Soon, Su Hang and Gong Shaoting drove to the entrance of the raw jade market. They parked their cars and walked into the market one after another.

But as soon as he entered the market, Su Hang noticed something was wrong.

"Gong Shaoting, do you feel like everyone in the market is looking at us? Are they talking about us?"

Su Hang's perception is more acute. He felt the eyes of the shops in the market and looked at them from time to time.

"ah? Have it?"

Gong Shaoting turned his head and looked left and right. His movements were so obvious that he just had to pretend to use a loudspeaker and shout something.

"Oh~ forget it, with your IQ, I shouldn't have told you."

Seeing this, Su Hang patted his head with a headache, and then said speechlessly.

However, this is not a big deal. Su Hang could notice that the eyes of the surrounding stores were looking at the two of them, so naturally he also I could tell that they didn't seem to have any ill intentions.

In this case, nothing else mattered.

After Su Hang and Gong Shaoting walked away, the people around them started talking to each other.

"You see, that is the kid last time, the one who was taken advantage of, and Lao Wang gave him a good beating."

"I also remember it, but that young man’s family seems to be quite rich, he seems to be a rich second generation, and he doesn’t even blink an eye when he takes out the money."

"You must be rich. If you dare to come to this rough stone market this time, you will probably be ripped off again."

"I still have some leftover raw stone material in stock, and it seems that I can't sell it. Do you think I should try my luck? Maybe he bought them all……"

The people making these discussions were basically stall owners and shopkeepers in the raw jade market. The young man they were talking about was naturally Gong Shaoting.

The last time Gong Shaoting came to the jade raw stone market alone, he was caught by an old man named Wang in the raw jade market and was slaughtered.

It was that time that Gong Shaoting bought a large box of raw jade stones and brought them back, saying they would be used to practice carving with Su Hang.

At that time, Su Hang didn't ask the exact amount of money spent, but judging from Gong Shaoting's wealthy appearance, it was estimated to be in the millions.

And because of this incident, Gong Shaoting became famous in the raw jade market. Of course, his reputation was not very good. To put it simply, he was a stupid and rich person.

This time I saw Gong Shaoting visiting the jade raw stone market again. Many stall owners and shopkeepers in the market became excited in an instant.

If they come forward to sell their own goods, even if they only let Gong Shaoting spend a lot of money to buy some, they don't need to kill them too hard. It will be enough for them to finish work early and go home to rest for a few days.

But just when their thoughts were active, someone recognized Su Hang next to Gong Shaoting and quickly stopped them.

"Do you know who the person next to that rich boy is? Su Hang, Master Su!"

"Master Su? Are you talking about that young man?"

"Hiss~ It turns out he is Master Su……"

The surrounding stall owners and store owners all commented that Su Hang, like Gong Shaoting, was also well-known in the raw jade market.

However, he is different from Gong Shaoting. Gong Shaoting is a famous wrongdoer here, while Su Hang is famous for his vicious eyes.

Most of the stalls and stores in the market have stone betting projects. Su Hang can always use his vicious eyes to pick out a few good stones from a pile of rubbish rough stones.

In the previous few visits to the jade raw stone market, Su Hang basically returned with a full load every time. He even encountered the best jade a few times, but Su Hang won it at a very low price.

Perhaps for the stall owners and merchants of these stalls, they would not lose anything, but seeing Su Hang picking out pieces of top-quality jade, it felt like they had lost something extremely important psychologically.

Just like that sentence, watching others gain huge benefits is simply more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

So much so that later on, most of the shops and stall owners understood Su Hang's vicious gaze. Every time they saw Su Hang coming, they would even secretly pick out the raw jade stones that they were optimistic about and store them away.

Wait until Su Hang leaves, and then put it back into the jade pile of gambling stones exactly as it is, for fear that Su Hang will see it and pick it back.

"This time, Master Su brought the rich boy to the market. It is estimated that no one else can kill the rich boy."

"So, don’t even think about it. Even though he is a rich second generation, he still can’t stand being slaughtered like this."

"Hey hey hey, that’s all I said……"

After recognizing Su Hang, many shops and stall owners laughed.

But having said that, how could they really not want to rip off a lot of money from people like them who are all crazy?

After Su Hang and Gong Shaoting left, I couldn't help but feel a little regretful that I had missed an opportunity to make a lot of money.

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