But now that the exam is over, Lin Jia can no longer watch the Four Treasures continue like this.

"I, I... I must chew slowly when eating, and then I can no longer eat too much and stuff myself like before. Sanbao became nervous and stuttered when speaking, but he still successfully answered Lin Jia's question.

"Hehe... Xiaozhuo, do you remember what you said before?"

At this moment, Erbao suddenly came up and reminded him with a smile.

What she was referring to was naturally what Sibao said before about losing weight. This time the big meal was finished and the test was finished. Sibao But there's no reason to delay it any longer.

"Got it, got it, isn’t it just about losing weight? Can’t I lose weight?"

Si Bao was a little helpless, and then said with a bitter look on his face.

Immediately afterwards, he eagerly took the chopsticks back from the plate with the braised pork, and then took a sip in his mouth.

It seemed that the chopsticks were being braised just now. The meat hung on top for a while, and it tasted like meat.

Then, Si Bao stretched his chopsticks to a plate of vegetarian dishes with relatively low calories.


Seeing this, Lin Jia nodded with satisfaction, and then withdrew his gaze.

Although this meal also had many delicious dishes, it was quite rich in comparison, and the treasures all ate very happily, but It was a kind of torture for San Bao.

After the whole table of meals was finished, he had almost no taste of meat and could only watch helplessly as others destroyed all kinds of meat.

However, although Si Bao ate a lot today, It was a lot, but there was nothing to eat directly like the previous two days. The whole belly was bulging. At least my movements and walking were not affected at all. After the exam, the next day was the time for the school teacher to mark the papers, so Ever since, the treasures have had another day off.

But today, they are not as relaxed as they usually are during the holidays.

Tomorrow is the day when the test results will be announced. Except for the five treasures who are usually in the top three of the class, the others Everyone in Jibao felt a little uneasy.

Success or failure depends on this!

Su Hang and Lin Jia were not affected, and they did not miss the plan to customize the four treasures to lose weight.

Lin Jia even asked Su Hang to make a special meal for weight loss. When dinner was served to Si Bao, Si Bao’s expression really looked like he was crying.

"I swear, after I successfully lose weight this time, if I continue to eat and drink like this and gain weight, I will look like a puppy!"

In the end, amid the wailing of the four treasures and the laughter of the other treasures, he still ate the weight-loss meal that didn't even smell of oil with tears in his eyes.

Soon, this day's little vacation was over..

The next day they returned to school again, and their lottery draw time came as scheduled.

"What should I do? I'm a little nervous. I feel like I got a lot of questions wrong this time. Is my ranking going to drop again?"

During class, Erbao asked in a low voice to Sanbao, far less playful than usual.

"Are you a little nervous? Isn’t this going to be a storm?"

Hearing this, San Bao pierced the truth mercilessly, and looked towards Er Bao's legs.

He saw that Er Bao's two thighs, as well as his calves, seemed to be out of control and kept shaking. Not small

"Then you are talking about me, and you are not far behind."

Er Bao glanced at San Bao. San Bao's legs were shaking no less than hers. Not only Er Bao and San Bao, but even Si Bao, who was full of confidence before the exam, couldn't help but become nervous at this moment.

Dabao and Wubao, on the other hand, looked calm. Wubao had always been in the top three in the class and had stable grades, so there was no need to worry.

Dabao had given up struggling. He didn't believe in miracles or anything like that. This exam would definitely It’s all for nothing again, so why not just relax a little bit?

"This time, first of all, congratulations to Su Yan, her grades have improved a lot. She is not only the first in our class, but also the first in the school!"

After the class teacher entered the classroom, he announced loudly.

Wubao's ability to achieve such a high score not only made him look very proud, but also gave him a lot of help and help during the teacher's assessment and evaluation later. Improvement.

For a moment, the class instantly remembered the warm applause. Wu Baoyi looked indifferent, as if the mountain had collapsed and remained unchanged. After that, the head teacher announced several names in succession on the podium. Soon after Then I heard the names of the Three Treasures and the Two Treasures

"Yes! Yes! This time the result was even higher than last time!"

After hearing his name, Erbao breathed a sigh of relief. He held his fist and waved it. You can imagine the excitement in his heart.

"I'm fine, staying put."

Sanbao was also relieved.

In the past few days, she had spent a lot of review time on making cakes. This time she was able to keep her ranking and grades from declining, and Sanbao was satisfied.

And when the head teacher announced this At this time, Si Bao, who was sitting aside, became even more nervous.

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