The boy with dyed hair was completely stunned at this moment.

I don't know how to speak at all, and I don't know what to do now when faced with such a situation.

He was completely frightened by his boss. He looked at Gong Shaoting and immediately spoke in a dull voice.

"I'm sorry……"

"Louder!" Seeing this, the tattooed man slapped the tattooed man even more forcefully.

"stop!"Gong Shaoting is not interested in the apology of the people in front of him at all.

"good."The tattooed man said immediately, then stepped aside and looked at Gong Shaoting as respectfully as possible.

Such a situation is very confusing for those younger brothers. , but now, it is obviously not the time to ask questions, but one look at Gong Shaoting's clothes, one knows that Gong Shaoting must be extraordinary.

"Master, are you okay?"Gong Shaoting quickly walked up to Su Hang. Someone dared to cause trouble for his master in front of him. This is simply not taking him seriously.

"fine."Su Hang shook his head. He can do magic.

"Just be fine."When Gong Shaoting heard this, he felt a lot calmer in his heart. Fortunately, everything was fine, otherwise the master he had finally found would have disappeared like that. Even if he killed those people in front of him, it would be completely wrong. Not enough to vent your anger

"Get out of here!"The calm and powerful voice instantly made the people around who were acting as sculptures quickly come back to their senses at this moment.

"Come on, come on, let's get out now!"After the tattooed man finished speaking, he walked out quickly.

When the boys saw this situation, they quickly followed.

It wasn't until they were far out of the room that one of the boys found a chance to speak.

"Boss, our rent hasn't been collected yet, why did we leave? Who was that person just now?"

"Shut up, that's not who you should know."The tattooed man scolded, and immediately started walking forward quickly.

The walking speed was getting faster and faster, making the younger brothers completely confused at the moment.

But they also understood that Gong Shaoting was definitely something they could not afford to offend. If you see a big shot in the future, you must go around him. The tattooed man is almost crying now. Doesn’t it mean that the people who open shops on this street are all small people with no ability and no backstage? Why is it suddenly happening now


Coming here for such a moment, such a person, would simply kill him.

"Master, this is a little gift I brought from home."After they all went out, Gong Shaoting took out all the ginseng behind him and sent it to Su Hang very seriously.

Just looking at the box containing the ginseng, Su Hang knew what was inside. Definitely extraordinary.

But thinking that someone like Gong Shaoting could come up with something like this, Su Hang really wasn't surprised at all.

"Leave it there and look at your design draft first."Su Hang said, not even looking at the ginseng.

After all, it was a century-old ginseng, so it was ignored by the two of them.

Gong Shaoting originally wanted Su Hang to take a look, but after hearing Su Hang talk about the design draft After what happened, the whole person immediately became excited and quickly walked to Su Hang.

"Master, tell me!"Gong Shaoting opened his eyes very wide, as if he wanted to do this, not letting go of Su Hang's smallest movements.

"The connection between these two parts is still too rigid. Such a design is prone to defects in post-production."Su Hang's brows furrowed fiercely at this moment. For such a design, although it looks good, it will not be perfect during post-production, and someone with an identity like Gong Shaoting is absolutely not allowed to have anything less than perfect. perfect

"I understand, can I just change the link?"Gong Shaoting said, with a very serious look on his face.

But what Gong Shaoting didn't expect was that Su Hang just shook his head at this moment, and the look on his face became sharp in an instant.

"No, you are just designing it so that it can be seen, but if you have to produce it now, then your bet will definitely not be won by then."There was no joking on Su Hang's face.

If he said he couldn't win, he definitely couldn't win.

Gong Shaoting has already taken out the century-old ginseng. Naturally, he definitely wants to win.

"Master, what should I do now?"Gong Shaoting said, with an expression of humbly asking for advice.

He really respected Su Hang very much.

And in the current situation, no matter what Su Hang said, he would actually implement it seriously. of

"Look at your current design. Although it looks stylish individually, in fact, it lacks the main soul."Su Hang's hand gestured over the design draft, pointing to let Gong Shaoting understand his thoughts.

But now, Gong Shaoting's face was full of confusion.

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