"Come on, what do you need me to do to prepare?"

Hearing this, Li Zhengcheng asked again.

Like Li Gaoyuan, he also had no expectations for Su Hang. After all, Su Hang looked too young. Generally speaking, most people would think that his qualifications were still low.

However, he no longer has any hope for his illness to get better, and now he can only act as a doctor.

Moreover, this is also for the sake of his old friend, so he agreed to let Su Hang perform treatment.

"No, if you're ready, let's check it out first."

Hearing this, Su Hang shook his head, and then said


Li Zhengcheng nodded. Just as he was about to accept the examination, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"You only know a little bit about medical skills, but do you dare to go out and treat people casually like this?"

I only heard a somewhat sarcastic voice coming from the second floor of the hall.

Su Hang looked along the voice and saw a white-haired old man in his fifties or sixties, standing in front of the fence and watching.

It was obvious , some of their previous conversations below were all heard by the old man.


Su Cheng frowned. He brought his son here. Now that someone is saying this, it would be strange if he feels comfortable.


Seeing Su Cheng's bad expression, Li Zhengcheng looked a little embarrassed, and he couldn't say anything more to the old man upstairs.

It was Stannie, the medical professor who his son had spent a lot of effort to bring back from abroad. If he got angry at the rebuttal, he might just throw up his sleeves and leave.

Su Hang, on the other hand, had a relaxed look on his face, as if he had not heard those words. It was not like he had never heard words like this before when he went out to treat people.

"Professor Stanley, this is my father's friend. He came here out of good intentions and brought someone to help my father see a doctor."

Seeing this, Li Gaoyuan on the side also quickly came out to smooth things over, which made the awkward atmosphere seem better.

Before that, many doctors had been found to help Li Zhengcheng, but there was no improvement at all. Some of them even worsened.

However, Stannie was different.

Although he did not completely stabilize Li Zhengcheng's condition after he came here, under his operations, Li Zhengcheng's condition improved. The condition will worsen, at least much slower than before.

This is the hope of Li Zhengcheng and his son. In addition, Stannie is also a very famous medical professor abroad, so they are very polite to him.

"Lao Su, this is the medical professor my son brought back from abroad. He has made great achievements in orthopedics. He has this temper.……"

The embarrassment on Li Zhengcheng's face did not diminish.

After all, it was in front of his old friends, and his face was a little disgraceful when he was said so rudely.

"It's okay, it's okay, professor of medicine, it's not normal for anyone with some ability to feel low-spirited or arrogant."

Hearing this, Su Cheng's face became much better, and he also helped Li Zhengcheng to smooth things over. But this does not mean that his impression of Stannie has changed. He was purely doing it to take care of his old friend's face. That's what he said.

Otherwise, with Su Cheng's temper, he would have already started to teach him how to be humble when he met such a tough guy.

But at this moment, Gong Shaoting suddenly suddenly Close to Su Hang's ear

"Master, is this old man Wai Guoren unable to understand us because his Chinese language is so poor?"

Gong Shaoting made a joke in a low voice.

But from his humming voice, you could vaguely hear that Gong Shaoting was suppressing a smile. Just now, Su Hang said that he knew a little bit about medical skills. It was obvious at a glance that he Humble words, but that foreign old man seemed to take it seriously.

"Keep your voice down, don't let that old man hear you, you are so old, it would be bad if you make someone angry.……"

Hearing this, Su Hang became interested for a moment, and then teased in a low voice


Professor Danny raised his eyebrows, and then walked down from the second floor.

"Mr. Li, have you forgotten that some doctors with poor medical skills not only failed to treat your illness, but even made your condition gradually worsen?"

After a pause, Standan stepped forward and asked.

When he looked at Su Hang, he also had a look of doubt on his face.

It was not that he let it go without reason, after all, such a situation had indeed happened before.

Stannie didn't want to have someone mess up Li Zhengcheng's condition after he finally helped Li Zhengcheng stabilize his condition. If it worsened again, even he wouldn't be able to save it.

"Professor Shi Danni, I know my own illness well. Didn't you say that it can't be cured? Anyway, my life is ruined, so why not give it a try?"

Hearing this, Li Zhengcheng said directly.

When he said this, he was already a little unhappy.

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