However, Sambo, who had made a decision in his heart, was still very tormented during the second half of the class, and he finally managed to get through to the end of get out of class.

As soon as the teacher on the podium walked out of the door, Sanbao followed her out. She was going to find their class teacher to sign up, and Liubao also followed.

She wanted to stay with Sambo so that she could cheer for her sister.

After a while, the two of them reached the head teacher's office, but only Sanbao walked in, while Liubao stayed outside.

After all, this was a registration for Sanbao, so it would be unreasonable for her to run in. What if the head teacher got interested and caught her and had her heart ejected?


"Please come in!"

Looking at Sanbao who walked in quietly, the head teacher looked like he had expected it.

However, he didn't know that not long ago, Sanbao was not willing to participate in this baking competition. If Liubao hadn't talked to him, Constantly guide the Three Treasures.

I am afraid that the Three Treasures are still entangled and contradictory at this time!

"Teacher, um, uh, I want to sign up for this baking competition."

Sanbao didn't hesitate when he entered and said directly to the point.

"Okay, no problem, this is the registration form, just fill it out."

The head teacher nodded, and then directly handed Sanbao a form to fill in.


Sanbao took the paper and pen handed over by the class teacher and began to fill it out, while the class teacher beside him did not stop talking.

"Su Xiao, you can go to the baking competition to win glory for the class. This is a good thing, but the exam is coming next week. While you are participating in the competition, you can't fall behind in your review, do you understand?"

The head teacher kept urging.

On the one hand, he hoped that Sanbao could win the baking competition and come back. On the other hand, he hoped that Sanbao's grades would also improve.

After all, Sanbao's academic performance is usually very good in the class. If he falls behind because of this, , then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Well, I understand, teacher."

San Bao nodded heavily. After signing the registration form, he quickly left the office.

Why did he feel that their class teacher, a male teacher, was nagging more than Lin Jia in a day.

And at noon, the last class happened to be the class teacher's He delayed the class for two or three minutes, and by the way, he posted the list of names for this baking competition.

"Sorry to delay you for another two minutes today, the list of baking competition has come out, and there are a total of two students in our class participating."

The head teacher said above, turning on the projector in the middle of the classroom

"Two? Who is the other one?"

As soon as they heard this, the classmates in the class, including Dabao, started whispering inside. They knew that Sanbao had signed up for this baking competition, but they didn't know who the other person was. This made them They are all a little curious.

Apart from Sanbao, who has better cooking skills and makes very good cakes and small desserts, who else can be in the class?!

"The first is Su Xiao from our class. Needless to say, her strength goes without saying. I believe you have all seen it."

"Then another one, Zhang Cuchu, is also representing our class in the competition this time. You two must work together to win glory for the class!"

The head teacher stood on the podium and said loudly, looking at Zhang Cuxu with some surprise.

He didn't expect that this usually lively and sometimes naughty boy would have such an unknown side.

He is so older. Many girls have never even touched pots and pans, let alone a boy who knows how to bake.

But if Zhang Cuchu signed up and acted nonsense, then that’s two things. Just treat it as if he wanted to Much more.

After hearing the class teacher's words, many students below immediately exploded and looked at Zhang Cuxi.

"what happened? Is it Zhang Cuchu? Did I hear it wrong?"

"It seems so. He seems to be the only one in our class with this name."

"Could it be a mistake?……"

Many students around him looked in disbelief. Sanbao participated in the baking competition. With his ability in making small cakes and biscuits, they believed him.

But Zhang Cuchu's words really made people a little suspicious, and they even thought that the school had made a mistake.

But when they saw Zhang Cuchu's photo and name displayed on the projector, many students in the class were sure that if this wasn't the person in their class, who else could it be?

Dabao and the others also looked at Zhang Cuchu with surprised expressions, somewhat confused.

However, Zhang Cuchu seemed not to hear the glances and various words from around him. He sat upright and looked at the textbook in his hand intently.

"In addition, all the students in the class should not miss studying recently, so let’s stop here today. Students remember to take a lunch break after lunch."

The head teacher finished speaking, and then walked out of the classroom. As soon as his figure disappeared, the class instantly became noisy.

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