For a moment, Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing were the only two people left in the entire huge hall.

"Alas, these teachers nowadays don’t know how to reduce the burden on these children. They write homework every day and make people stupid.……"

Seeing this, Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh, and then said.

He naturally knew the reason for all this. The treasures were afraid that he and Lin Yueqing would start arguing here again, so they left in advance.

But Lin Yueqing stood here, and he did not dare to blame him face to face. He could only pour out his depression on the teacher of Zhongbao.

I am afraid that the teacher of all the treasures must be sneezing one after another at home at this time. It is true that if you sit at home, disaster will come from the sky, and even if you lie down, you will attract others' attention.

And it happened that at this moment, Su Hang had just walked out of the kitchen.

"Parents, what are you talking about? Why did Xiaochen and the others see me running away suddenly?"

As he walked up to the two people in Su Cheng, Su Hang couldn't help but ask softly.

As soon as he came out, he saw the security door disintegrating with a bang. He thought it was his own fault that made them run back to the house.

"It's nothing. Aren't you going to help Lin Jia cook in the kitchen?"

Su Cheng shook his head, as if he was a little unhappy because of the treasures, and then looked at Su Hang and responded.

"Ang, I'll go in and help him in a moment. I just heard Lin Jia say, you guys have something to do with me today. What's the matter?"

Su Hang turned around and asked. In front of his parents, there is no need to beat around the bush.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Hearing this, Su Cheng suddenly slapped his head, as if he just remembered.

In the afternoon, he was so excited to see the treasures that he only focused on playing with them, and almost forgot about the real thing.

"The thing is like this, I have an old friend who did business with me, and he seems to have some problems with his legs during this time.……"

Immediately afterwards, Su Cheng explained the matter in detail.

The general story was that an old friend of his had served in the army for a period of time in his early years. Later, he was shot in the leg during an operation. Although the bullet was finally taken out, some of the root causes of his illness were still caused by this.

When I was young, I didn't have any problems with my physical condition. Everything felt normal, so I didn't pay too much attention to it.

But now that I am getting older, the hidden dangers left behind have exploded. Recently, my legs have suddenly become painful and unbearable, and as time goes by, they have become more and more serious.

The last time Su Cheng saw his old friend, he had trouble even walking and could only rely on others to push him in a wheelchair.

"Is it that serious? This looks like he is basically semi-paralyzed.……"

Hearing this, Su Hang frowned slightly, and then judged:

"Yes, that's fine, but the problem is that every time my old friend goes to bed at night, his legs will suddenly hurt from time to time, and it is even more torturous for him to fall asleep every night."

Su Cheng nodded, and then added.

He remembered that when he saw his old friend again in the past two days, compared with the last time, his whole complexion instantly dropped by one degree, and his face turned black.

If he does this again If he goes down, Su Cheng feels that his old friend may not be able to hold on for long.

"Dad, what are you doing?……"

Su Hang groaned softly. Although his face was confused, he had already vaguely guessed Su Cheng's purpose of coming to find him this time.

"My old friend and even the top orthopedic surgeons from abroad have been invited to check to see if the root cause of the disease is found. I guess if the disease continues to torture him like this, his body may not be able to withstand it."

"After I got home, I was thinking, your medical skills are so good, could you go over and take a look? Even if you can't let him walk normally, at least he can have a good sleep at night."

After a pause, Su Cheng revealed the purpose of his trip.

Su Hang's medical skills were obvious to all, so he wanted to come over and ask his son to give it a try.

However, his old friend's illness was too severe. Even the most top-notch technological instruments could not detect any problems after going through evil ways. Su Cheng did not have much confidence in Su Hang for a while.

"Okay, there's no problem with this. When your old friend has time, I'll go over and take a look."

Hearing this, Su Hang nodded and directly agreed to the matter.

It happened that he had some free time during this period and would not be delayed for anything.

"He, now suffering from this disease, can only stay at home every day. He is expected to be free at any time. If possible, he can do it as soon as possible."

Su Cheng said. He also wanted to save his friend from the pain as soon as possible.

Whenever he mentioned him, Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh, because when he thought of his old friend's tragic situation, his heart I also feel a little uncomfortable

"Hmm... let's do it tomorrow. I'll take the time to go over there and take a look."

Su Hang groaned, and then said directly.

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