"Yes, yes, thank you Grandpa Hobert!"

Hearing this, Sanbao clapped his hands happily and gradually forgot about what happened just now that he couldn't play with Su Hang. His bad mood was also left behind.

"Cucumber is a test of your knife skills, so be careful when using it.……"

Seeing Sanbao's happy look, Hobert himself seemed to have been affected by it and became a bit younger. There were a lot of smiles on his face these days.

As time went by, Hobert gradually discovered Sanbao's talent for cooking, which was so good that he was a little surprised.

"It would be better if you grew up a little bit more……"

Often, when Hobert is teaching Sanbao how to cook, he can't help but feel this way.

If Sanbao grows older, he can officially accept Sanbao as his apprentice and teach her how to cook. Since he can't invite Su Hang back, he can bring back his daughter who is talented in cooking.

As for the apprentice he mentioned before, just go back to where he came from.

Although that man's talent in cooking is also very good, it pales in comparison to Sanbao. This is because Sanbao is too small. Otherwise, it would definitely be more surprising.

If Hobert's new apprentice knew that he thought this way, he would probably just find a corner and cry secretly.

On this day, Sanbao came over again while Hobert was still studying dishes in the kitchen.

"Grandpa Hobert, what shall we learn to cook today? I learned everything you taught me yesterday."

Sambo asked expectantly.

In addition to some small exercises such as carving these days, Hobert also taught him to make many cute and delicious Michelin desserts.

"Today? Let me think about it... I will teach you how to make a delicious little egg tart today, but you need to practice more and make more of what I taught you before. Only in this way can you better control the various dosages."

Hubert thought for a while and then said.

He is happy to teach Sanbao how to make various dishes and desserts. The most important thing is that Sanbao likes it. She is happy to learn, and Hobert is also happy to teach.

"Great~ But if I make so much, I won’t be able to finish it all by myself.……"

Sanbao nodded, and then said helplessly.

Although desserts are delicious, if you eat too much, you will eventually feel tired. She makes so many of them throughout the day, and she doesn’t even need to eat just to eat desserts.

"You don't have to eat alone. You can make desserts and take them to school to share with your classmates, brothers and sisters."

Hobert suggested, it's really not good for one person to eat too many desserts.

"ah? But, but what if what I cook doesn’t taste good, won’t my classmates like it? Sanbao said worriedly. He had never thought about bringing it to Dabao and his classmates, but he was afraid that they wouldn't like it.

"Xiaoyu, then you are worrying too much. The desserts you made are so beautiful and delicious, how could anyone not like them?"

"Besides, even if you make it, it's their business whether to eat it or not, so they don't have to worry about it that much."

Hubert encouraged me. Although Sanbao makes good desserts, he doesn't seem to have much confidence in himself.

"Well, thank you Grandpa Hobert, I understand."

Hearing this, Sanbao nodded heavily and gradually figured it out.

The next day, Sanbao climbed out of bed early and walked into the kitchen.

Soon after, Lin Jia also gradually woke up, and she had just prepared breakfast , but heard crackling in her kitchen, she almost thought her home was being robbed.

After walking into the kitchen, Lin Jia was slightly surprised when she saw Sanbao's small figure.

Why did this little lazy pig wake up like this today? Morning? It seems a bit unreasonable!

"Mom, why are you here?"

Before Lin Jia could ask, Sanbao noticed Lin Jia's arrival first, and then asked

"I also want to ask you, if you don’t have a good rest this morning, why are you running to the kitchen?"

Lin Jia rolled her eyes. What else could she do in the kitchen at this time? Of course she was preparing breakfast for the children.

"Hmm~ I learned some new desserts from Grandpa Hobert these days"

"Then Grandpa Hobert asked me to practice more, but I couldn't finish it by myself, so I had to get up in the morning and make it, and then bring it to school for my brother and classmates to eat."

Sambo bulged his mouth, and then explained

"That's it……"

Hearing this, Lin Jia realized that she also knew that Hobert had been teaching Sanbao how to make desserts during this period.

Lin Jia has always maintained a supportive attitude towards this matter. Since this is Sanbao's hobby, she will not interfere too much.

Secondly, it is the chef of the Michelin restaurant who personally guides you. Many people will never have the opportunity to ask for it in their lifetime. Let Sanbao learn, and you will earn what you learn.

"But couldn't you do it in the evening or afternoon the day before? Then take it directly to school the next morning. If you get up so early every day, you won't have a good rest."

Lin Jia suggested that this should not affect the life and study of Sanbao.

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