"Good boy, you actually dare to mention this to me. We agreed to have a grandson. I have been waiting for so many years, but I still haven’t seen you bring me a girlfriend."

As soon as he heard this, Li Zhengcheng's expression changed instantly.

For a moment, he seemed to be really angry, blowing his beard and staring. He seemed to have forgotten that he was washing his feet and legs with a medicinal bath at the moment.


Li Gaoyuan squatted on the ground, a little embarrassed by Li Zhengcheng's scolding, and could only cover it up with a cough.

He regretted that he would not have mentioned this matter if he had known it earlier. Now that he mentioned it, Li Zhengcheng felt more energetic.

"You old man, you are still enthusiastic about a few words about you, right?"

Su Cheng couldn't stand it anymore and stood up to defend Li Gaoyuan.

"No, no, no, I'm not talking about this brat. As the saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial, and the worst is to have no children. Look at him, he is almost twenty-eight years old, and he is going to have a wife. He doesn't even have a wife."

Li Zhengcheng shook his head firmly. On this matter, he was not going to give in even a step.

"Then you have to give the children a buffer time. It's not sweet to be forced, so don't rush. If you let Xiaoyuan bring you a daughter-in-law at will, what if you don't live happily in the future?……"

Su Cheng said, and wanted to persuade him a few more words, but was directly interrupted by Li Zhengcheng.

"If you're not happy, you're not happy. He used this excuse a few years ago. Look at Su Hang, he has six children."

Li Zhengcheng said directly, and the topic shifted directly to Su Hang.


Hearing this, Li Gaoyuan also looked at Su Hang with a surprised look on his face. Su Hang's age seems to be not even older than him, right? There are six children?

Isn't it too fierce to be true?!


Hearing this, Su Hang smiled bitterly and explained that he could suffer this unreasonable disaster even if he stood aside.

"It turns out that’s the case, no wonder……"

Hearing this, Li Gaoyuan finally understood

"How is it? If you are able, you can find a wife and give me more grandchildren to send you out. I will take care of the babies and you don’t have to worry about the rest."

Li Zhengcheng refused to give up and continued.

"Hahaha... It's really not good to embarrass children like this."

Su Cheng laughed loudly and said something for Li Gaoyuan again, which made Li Gaoyuan feel grateful.

But Su Cheng's next words instantly made Li Gaoyuan's eyes turn resentful.

"But my grandchildren are indeed very cute. They shout around me every day. When I went to see them yesterday, they all shouted around me and said they miss me."

Su Cheng seemed to have thought of yesterday's scene and said sincerely.

"Did you hear that?"

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Li Zhengcheng felt even more angry for a moment.

If he could, he wanted to directly lift his foot and kick Li Gaoyuan.

The kind of children and grandchildren Su Cheng has He had never felt the joy of being in a room full of people until now, but Li Zhengcheng felt that he did not need to have what his old friend had!

"Dad, haven't I been busy with the company's affairs during this time? I really don’t have time. Please give me more time.……"

Li Gaoyuan explained aggrievedly, but before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Li Zhengcheng

"The excuses you use are almost cliche. When you were 22 or 23 years old, you said you were young and not in a hurry. That’s fine. I respect your choice."

"Until the twenty-fifth or twenty-sixth, if you say you want to concentrate on your work, then I won’t bother you."

After a pause, Li Zhengcheng continued. When he said this, his tone was quite gentle.

"Now you can be considered successful in your career, and most of the company listens to you. If you give me any excuses, don't come back to this house in the future."

But then, his tone suddenly changed and became stern.

From the looks of it, if Su Cheng hadn't known about his sharp-tongued person, he would have really thought that Li Zhengcheng had kicked Li Gaoyuan out.

"I...have a lot of things going on in the company recently……"

Li Gaoyuan muttered in a low voice, but he did not dare to underestimate it too loudly for fear of making Li Zhengcheng angry.

"Okay, okay, because I don’t have time for company matters, you can stop for this reason."

Li Zhengcheng stretched out his hand and quickly told Li Zhengcheng to stop.

"After Su Hang heals my leg, I will take care of the company's affairs for you first, and then you can go on a blind date with me honestly, and don't talk about slowly dating your girlfriend."

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhengcheng added another sentence.

His leg hasn't completely healed yet, and he is already thinking about what will happen next.

"I, got it, Dad……"

Hearing this, Li Gaoyuan wanted to refute something more, but when he saw Li Zhengcheng's serious eyes, he immediately gave up and had no choice but to agree.

He understood that he might not be able to escape this time.

"Ha ha……"

And this scene also made others around him chuckle.

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