Could it be that the sun came out in the west today and Gong Shaoting, like Dabao, suddenly changed his gender overnight?

Lin Jia couldn't help but wonder

"The master promised me yesterday that he would also teach me how to carve, and said he would take me to select rough stones this morning."

Gong Shaoting responded while eating something in his mouth.

"No wonder, husband, you are the same. This morning, just like Dabao, you don’t know how to calm down. At least you can go after you rest in the morning.……"

Lin Jia nodded, then understood, and then glared at Su Hang again.

It was obvious that Su Hang was making things difficult for Gong Shaoting, who was used to going to bed late and getting up late, to come here so early.

"Ha... Hurry up and eat your food, I won't even be able to stop your mouth!"

Su Hang laughed awkwardly and could only transfer his anger to Gong Shaoting. It was all because of this kid's talkativeness!

"Let's go, let's go. After picking out the rough stones, I quickly started today's course. I have something else to do in the afternoon."

As soon as breakfast was finished, Su Hang took Gong Shaoting and left in a hurry.

If he stays here any longer, this cheap apprentice might do something in front of Lin Jia, and he will inevitably get scolded by him.

"Master, where are we going?"

Gong Shaoting couldn't help but ask on the way. He followed Su Hang blindly for more than ten minutes and didn't even know where he was going.

"Didn't an antique street open in front of you recently? There should be more emeralds, rough jade and the like in this place. Let's go there and have a look."

Su Hang said, giving him a step by the way, so that when he goes to pick out rough stones next time, he won't have to spend half a day blindly shopping.

"oh oh."

Gong Shaoting nodded to express his understanding. It was the first time he went to such a place, and he was still very interested.

"Don't just oh, oh, nod or anything like that, go and learn a little bit this time, pay attention to how I choose rough stones? There are still many skills in this……"

Su Hang said as he walked, the water in the industry of selecting rough stones is still very deep.

If outsiders who don’t know the trade go in, they will rarely be lucky enough to pick out excellent jadeite or rough jade.

"I understand, but, master, why don’t we just buy the ingredients that are already available?"

Gong Shaoting nodded, and then asked innocently


This question really stopped Su Hang from asking directly. He almost forgot that his cheap apprentice was still a rich man.

"If you want to buy it, just buy it. Anyway, I will only teach you once and I don’t care about anything else."

After a pause, Su Hang said directly.

He originally wanted to teach Gong Shaoting how to identify the quality of jade and jadeite rough, so that he could save some money in the process of learning carving.

But yesterday How can someone who can transfer so much tuition money to him in one go be short of funds to buy jade materials? This may be the benefit of having a good father.


"Don't just nod your head, I'm telling you, don't let this stop you from learning about jewelry design.……"

Afterwards, the two of them walked on the road, talking to each other.

Just when passing by a park, Gong Shaoting suddenly froze and stopped.

"What's wrong? Let’s go!"

Su Hang asked, why is this guy suddenly in a daze?

"Look, look, does that child over there look a bit like Xiao Chen?"

Immediately afterwards, Gong Shaoting suddenly pointed forward.

Su Hang looked in the direction pointed by Gong Shaoting's hand.

He saw two children facing each other on the road next to the park. One of them could Isn’t it Dabao?!

"Xiaochen? Why did he end up here after running out so early in the morning?"

Su Hang wondered, but looking at the current situation, there seems to be a smell of gunpowder between the two children!

"Good guy, I seem to know the kid opposite, he’s actually my cousin!"

At this moment, Gong Shaoting exclaimed again, how did these two bump into each other?

"This posture is obviously for a fight. It seems that the two of them are here to have a fight. They are not good at learning at such a young age.……"

Gong Shaoting muttered and stood up, saying that he was going to go up and teach these two little guys a lesson.

Su Hang quickly grabbed him, and Gong Shaoting couldn't help but look at Su Hang in confusion.

"Hasn't this started yet? We can't catch them when we go up now, lest they still make excuses later."

"Wait a moment, wait until there is evidence, and then we will hit the two of them on the stage."

Su Hang explained a few words. Everything must be done with evidence.

He and Gong Shaoting couldn't just rely on the smell of gunpowder between Dabao and Zhang Cuchu to conclude that they were having a fight, right?

Besides, he and Gong Shaoting had Shaoting is watching here. Even if Dabao and Zhang Cuxu really fight, they will pull away in time so that neither of them will be injured.

"I understand, the master is still thoughtful."

Gong Shaoting chuckled and retracted his outstretched foot.

On Dabao and Zhang Cuchu's side, they were still confronting each other.

The two children had no idea that there were two pairs of eyes not far away from them. , watching all this secretly.

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