

"What do you know?"

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan responded.

He originally just suspected that Gong Shaoting had been brainwashed. Now looking at his appearance, there is no need to doubt it. It can be directly determined. It's not that he doesn't believe Gong Shaoting. , it is true that an all-round person like Su Hang can reach the extreme in various skills, which is a bit too legendary, or outrageous. What

Gong Maoyan does not believe is that there are such excellent people in this world exist with perfect people

"I don't understand why. My son is so drunk now. Even if I ask him, I can't find anything reliable. He is probably talking nonsense. It's better to wait until he is completely sober tomorrow morning before asking."

Zhang Yun also glared back at Gong Maoyan, and then said directly.

She usually trusts her son more, but she also feels that what Gong Shaoting just said is too bizarre, and it is probably all nonsense spoken after being drunk..

Immediately after Zhang Yun finished speaking, she no longer cared about Gong Maoyan sitting aside, and directly supported Gong Shaoting towards his bedroom with one hand. It was almost eleven o'clock at this time, so let Gong Shaoting should rest for the night before talking about anything else.

"That's true……"

Hearing this, Gong Maoyan nodded, obviously agreeing with Zhang Yun's point of view.

I feel that what Gong Shaoting said just now may be some drunken nonsense, and some of it is too nonsense.

Afterwards, he and Zhang Yun sent Gong Shaoting back to the bedroom for news.

Although the place where Gong Shaoting lived was not particularly large, it could be called a small villa. Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun also lived in a bedroom next door.

It's already very late now, and it's not very safe on the way back, so it's better to just stay here.

Moreover, Gong Maoyan still thought that after Gong Shaoting sobered up tomorrow, she would continue to question him.

At the same time, on Su Hang's side, he supported the drunk Su Cheng and finally returned home.

Lin Jia and Lin Yueqing were worried about Su Hang and the others, and had been watching TV in the living room, waiting for them to come back.

As for the treasures, they ran back to the bedroom to rest early.

"What's going on with you guys? Why did you drink so much?"

As soon as he saw Su Hang and Su Cheng come back, Lin Yueqing hurriedly ran up and asked. Wrinkles appeared on his originally smooth skin because of his frown.

"Mom, isn't it because my dad was happy that his old friend's condition had eased a little, so he was forced to drink more."

Hearing this, Su Hang explained with a wry smile.

He is not drunk. With his physique, he will basically not get drunk after having such a meal.

As for Su Cheng, although he originally had a high capacity for drinking Okay, but because Li Zhengcheng spent a lot of money this time and took out the good wine he collected, and because Li Zhengcheng kept urging him to drink, he accidentally drank two more glasses.

"You can't drink so much. Look at how drunk you are now."

Hearing this, Lin Yueqing retorted, and then looked at Su Cheng with a look of disgust.

The Lin family didn't say much, and instead hurriedly poured two glasses of boiling water, and then helped Su Hang and Su Cheng sober up.

Su Cheng also Not idle, he randomly prepared some sobering medicine and gave Su Cheng to take it, which made him feel better.

After finishing all this, it was almost twelve o'clock, and then he sent his father Su Cheng to the hospital. After entering the room to rest, Su Hang also lay on the bed and fell asleep.

He had worked hard all day today, and he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Although in the afternoon, in the room Li Gaoyuan prepared for them, Su Hang also He squinted for a while, but I'm afraid he didn't sleep for even an hour, and it only slightly relieved his sleepiness.

Now after returning home, Su Hang basically lay on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

The next day, Gong Shaoting at home.

He was still lying on the bed sleeping soundly, but suddenly he felt a lightness on his body, and then his buttocks began to feel cold. He reached out to grab it, and then he realized that his quilt was missing.

"Dad, Mom!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly. When he saw Gong Maoyan and Zhang Yun standing in front of him, he was instantly startled, and then he called softly.

At this time, the original sleepiness disappeared instantly. See Looking at his parents, it was as if he saw two fierce ghosts standing in front of him.

How can he sleep here?!!

"Look at what time it is. The sun is shining on your butt. Are you still sleeping?"

Gong Maoyan glared at Gong Shaoting, and then asked. It was almost eleven or two o'clock noon.

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