Su Hang felt that no matter what the cause was, it was necessary to pay more attention to the four treasures.

"That's true, but Xiaozhuo's changes are always in a good direction, so don't worry too much about it. Lin

Jia nodded, then agreed.

"If only Xiaochen and Xiaoyu could do this, it would be a day of peace of mind.……"

After a pause, Lin Jia whispered again softly.

Dabao's drive for improvement is intermittent. After studying hard for some things last time, he achieved some good results, but during this period he slowly became slack again.

Erbao is relatively undisciplined all day long. Although he studies well, if he works hard, he will definitely do better.

As for the other treasures, they are also pretty good, especially the five treasures. During normal exams, their scores are among the top three in the class.

"Maybe it really can be done."

Su Hang said softly, with a confident smile on his face.

"Come on, what bad idea have you come up with again?"

Lin Jia glanced at Su Hang, and then asked.

Seeing Su Hang's appearance, Lin Jia knew that Su Hang might have thought of some good idea, but in order to prevent Su Hang from being too proud, Lin Jia belittled him. For bad ideas

"Wife, what is a bad idea?"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, feeling quite helpless.

"Say it!"

Lin Jia didn't answer. Instead, she urged her. As she spoke, she moved her hands towards the soft flesh of Su Hang's waist.

"Hey, my wife, I said it."

Seeing this, Su Hang quickly begged for mercy.

He couldn't understand why a weak woman like Lin Jia had so much strength when twisting the soft flesh around his waist?

"If you want Dabao and Erbao to learn proactively, forcing them will definitely not work, so you can stimulate mutual competitiveness between them."

Su Hang said slowly

"Nonsense, of course I know this, but how to do it specifically?"

Lin Jia rolled her eyes. The reason is very simple, and of course she understands it.

But it is not easy to implement it. The learning status of the treasures is almost polarized. Facing the usual classes The five treasures who are firmly in the top 3 in performance rankings, and the three treasures who have outstanding performance, and the other few people have no desire to win at all, and they are just lying down waiting to be crushed.

"Isn’t this how Sanbao has been actively studying these two days? We can take advantage of his enthusiasm before it wears off."

Su Hang said, with a faint smile on his face, but it seemed like a conspiracy against the children.

"You mean, let them curl up on each other?"

Lin Jia is not stupid either. After Su Hang's reminder, he understood instantly.

"Yes, that's what it means. As for how to do it specifically, let's discuss it after dinner in the evening."

Su Hang nodded and settled the matter with Lin Jia. What the treasures didn't know yet was that while they were still playing outside, there was a conspiracy surrounding them in the living room. It was about to begin.

This night, while the four treasures were studying hard, the other treasures passed as usual.

The next day,

Su Hang went to pick up the treasures today.

For this reason, he even carved half of the carving on his hand. I left it behind and told Gong Shaoting to finish class early, so I could make time to pick up the children.

"Dad, why did you come to pick us up today?"

On the way, Erbao asked with some confusion.

Su Hang has been a little busy during this period, so Lin Jia always picks them up on weekdays. Why did it suddenly change to Su Hang today?

"I don’t know either, but I heard your mother say that she seems to have prepared a little surprise for you today, so she asked me to come. I don’t know exactly what it is."

Su Hang shook his head, and then said mysteriously.

In fact, he had already discussed everything with Lin Jia, and what he just said was just to deceive the treasures.


"What a surprise?"

"Alas, I want to know too……"

As soon as they heard about the surprise, the treasures immediately became interested, and one by one they approached Su Hang and asked quickly.

They were chirping next to Su Hang, just like little sparrows.

"Stop, stop, stop, please calm down for a moment. I'm driving. I don't know what surprises they are talking about. Aren't we going back soon? It will be clear to you when you go back."

Su Hang quickly stopped the children's behavior, but still refused to reveal any relevant details.

This was to create enough anticipation for the treasures, and then wait until a surprise appearance later to have a greater effect.

"Oh oh, okay then"

"Then let's go back quickly, I can't wait any longer"

"Dad, drive faster……"

Hearing this, all the treasures felt a little helpless, and then quickly urged, all of them couldn't wait to go back.

About ten minutes later, Su Hang finally returned home with the treasures

"Mom, we are back."

As soon as they entered the door, the treasures couldn't help but shout loudly.

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