Su Hang didn't say anything to comfort Sanbao's cries.

After all, this matter is Sambo's own fault.

Now it is entirely the fault of the Three Treasures themselves.

After asking Lin Jia to take Sanbao out, Su Hang looked at the doctor seriously.

The doctor naturally understood the reason why Su Hang stayed. He looked at Su Hang seriously and began to talk to Su Hang about the situation of Sanbao in detail.

Fortunately, Sanbao's situation was discovered early and it wasn't very difficult. If it had been discovered late, it would have been completely hopeless.

"Now follow the treatment cycle and quit electronic products. The child is still young and can still recover."Looking at Su Hang's face getting uglier the more he talked about it.

The doctor finally comforted him.

"Well, I understand, thank you doctor."Su Hang nodded. Electronic products do have a great impact on children. There is more than just a tablet at home, and the six children may not be the same as Sanbao alone.

What Su Hang is thinking about now is how to get to and from home. communicate with the children.

Let the children at home know the dangers of this electronic product.

After thinking carefully, Su Hang also walked out of the doctor's door.

Outside, Lin Jia had already gotten the medicine for Sanbao. Seeing Su Hang When he came out, he took Sanbao and Erbao with him and strode to the front of Su Hang.

"What else did the doctor say later?"

"I can no longer look at electronic products. If I continue like this, I may lose my eyesight."Su Hangdao, his face became extremely serious.

"ah? so serious?"Lin Jia really didn't expect it to be so serious.

She thought it would be fine if she took a little rest.

"It's so serious that Sanbao's vision has dropped too much. We still have to find an optical shop to get glasses, otherwise it will be more serious later."Su Hang said helplessly.

The six children were all in good health, but now they suddenly have to wear glasses. This is a bit sudden for their parents.

I hope Sanbao will be careful in the future and protect his eyes. , recovery is possible only slowly

"Do I need to wear glasses too?"When Sanbao heard Su Hang's words, he immediately poked his head out. When he looked at Su Hang, he was all curious.

"Um."Nodding, Su Hang affirmed Sanbao's question.

But what no one expected was that after hearing this answer, Sanbao immediately became extremely resistant.

"Can't!"The powerful words immediately frightened everyone.

"Why not?"Su Hang suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at his child seriously.

There was a pure suppressed anger on his face.

It was clearly Sambo who did something wrong, but now Sambo is still going on. Disobedient, no matter what kind of parent they are, they will actually have a huge headache when faced with children who ask questions like this.

"I just can’t. Mom, Dad, can I not wear glasses?"Sanbao pulled his mother and spoke very pitifully.

For Sanbao, wearing glasses is really terrifying.

If he really wears glasses, then he will go back to school. Many people will definitely laugh at her.

When Lin Jia heard San Bao's words, she really couldn't bear it. After all, for Lin Jia, San Bao was still too young, so young. I need to wear glasses, they don’t look very good either.

"Did the doctor say it is necessary to get a prescription?"Lin Jia asked Sanbao for help. In her heart, she didn't want to see Sanbao wearing glasses.

"must."Nodding, Su Hang seriously confirmed her idea.

"Sanbao, don’t you already have trouble seeing things clearly if you look far away? If you don't wear glasses, you may not be able to see anything by then."Su Hang said, speaking very seriously.

Sanbao was so frightened that he wanted to cry, but the thought of crying would make his eyes blind. Sanbao didn't have the courage to continue crying, so he could only hold it in. He followed

Su Hang to the optical shop aggrievedly..Soon

, Sanbao's glasses have been matched. The glasses case is a pink box with a small bow decoration on it.

But for Sanbao, this cannot comfort Sanbao.

After all, he will soon She became an outlier in the class.

Sanbao Xiaoxiao was taken home by Su Hang and Lin Jia, who had never been in high spirits.

Seeing everyone coming back, several other children also quickly gathered around at this time.

"Mommy, how do you feel about going to the hospital?"Dabao looked at them and asked seriously.

In his heart, Dabao really cared about his sister and wanted to know what the current situation of Sanbao was.

However, Sanbao did not answer everyone's words. After arriving home, Just one person returned to his room in a bad mood.

The children all felt that something was very seriously wrong, and everyone looked at Erbao with wide eyes.

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