Is Old Man Wang trying to fake the raw jade? You can tell if you cut it open and take a look.

"Yes, just cut it open and see if it will do. Moreover, this master said he is willing to pay double the price, which is a full 120,000 yuan."

"This is considered very sincere. Mr. Wang is not at a loss."

"Do you think the jade stall owner will agree?……"

Hearing this, the people around me also started to cheer.

Anyway, it’s not them who pays for it in the end, and it’s not them who lose. They just need to follow and watch the fun.


Hearing this, Old Man Wang's face sank.

Su Hang unleashed a big move on him at this moment, which made him a little confused for a moment. He had known that he shouldn't have even asked just now, and just rolled up the jade stall and left.

He didn't dare to let Su Hang really cut it open and look at it. Although it was true that ordinary people couldn't detect his deception, was Su Hang an ordinary person?!!

Obviously not. Su Hang could even tell that this uncut jade stone was fake, which shows how powerful his eyesight is.

"Forget it, I'll just take it easy today, I don't want to continue running this stall, you can come back tomorrow."

Immediately afterwards, Old Man Wang found a very far-fetched reason and forced himself to excuse himself. He had to escape as soon as possible.

Then, he ignored the obstruction of Su Hang and Gong Shaoting and quickly packed up his jade stall.

"Can't double it? How about I pay three times the price?"

Seeing this, Su Hang didn't stop him this time. Instead, he laughed like a joke.

"No, I won’t sell it today. Maybe you saw that my raw jade stone looks like a baby bump, and you are planning on it. I’ll go home and cut it off myself."

Although the old man was panicking, he still pretended to be calm on the surface. Then he glared at Su Hang and responded impatiently.

"Yeah? If it really comes out with good quality jade, I will give it back to you with both hands, but how about you return my money to me? If it doesn’t come out with good quality jade, I will also suffer the loss.……"

Su Hang said calmly, pressing forward step by step.

At this time, old man Wang is still stubborn and still wants to muddle through. He really won't give up until he reaches the Yellow River.

Hearing this, even with Old Man Wang's determination, which he had been deceiving for many years, his face could not help but change. This was simply forcing him to die.

"Yes, the master has said so, why don’t you let the master cut it open and take a look?"

"Everyone has already made such a big concession. It seems that this old man has a guilty conscience."

"Could it be that he was afraid of being exposed for his fake jade trick?……"

Seeing that Old Man Wang didn't respond, the pedestrians around him also started to cheer.

However, Old Man Wang didn't seem to hear the words around him. He didn't pay any attention to them and was still immersed in cleaning up the jade stall.

After the two minor disputes just now, he became more and more aware that Su Hang was difficult to deal with. If he said one or two more wrong words to try to save something, he might be directly handed over to the general by Su Hang.

Therefore, the best way to deal with Su Hang now is naturally to say nothing, ignore him, and not give him a chance to find any flaws and expose them.

Soon, Old Man Wang packed up his original jade stall, then grabbed it and threw it onto a broken three-wheeled motorcycle.


With a low roar from the three-wheeled motorcycle, Old Man Wang rode directly out of the raw jade market.

With Su Hang and Gong Shaoting here, he definitely couldn't stay any longer today. However, what he didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

"Huh! What happened to Mr. Wang today? Why did he close the stall so early?"

"That's right, he has never been the number one person involved in our jade raw stone market. No, is he the number one person involved in fraud?"

"I don’t know. He seemed to be walking in a hurry, as if there was a wolf chasing him. He didn’t even have time to ask.……"

Some of the jade raw stone stall owners who were familiar with Old Man Wang couldn't help but start a discussion when they saw this scene.

In this short period of time, what happened in Su Hang has not yet reached the ears of these jade raw stone stall owners, so they still don't know what happened.

At the same time, on Suhang’s side

"This old man runs really fast……"

Seeing Old Man Wang running away on a broken three-wheeled motorcycle, Su Hang shook his head and couldn't help but make a joke.

"Master, is the piece of jade he just made really fake?"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting, who had been silent just now, couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

He was originally a little curious and wanted to join in the fun and cut the raw jade stone to see for himself, but he didn't expect Old Man Wang. He actually ran so fast and didn’t even give them this chance.

"You don't know if it's fake or not. After all, they didn't let me cut it open to see. I can't make it up out of thin air, right?"

Su Hang spread his hands and said helplessly.

But when he said these words, Gong Shaoting and many pedestrians around him already had the answer in their hearts.

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