"Uh-huh, mom, we get it."

After hearing this, all the treasures nodded in unison, feeling a little better.

Then they washed up and picked up all kinds of delicious dishes on the table. In the words of the four treasures, they can't It was a waste of Grandpa Hobert’s hard work!

Therefore, when faced with the large table of dishes, he also let go and ate. He ate the most and most ferociously, without any image at all.

Soon, there was a large table of dishes, Just like what the treasures said, they had wiped them out completely.

But just now they said they could still wipe out a few more dishes like this. That was just bragging. Now each of them has a swollen belly..

Especially Si Bao, the whole belly is as bulging as a football, and even walking is difficult.

"Ouch~ I feel so good."

At this moment, Si Bao had no choice but to lie on the chair, caressing his belly and moaning.

"You deserve it. Who told you to disobey and eat so much? Are you done now?"

Seeing this, Lin Jia said angrily, even though this child was eating, not one of them was hungry.

"Hey, Xiao Zhuo's belly suddenly became so big. Do you think he will become a fat man if he continues to eat like this?"

The Erbao on the side looked like he was watching the fun and didn't mind the matter. He walked over and couldn't help but joked.

"How can it be? I exercise every day and keep in good shape, you know?"

As soon as he heard this, Si Bao became anxious for a moment, and then retorted.

As he spoke, he wanted to stand up from the stool, but because it was too strong, he had to lie down again.

"How is it impossible? Have you forgotten how much you weighed when you were weighed yesterday?"

At this moment, Sanbao also came out and stood on the same front as Erbao. Who made Sibao just grab her favorite dish?

And what Sanbao said was indeed a fact. During this time, Many of the cakes made by San Bao went into Si Bao's mouth.

And the caloric content of the cakes can be imagined. In addition, Hobert came to their house to cook from time to time, and Si Bao's appetite increased. Bigger, more and more.

When I weighed myself these days, Si Bao gained several kilograms.

"Hmm, isn't it? Am I really going to become a little fat guy in the future?"

When he heard this, Si Bao felt a little anxious.

Turning into a little fat man was definitely the last thing he wanted to see. He still remembered those chubby classmates in the class.

When he thought of himself He might have a body like theirs in the future, and his proud figure and handsomeness might be ruined. Si Bao couldn't help but shudder.

"No, I can never become like them……"

Then, Si Bao secretly made up his mind in his heart.

Starting from tomorrow, he will definitely not eat as much as he did today, and he will also increase the intensity of his exercise.

In short, you just can’t really turn into a fat guy.

"Okay, you'd better control your food intake tomorrow. After you've finished digesting it while sitting on the bench, walk around to promote digestion."

At this moment, Lin Jia suddenly stood up and gave a warning.

She was a little angry when she saw Si Bao eating like this, but now she saw Si Bao screaming like he was so full, she felt I feel a little distressed

"I know, I know, Mom, no matter how delicious the food cooked by Grandpa Haupt and Dad is tomorrow, I will never be as full as I was today."

Sambo nodded and agreed. He regretted it constantly. He had eaten too much just now, which was a huge burden on the stomach.

After more than half an hour, Sibao's bulging belly gradually subsided, and then He walked around the room several times before he felt better.

The next day, the treasures were also woken up from bed early by Lin Jia

"Get up, everyone gets up. The plan for the year lies in spring, and the plan for the day begins in the morning. Get up and review quickly. Lin

Jia knocked on the bedrooms of all the treasures one by one and said as he did so.

When it was Dabao's turn to stay in bed and sleep in, Lin Jia did not tolerate him at all and directly pulled him off the bed.

"The mid-month test will start on Monday next week. Why don’t you hurry up and review? When you come back from the exam this time, you can sleep however you want, but you have to review it for me today, okay?……"

Then, Lin Jia took the treasures for another ideological education.

Afterwards, the treasures started a day of study and review life with hazy sleepy eyes, no, or it could be said to be a hard life.

And that night, Hobert teamed up with Suhang to cook another table of delicious dishes. Although it was not as rich as yesterday's, it was still very good.

"You have an exam next Monday, and there is nothing I can do to help you. I can only cook something delicious to support you mentally."

Su Hang said after putting a table of dishes on the table.

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