In the end, not only was Li Zhengcheng not cured, but he wasted time and accelerated Li Zhengcheng's condition.

This kind of thing is not unprecedented, but your words brought back Li Zhengcheng and Li Gaoyuan's previous memories.

If Su Hang couldn't cure it and instead accelerated the condition's deterioration again, then their happiness would be in vain this time.

Immediately, Li Zhengcheng and Li Gaoyuan also turned their attention to Su Hang again, wanting to see what Su Hang said next.

"Although I am only 60% sure of curing my Uncle Li, even if he cannot be cured, I am sure of directly preventing the worsening of his condition, at least not causing him to feel any more pain."

In this regard, Su Hang directly gave an affirmative answer.

In fact, he said that he was 60% sure, but it was only a conservative estimate. If there are no accidents in the middle, the certainty of being cured will only be higher.

"That's fine, that's fine……"

Hearing this, Li Zhengcheng murmured twice.

It can directly stop the deterioration of his condition. Compared with Stannie's therapy, which can delay the deterioration of his condition, this is already much better.


But at this moment, Su Hang just said two words, but it made other people's hearts rise to their throats.

"Let me state in advance that there is no problem in stopping the deterioration of Uncle Li's condition. We can also restore his legs to their previous appearance, but it will be a bit difficult to move freely again."

After a pause, Su Hang emphasized again.

He must explain these things clearly to Li Zhengcheng and the others first, otherwise their expectations will be even greater by then. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid It all depends on Su Hang.

"That’s it? It's okay, just treat it and it'll be fine. Even if you really have to lie in bed for the rest of your life, I'll admit it."

Hearing this, Li Zhengcheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said quickly.

Li Gaoyuan on the side also breathed a sigh of relief. What Su Hang said was nothing.

Now he only hopes that his father will stop being like this As long as it was so painful before, at least he could sleep peacefully every night.

During this period of time, due to the severe pain all over his body, Li Gaoyuan estimated that his father had not even slept for a full hour. So much so that Li Zhengcheng is now The body of a man who is only 50 or 60 years old looks like an old man of 70 or 80 years old, and his spirit is not as good as before.


Seeing this scene, Stannie opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but thought of the reaction caused by what he just said, he swallowed it back.


Then, Su Hang also nodded, then took out a paper and pen and started writing on it.

These are the materials that will be used to help Li Zhengcheng treat a doctor later. He also wrote very carefully, including the details of each medicinal material. The proportions were all accurate to grams.

Seeing Su Hang writing something, Li Gaoyuan and Stannie also came over with curious expressions on their faces.

"Nephew, if you have anything to say in the future, could you please say it in one breath?"

As for Li Zhengcheng, he said something without starting to the end.

If this happens a few more times, Li Zhengcheng originally just had a leg problem, and he may suffer from heart disease in the future.

Just now Su Hang didn't speak very clearly at the beginning. He was always interrupted every time he spoke, so he spoke intermittently and incompletely. As a result, Li Zhengcheng and the others misunderstood Su Hang's meaning several times. After the ups and downs, even a stronger heart would not be able to bear it.

Of course, this is also related to the psychological changes that have occurred after they experienced many disappointments in seeking medical treatment without success.

"ah? Feel sorry!"

Hearing this, Su Hang was slightly startled for a moment, then remembered the twists and turns just now, and said quickly


After saying this, Su Cheng, Li Zhengcheng and the others looked at each other and burst into laughter, as did Su Hang and the others.

These few words, even a little confusing, made his originally dull atmosphere a little lighter.

Sometimes, happiness between men is so simple!

"Yes, be sure to strictly follow the dosage stated above."

Soon, Su Hang wrote the list in his hand and handed it to Li Gaoyuan who was standing aside.

"Don't worry, I'll watch it myself."

Hearing this, Li Gaoyuan nodded, then patted his chest and said.

This is about whether his father's condition can get better, and he must pay attention to it.

And when he got the order handed over by Su Hang , but found that the originally blank piece of paper was now completely filled with writing, as if ants had climbed up.

"Tsk tsk……"

Seeing this, Li Gaoyuan couldn't help but smack his tongue.

Being able to write down the ratios of so many medicinal materials and the required tools in such a short period of time is also an incredible skill.

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