
However, after Su Hang slapped his hand away, Gong Shaoting still had no intention of giving up, and suddenly wailed with a sad face.

"Am I not dead yet? Can you be normal?"

Su Hang glared at Gong Shaoting and felt a chill.

If a female apprentice was facing him, this would be acceptable, but as for Gong Shaoting, a man in his twenties, his appearance was too much to bear to look at. ah

"Just give me a look, give it a try……"

Gong Shaoting stood in front of Su Hang, but his eyes were fixed on the jade plaque.

He had a hunch that if the jade plaque that Su Hang had just carved was taken out, it would definitely be another beautiful thing that would cause competition among the sculpture community.

"Impossible, don’t even think about this thing."

Su Hang shook his head and ignored Gong Shaoting at all. It seemed that he just slapped Gong Shaoting's hand away, which was definitely a very wise choice.

Then, Su Hang put away the jade plaque he had just carved. , put it in the safe, and Gong Shaoting suppressed his restless heart.

However, this time he missed another excellent sculpture, and Gong Shaoting may have to be depressed for a while.

"Okay, when you start working with me in the future, you can also carve such works. Now hurry up and pack up. We will go to the rough stone market later."

Seeing this, Su Hang stepped forward and patted Gong Shaoting's shoulder to comfort him, and then warned him.

He and Gong Shaoting were going to the rough stone market to pick up rough stone materials. Naturally, it was best to go early and come back early.

"Okay, I understand, Master."

Gong Shaoting nodded, but Su Hang's comfort did not make him feel better. Only after he really came into contact with the carving industry, Gong Shaoting understood how profound and difficult it was. It was not as simple as he initially thought.

To be able to reach the point of becoming a disciple of Su Hang, Gong Shaoting would have to study for at least a few years.

As for his understanding of sculpture, to reach the level of a great master like Su Hang, Gong Shaoting had already mastered it. No more extravagant hopes, Su Hang's comfort to him was just comfort after all.

While Gong Shaoting was cleaning up the studio, Su Hang came to his bedroom and wanted to change clothes.

Naturally, he couldn't go to the rough stone market. Wearing the same outfit from the studio.

Lin Jia was also there. She happened to come out of the bedroom and wanted to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch. She almost bumped into Su Hang.

"Are you done with your work today?"

Seeing this, Lin Jia asked softly.

Under normal circumstances, at this point, if he hadn't called Su Hang, he and Gong Shaoting would have stayed in the studio, and sometimes they would even forget about lunch. Eat

"Yes, I may have to go out later and go to the rough stone market to pick up some rough stone materials."

Su Hang nodded, and then answered truthfully.

"ah? When did you not even have lunch? Lin

Jia was stunned for a moment, and then asked

"Well, I most likely didn’t care about eating. Gong Shaoting and I went out and filled our stomachs outside."

Su Hang said.

It's still early now. If you wait until the Lin family prepares lunch and then go after eating, I'm afraid it will waste a lot of time out of thin air.

"Okay, oh, by the way, have you tried on the suit I brought back yesterday?"

Hearing this, Lin Jia didn't think much about it, and turned to the matter of the suit.

The suit she was talking about was naturally the one she asked Zhang Cuchu's mother to design for Su Hang and brought back when she had tea yesterday.

I originally planned to let Su Hang try it last night, but Su Hang complained that he was a little tired, so the matter was dropped and he could only find another time.

"Well, I haven't yet. I'll try it when I have more time."

Hearing this, Su Hang just remembered it and responded.

"You have time, you have time. Even if you have time, you will have it until next year. Hurry up, while you are about to change clothes now, put them on and try them on. Lin

Jiabai glanced at Su Hang and then said.

She could tell that Su Hang probably had serious procrastination about things he didn't like. If she didn't remind her, she might never try on a suit.

"ah? now? But I'm going out soon."

Su Hang was slightly startled. Gong Shaoting should have packed up the things in the studio and was waiting outside.

"Yes, right now, it's just a simple matter of trying on clothes. You have to change clothes now anyway, it won't take long, so hurry up."

Lin Jia nodded and expressed her gratitude.

Then, she went to the closet to get some clothes. The bag she brought out contained exactly the suit that Zhang Cuchu's mother designed for Su Hang.


Su Hang looked helpless and had no choice but to follow what Lin Jia said.

"Why, it seems that you are not happy yet. You have to try on the clothes to know whether they fit you or not. I just got this suit not long ago. If it doesn’t fit, you can go back and modify it a little bit."

Seeing this, Lin Jia explained softly.

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