Then before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the customer who just bought raw jade stones.

"Boss Wang, this is not how you do business. I finally found such a high-quality piece of jade, how could I sell it so easily?"

The customer said directly, with a look of surprise on his face.

Then, with quick eyesight and quick hands, he held the raw jade stone in his hand, and then directly took out his mobile phone to pay, as if he was afraid that others would snatch it away.

"Alas, so is it."

Old man Wang sighed, looking helpless.

"Boss Wang, why don't you just stop selling the jade from your stone gambling stall, take back all the jade from this stone beach, and cut it all up. With the good raw jade in your stall, it's estimated that all the jade will be worth the money. Two or three times should be fine."

Immediately afterwards, the customer just seemed to be a little unbearable and gave a kind advice.

However, the voice of these words was not quiet, as if he meant to say it to other passers-by around him.

"Still couldn't do it, so I set up a stone betting stall, hoping that everyone could make money. After all, in our line of work, it's not good to be alone."

Hearing this, Old Man Wang shook his head, and then said with a righteous look.

"Okay, I'll leave first. I'll be holding this raw jade stone when I sleep tonight."

Then, the customer just shouted, and then walked away with the cut jade stone in his arms.

But when he left, the cut side of the jade was facing the pedestrians on the surrounding streets. , as if they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to see it.

Seeing this scene, the average discerning person had already figured out that that person was definitely a shill at Old Man Wang's reading stall.

But there were few discerning people after all. After this fooling, he would instantly The attention of many pedestrians around him was attracted.

They all gathered in front of Old Man Wang’s stall and picked up raw jade stones. Gong Shaoting was no exception.

"The owner of this stall is indeed a real person. If all these raw jade stones are bought back, they should be able to make a fortune."

Gong Shaoting looked at the predicted rough stones on the stone gambling stall and murmured softly, obviously thinking about it.

But what made him feel a little confused was that, just like the scene that just happened, the last time he came to Wang It seems that I have seen it once when I visited the old man's stone gambling stall.

However, it has been such a long time, and the entrustment that Old Man Wang invited this time is different from the one he invited last time, so Gong Shaoting did not associate the two together for a while. go

"This silly kid is really hopeless……"

Seeing this, Su Hang couldn't help but shook his head and took a breath.

Seeing Gong Shaoting's appearance, Su Hang already knew that he had taken the bait. If he hadn't come with Gong Shaoting today, Gong Shaoting would have been tricked by this old man again.

"Boss, how can I sell this raw jade stone?"

"If the raw jade stones selected by you are cut on site, will there be a 10% discount?"

"Boss, if I buy a few more yuan, can you also give me a discount?……"

In front of Old Man Wang's stone gambling stall, after the little performance he just performed, many passers-by were attracted to ask about the price.

These people are basically people who don't come to the raw jade market very often. Most of them are here for the first time, so they can't see through Old Man Wang's little tricks.

When he heard the passers-by asking about the price, Old Wang's face was filled with smiles, and the folds on his face were almost folded into chrysanthemums.

After a while, even if the big customer Gong Shaoting doesn't buy, the pedestrians around him will buy it, which is enough for him to make a lot of money today.

"This piece of raw jade is a little more expensive, it costs 20,000's 10% off, and it's 10% off on site...if you buy a few more pieces, there's also a discount.……"

Old man Wang also patiently answered questions from passers-by looking at raw jade stones.

After a while, he will be able to make a lot of money!

Seeing this scene, Gong Shaoting didn't think much and walked directly in front of Gambling Stone and the others.

"Boss Wang, how do you sell the raw jade in your stall? I want them all!"

Gong Shaoting opened his mouth and Su Hang's eyes widened.

Good guy, everyone else is buying piece by piece, but Gong Shaoting just goes up and buys the whole stall one by one. Is this okay?!

Until now ? , Su Hang also understood why Gong Shaoting spent so much money last time to buy baskets of raw jade stones.

This can’t be entirely blamed on Old Man Wang for deceiving him. Among them, Gong Shaoting’s brain is not working well. , and the wealth and wealth probably accounted for a large part of it.

If there weren't so many pedestrians around, Su Hang really wanted to go up and catch Gong Shaoting and teach him a lesson. He was rushing to send Old Man Wang, an old yin, up there. Money!


After hearing what Gong Shaoting said, Old Man Wang looked surprised and opened his mouth wide, as if he thought he had heard wrongly.

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