
After finishing all this, Su Hang let out a sigh of relief. Even though he was carving easily with the carving knife, it was actually extremely labor-intensive.

He planned to take a short rest before continuing to carve, otherwise his mind would get dizzy and he would be in trouble. If there are any small mistakes during the carving process, the gains will outweigh the losses.

"Master, you will be my idol from now on, you are so awesome."

Seeing Su Hang stop what he was doing, Gong Shaoting hurriedly walked up and sighed.

He was not flattering Su Hang this time, but he was sincerely admiring him. Let me ask, if Su Hang used the hooking method just now, Who can do it easily?

I am afraid that even some old masters, or those who have been famous for a long time, would not dare to be very sure about it?

However, Su Hang has done it, and if he tells it, it will definitely refresh the world of sculpture. Three views of people

"If you had spent all your flattering efforts on learning how to design jewelry, you would have already mastered the essence of designing jewelry."

Su Hang was not moved at all by Gong Shaoting's rainbow fart.

When he showed his previous sculptures to others, he was tired of hearing all kinds of praises and shocks. With Gong Shaoting's skills, he was able to How deep?

"That master……"

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but was blocked by Su Hang's words.

"I'll take a short break and start the formal carving of this piece right away."

Su Hang said directly that the hook line and the like just now were just an appetizer.

It's not that he didn't want to talk to Gong Shaoting more, it was just that he had finally come up with the inspiration, so he couldn't stop it here. He could take a break and return. Okay, you can continue.

If you chat with Gong Shaoting about other topics for a while, your thoughts will be easily interrupted, and the sculptured work may be a little different from what you originally expected. in and out

"Oh, okay, master, please rest first."

Hearing this, Gong Shaoting quickly shut up. He also knew the seriousness of the matter and did not dare to disturb Su Hang again.

However, Gong Shaoting had no intention of leaving. He had heard clearly just now. Su Hang was going to Before starting the carving of the next work, he can take this opportunity to observe it carefully.

Whether it is for him to design jewelry or for him to learn carving in the future, it will be of great benefit.

In this way, Su Hang's studio It was quiet for about ten minutes. He sat on the chair and closed his eyes to relax. Gong Shaoting was bored and looked at other works in the studio.

"This one is simply awesome, this one is also good-looking……"

In the studio, Gong Shaoting exclaimed from time to time. After realizing that he couldn't hold back the sound, he quickly covered his mouth and looked at Su Hang cautiously.


Seeing that Su Hang was not disturbed by him, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Shu Yu or someone familiar with him saw this scene, his jaw would definitely drop.

When did they The eldest young master Gong Shaoting turned out to be such a good baby.

Soon after, Su Hang had rested and got up to continue working.

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting hurriedly came up again, as if he was afraid of missing any details.

Su Hang saw For easy access, Hang lined up all the carving tools, then picked out one of the carving knives, found a good spot and started working directly.

At first, Gong Shaoting didn't think there was anything special about it, but as time went by As time went on, his eyes were gradually attracted to Su Hang, or to be precise, he was attracted to the movements of Su Hang's hands. The overall outline and every detail of the entire stone seemed to be imprinted in Su Hang's mind. Gong Shaoting didn't know if Su Hang looked at the carving in his hand, so he picked up his hand and slashed it with one stroke.

But if you look closely, you will find that the strength and angle of each stroke were just right, one point more or one point less. It would affect the carving of the stone.

Gradually, Gong Shaoting became a little obsessed with watching. He almost forgot the time, and his eyes were just fixed on Su Hang's carving movements. In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

And In these two hours, Su Hang has carved out the entire outline of the stone.

Just looking at the entire outline is already very pleasing to the eye. I can't imagine how shocking it will be if the entire sculpture is completed. scene


Putting down the carving knife in his hand, Su Hang shook his sore wrist, then continued to pick up the stone and looked at it carefully.

There were still many tiny flaws that needed to be retouched.

At the same time, Gong Shaoting suddenly felt When he woke up with a start, the process of carving the stone by Su Hang had left a very deep impression on his mind.


, Su Hang gently placed the stone on the table to avoid bumping it.

"Master, let's drink some water first."

Seeing this, Gong Shaoting was smarter and quickly handed the teapot to Su Hang, and took a towel for Su Hang to wipe his sweat.


Su Hang nodded. He had just finished carving the outline of the stone in one go and was indeed a little thirsty.

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