Gong Shaoting became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and his face showed a bright look. It felt like he was certain that Su Hang would agree to get to know him.

When Su Hang heard this, he was really helpless. Do they seem to be so easy to deceive? Just say it casually and you'll agree.

"What are you still hesitating about? Just discuss and exchange ideas with me. Don't worry, as long as you teach me carving techniques, I can guarantee that your child will definitely attend a key junior high school."Gong Shaoting pushed Su Hang, who was already extremely anxious.

But Su Hang's expression changed instantly.

"You didn't say you were a master of carving just now, but now you want me to teach you carving techniques."Su Hang found it a bit funny. Before he even started to talk, this person had already stopped talking about himself.

The air suddenly became quiet, and Gong Shaoting's face visibly stiffened. After he said these words, How to get him back?

"What I just said was to discuss with each other. You must have heard wrong."Gong Shaoting started laughing in an instant, so he wouldn't tell Su Hang that he was just a newbie in the industry.

Su Hang looked him up and down. He definitely looked good in his clothes, but his behavior was different no matter how he looked at it. A little weird

"Don't worry, I didn't let you compete with me for nothing, I can give you enough money."Gong Shaoting patted his chest as he spoke, with a serious look on his face.

"So how much are you prepared to give?"

"300,000 or 500,000. If it’s not enough, we’ll add more when the time comes."Before Su Hang could say anything, he had already raised the price twice.

Lin Jia turned to look at Su Hang, full of disbelief. It was a bit outrageous for this person to get married.

This price is not to be said to be a discussion. , even if Su Hang were to teach him the carving technique, it would be more than enough.

"What's the matter, do you still think it's too little?"Gong Shaoting added without hearing the two people's answers. The price has now been increased to 500,000 by Gong Shaoting himself. How could Su Hang and the others still dislike this low price? They just looked at Gong Shaoting's This behavior seems a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

After all, which normal person would increase the price like this?

"Sir, may I take the liberty to ask, why do you want to come and discuss my carving skills with me?"The deep curiosity in Su Hang's heart was indeed aroused by him.

After all, someone stopped him on the roadside and asked him to give him 500,000 yuan to discuss his carving skills. This is definitely not what a normal person would do. It's something.

But the man in front of Su Hang looks serious and doesn't seem to be joking.

At the same time, his clothes also look very normal. Is he some rich man? I have no place to spend my money, so I want to find a place to spend it. good spending spending

"My wife said that what I made was too ugly and she wanted to find someone to learn from me. They say that the jewelry designs you make are popular and many girls like them, so naturally they want to learn from you."Gong Shaoting scratched his head, and as he spoke, his face turned slightly red. After all, this seems to be true, and it is not a very glorious thing.

"So you spend 500,000 really just to discuss things with others."Lin Jia screamed at this moment. The person in front of me must be a little too rich. He can take 500,000 yuan whenever he wants.

"That's natural, I can more or less design it."Gong Shaoting raised his head proudly. He has skills, but his wife dislikes him.

Su Hang and Lin Jia looked at each other.

Why does this man look like a big fool? Feeling? I still don’t know if this 500,000 is true or false.

"In this case, let me take you to my workplace to have a look."Su Hang then decided to take this person to his place of work.

Fortunately, because he was afraid that he would disturb his family while he was working, Su Hang rented a studio outside, and now it comes in handy.

"Then you go over and spar with him, and I'll go back to pick up the babies."Lin Jia was actually not familiar with jewelry.

Seeing that Su Hang had decided to take him to the studio, he naturally went back to pick up his little darlings.

Su Hang nodded and said goodbye to Lin Jia. Then I took Gong Shaoting and set off.

"It turns out you still have your own studio! He really is a master sculptor. After all, most people work for others."Gong Shaoting arrived at the place and looked at the situation around him. In his eyes, he couldn't help but burst out with some admiration.

He really didn't lie.

After all, when he was inside, he heard people bragging about his abilities. He thought There are many elements of fraud, but now it seems that those things should be true

"Still working for people. How else would I make money?"Su Hang didn't mean to avoid it at all. After all, he really works for others. He just said that his job is relatively free. He chooses his own boss. He won't cooperate with people he doesn't like.

This is compared to other people. The work satisfied him a lot.

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