"Mommy, look, I won."Si Bao was raised by the referee with his right hand. He turned to look at his mother, his face full of pride.

He had long said that as long as he was allowed to participate in this final, he would definitely win the championship.

"Baby, that's awesome!"Lin Jia also quickly came down from the stands when Si Bao won the championship. Seeing Si Bao talking to her proudly, Lin Jia responded with a smile.

As long as Si Bao's hands are fine, can she win the championship? In fact, For Lin Jia, it is not important at all. But being able to win this championship and make Si Bao happy is a good experience.

Because Si Bao won the championship, Su Hang was surrounded by a group of reporters.

"You are Su Zhuo's father, right? What do you want to say about your child winning here?"

"Although this is just a children's martial arts competition, as far as we know, Su Zhuo has never participated in any martial arts competition since he was a child. This is the first time."

"You won a big championship right out of the gate, what do you want to say?"

Although this is just a competition between children, because it was held in such a formal manner, there were also TV stations to broadcast it.

After all, in the Dragon Kingdom, paying attention to the growth of children is also a very important matter.

"All of this is my child's own efforts. As parents, we are just guiding our children."Su Hang faced the camera without any stage fright.

The reporters were very satisfied when they heard this answer. After all, such an answer can write countless press releases for them.

"Thank you Mr. Su for your answer. Now I would like to ask you and Su Zhuo to face our camera and take a group photo."The people from the TV station directly raised their cameras and called Si Bao over there who had already won the championship medal.

This was the highlight moment that Si Bao had won for their family. Su Hang quickly arranged for his children to face it together. The camera took a huge group photo.

At this time, they also knew that these were the sextuplets who made a sensation in the Dragon Kingdom.

There was a martial arts champion among the sextuplets. This was considered a big news.

The media After getting the photos, they immediately went down to catch up on the draft. Suhang and the others also bought tickets and rushed back that night.

After all, the most important thing is for children to go to school. The reason why they agreed to the four treasures to participate in this competition at that time was It's just because the children just have two days of vacation. Now because of the expansion of the competition, the time has been delayed for two days. If they don't rush back overnight, they will inevitably be late for school.

How can a normal class ask for leave as soon as it asks for leave? Six children. Besides, Su Hang and the others don’t want to trouble the teacher.

"Mommy, the four treasures have already won the championship, can't we play here for one more day?"Dabao looked at Lin Jia, still unwilling to accept it. They hadn't finished shopping in the commercial street next to it. Besides, they heard that there was a big food court here. Last time, they just went for a short walk. We haven’t tasted all the local specialties yet. It would be a pity to go back like this.

"Okay, you have to go back to school for me." Lin Jia shook her head firmly, her tone extremely serious.

The Four Treasures won the game, and the reward is a reward, but they must not delay going to school.

"We have to go to school every day, so if we delay for one day, nothing will happen. I really want to try their delicious food."Er Bao also followed Dabao and spoke quickly. They are all a group of foodies, and they all just want to taste the delicious food here.

"As long as you perform well this semester and all six of you have improved grades at the end of the semester, I can guarantee that I will bring you over during the winter vacation and have fun for a week."Su Hang was not as determined as Lin Jia, but instead offered another reward.

Anyway, I have already met Hobert here. When the time comes, I will come over the winter vacation for a week to have an in-depth communication with Hobert and take the children. It seems to be a good choice for them to play with each other.

But the premise is that the children can listen to his words, study seriously, and not cause trouble in school.

"This is so difficult!"San Bao sighed, she can guarantee herself, but there are six of them, and some of them will inevitably be very naughty. If they don't behave well, they will lose the opportunity to travel here. This would be too unfair.

"Dad, there are six of us, so the reward should be divided into six parts. You can’t ask for the same reward from us."Liubao is the smartest. After the sisters spoke, he quickly expressed his thoughts.

He didn't want to be joined. As long as he behaves well, his father will take him to travel to this city.

"But the six of you are all brothers, and you are one. Wouldn’t it be great to work together for this common goal?"Su Hang directly rejected Liu Bao's idea.

Such an answer made Liu Bao's face wrinkle up, full of grievances. After all, he still had not escaped the fate of being joined.

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