What they didn't know was that the reason for all this was because of a bet made between Si Bao and Zhang Cuchu!

If all the treasures were to know the real truth behind it, I'm afraid all of them would be a little speechless.

At the same time, Zhang Cuchu also discovered the Four Treasures in school these days, and couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

The next day, Zhang Cuchu brought two lollipops and went to Dabao privately.

The only way to understand the specific situation of the Four Treasures is undoubtedly through Dabao and Erbao. The second treasure is too lazy to pay attention to him on weekdays, so he can only ask Dabao about the situation.

"Su Chen, let me ask you something. How is the Four Treasures studying at your home recently? Are they working as hard as they do in school?"

Zhang Cuchu asked in a low voice while passing the lollipop in his hand to Dabao. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. He must first understand the situation clearly.

"Yeah, how did you know? Xiao Zhuo has been studying like crazy at home these two days. We all feel that he has been stimulated by something recently? It always feels a little abnormal."

Dabao nodded and answered truthfully.

"It's nothing, I just feel that he has been working hard in school recently, which is a bit strange. Zhang

Cuchu explained, then turned and left.

As for Dabao, he didn't know the agreement between Sibao and Zhang Cuchu, so he didn't think much about it.

At the same time, Zhang Cuchu returned to the classroom. He was in a hurry, but he was not as calm as he seemed on the surface. He secretly glanced at Si Bao. He saw that although it was recess time, Si Bao was still doing math exercises there. He refused to let go of a second of free time.

This made Zhang Cuchu feel more and more urgent. Everyone was studying so hard, and he was still playing here?!

When he bet with the Four Treasures Making that agreement may not have meant dealing with the Four Treasures at that time, but since their bet has been agreed upon, it is naturally impossible to change it.

"No, I have to start studying hard. At least I can't be overtaken by Su Zhuo in a corner so easily!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Cuchu couldn't help but secretly make up his mind and keep cheering himself up.

Si Bao is so serious about this agreement and bet, so he can't slack off because of it.

Otherwise, if he loses then, , he would really be forced to stay away from Erbao.

Later, Zhang Cuchu also picked up the textbook on the table and previewed what he would learn in the next lesson.

After a while, Dabao came to him

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, did I read that correctly? Are you reading and studying?"

Dabao rubbed his eyes and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Did the sun come out in the west today? Zhang Cuchu actually knew how to take the initiative to study.

"Go, go, don't disturb me from previewing the text."

Zhang Cuchu waved his hand and told Dabao to go away. This was so noisy that he couldn't calm down.

"No, are you really previewing the text?"

Hearing this, Dabao was convinced and felt a little confused.

"What happened during this time? First Xiaozhuo, then you, one by one……"

Dabao glanced in the direction of Fort, and then at Zhang Cuchu.

His instinctive feeling was a little strange. There was definitely something going on between the two of them, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

Although he was confused in his heart, Dabao did not disturb Zhang Cuchu anymore, but left directly to share with others to deal with this strange matter.

In the end, even the teacher and head teacher in the class knew about the recent changes of these two people, and they were impressed by them and would praise them in the class from time to time.

In the afternoon, after Zhang Cuchu returned home, he took out his homework and textbooks and started studying.

Even if you lose the bet this time, you can't lose too badly. There are too many mid-month performance tests for the Four Treasures.

On the first day, Zhang Cuchu's mother didn't feel anything. Like Lin Jia at that time, she just thought it was just a whim.

But the next day, Si Bao was still studying very seriously, which made Zhang Cuchu's mother have to pay attention.

"Cuchu, does your teacher give you a lot of homework during this period?"

When it was almost time for dinner, Zhang Cuchu's mother couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

She suspected that the school had given the children too much homework recently, which put them under so much pressure.

If this is really the case, If this is the case, then he needs to report the specific situation to the school teacher. Otherwise, if the child continues to study with such high intensity and pressure, it may have some psychological impact on the child.

"No, we usually only have so much homework. I will finish my homework now, and then I can preview tomorrow's text."

Zhang Cuchu shook his head, and then answered truthfully.

"Really? Don't lie to your mother. If the study pressure in your school is high, tell your mother and she will make the decision for you."

Zhang Cuchu's mother still didn't believe it, and then said domineeringly.

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