Su Hang's words made Lin Jia's expression change in an instant. Yesterday, they sneaked out, which already made people worried to death. If they sneaked out again this time, she felt that she would have to interrupt Si Bao. leg

"The children have already reached the finals, so we might as well let the children participate in the last finals, which can be regarded as an explanation to the children."Su Hang spoke very softly, but Lin Jia obviously had no intention of listening.

She was tired of saying that it was too easy to get injured in martial arts competitions, and there was no way he would let his child continue to get injured.

"I know you are worried that Si Bao will be injured. But if he wants to pursue the path of martial arts, he won't suffer any injuries at all. His hand is just a simple dislocation and has been repaired. He is still a child now, so even if he is injured, the child's resilience will allow him to recover quickly, so you don't have to worry."Su Hang did not give up. Si Bao wanted to go to this martial arts competition very much. As a father, he must fight for his children.

"Wife, just let your child go. You can't let him go back to class in a daze with this regret."

Seeing that Lin Jia was still unmoved, Su Hang took Lin Jia's hand and continued to speak.

In fact, what Su Hang said was very reasonable. If you don't let the child's thoughts go, then the four treasures will most likely go to the back. Extreme, after all, the attitude of the Four Treasures just now was already very obvious.

Now Lin Jia could be said to be completely helpless. She looked at Su Hang with anger in her eyes:"If the Four Treasures are injured behind you, go back and kneel down for me." Washboard"

"Don't worry, wife, Si Bao will definitely not let you get hurt."Su Hang's brows were filled with joy. As expected, he still had to speak to convince his wife.

When he learned that he could participate in the finals tomorrow openly, Si Bao couldn't say how happy he was and hugged his mother directly. Kissed twice on the face

"Mommy, you are the greatest mommy in the world."

Su Hang helplessly glared at his son. This is his wife, why are you taking advantage of her?

Si Bao stuck out his tongue. He was just a little too excited.

"Then let's go back quickly. Although I let you go, you have to go back and have a good rest now." Lin Jia glanced at the two father and son. She didn't want to continue to listen to the two father and son's nonsense, so she had better let the children go back to rest early. After all, they were a little tired after staying outside for a day.

When she heard that Su Hang and the others were leaving, Hobert hurriedly stepped forward, his eyes looking at Su Hang full of expectation.

Can he continue to explain the dishes to him today?

"Wife, take the kids back now, and I’ll talk to the chef."Su Hang naturally understood what Hobert was thinking. He immediately discussed with Lin Jia and asked Lin Jia to take the child back first, while he went to the kitchen with Hobert.

"Master, what are we going to learn today?"Hobert looked at Suhang, his eyes were bright and full of hope. The boiled cabbage had opened his eyes. Now for the dishes that Suhang wants to show next, Hobert's heart is full of hope. of infinite expectations

"I know how to cook some home-cooked dishes, so I’ll teach you a simple one."Su Hang glanced at it, and Hobert said immediately. And Hobert, who had already seen Su Hang's cooking skills, didn't think that Su Hang would teach any simple dishes. He seemed to be extremely serious, and he was afraid of missing Su Hang's cooking skills. Every little detail on the chopping board.

Su Hang took a piece of meat from the chopping board, and then took one or two green peppers.

"Today I will make you the most common home-style stir-fry, stir-fried pork with green pepper."While doing this, Su Hang explained it to him in detail.

Hobert also listened very carefully, not letting go of every little detail.

"Although in his opinion these two things may not necessarily make something delicious, but since Su Hang said it, it must work.

While cooking, Hobert also took Su Hang to chat.

"Master, do you really not think about it and come to our kitchen? Look at the environment and what an excellent restaurant this is, I believe with you we can get it to 4 stars soon. And I can also give you half of my shares."Smelling the fragrance in the air. Hobert felt more and more that he must do everything possible to retain Su Hang. Such an excellent person would definitely make them reach a higher level in their restaurant.

"Mr. Hobert is very grateful for your kindness, but I think I have made it clear to you before. I just want to be at home with my wife and children. As you can see, I have so many children, so naturally I don’t have much time to come over. Help you cook."Su Hang shook his head helplessly. In fact, he just enjoys the feeling of cooking for his family.

As for not knowing how many dishes to serve to guests every day, it is a bit too difficult for Su Hang.

"But I can give you half of the shares. It must cost a lot of money to raise 6 children. As long as you agree, it will be much easier for you to raise children."Hobert was still a little unwilling to give up and continued to pull Su Hangdao.

Chapter 1044: Cooking is a hobby.

Su Hang ignored Hobert's continued movements.

Although raising children is difficult, after so many years of development, raising 6 children The children no longer put any pressure on Su Hang, and Hobert is a very good bait, but after all, he is not from this city. If he has to take care of the children every day, he cannot have to come here every day to do them. Food.

After much deliberation, Su Hang had no choice but to refuse.

Hobert's face was full of regrets. He didn't expect Su Hang to be so determined. It was a pity.

The oil pan was sizzling, and Su Hang was After a quick stir-fry, the vegetables were served directly.

"It’s done, taste it."

After saying that, he pushed the bowl of food in front of Hobert.

Hobert didn't mean to be polite. After Su Hang pushed it over, he immediately took his own bowl and started eating.

"OMG! What kind of magical delicacy is this?"With just a simple bite, Hobert screamed loudly. This seemed to be more amazing than the boiled cabbage dish.

And according to Su Hang, this seemed to be just a very ordinary dish. Home-cooked food.

How could there be such a magical dish? It’s really amazing.

"The essence of food is to bring security to people's lives, and sometimes simple ingredients are the best explanation."Su Hang raised his lips and smiled. Hobert's surprise was actually not surprising to Su Hang.

This is the world. Sometimes some beautiful things are very simple.

"That makes sense. Master, I really appreciate meeting you. You gave me a new understanding of my career as a chef."Hubert looked at Su Hang with gratitude, and his words were full of sincerity.

Faced with such high-level thanks, Su Hang simply smiled.

He just used the simplest ingredients to give Huo Hang Bert just showed it off and didn't really do anything at all, but since he was so grateful, there was nothing he could do about it.

"After the final match of the Four Treasures tomorrow. We will go back. Thank you for your hospitality these days"

"Oh my friend. Can I come with you to your city? I want to experience different cuisines." Hobert said immediately.

He felt that he could not stay in this three-star restaurant. He should learn more and better cooking skills.

After hearing this, Su Hang frowned fiercely. He frowned, and after a few seconds, he spoke.

"Mr. Hobert, I don't think your restaurant can accept your departure. If you have a chance in the future, come see me again, and I will treat you well then."

Su Hang's words are extremely objective, and this is indeed the truth.

Hobert is not only the largest shareholder of this restaurant, but also the only chef of this restaurant. If Hobert leaves, then this restaurant will The operation of the company will also become a big problem. Unless Hobert can find someone to take over his position, it will be almost impossible to leave with Su Hang to learn cooking skills.

"Leave a phone number. When I take care of this matter, I will definitely come to you."Hobert took out his mobile phone. In fact, in his heart, he wanted to become Su Hang's disciple.

After all, there were too few people who could give him great inspiration. If he could really become his disciple, he would be Maybe he can become a five-star chef in time

"No problem, as long as you take the time to come over, I will definitely entertain you with the highest etiquette in our Dragon Kingdom."Su Hang nodded, not having the slightest objection to this matter. After all, when walking in the world, multiple people mean multiple friends. Multiple friends also mean more opportunities, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Two people After a brief exchange, Su Hang returned to the hotel. When he returned, several children had fallen asleep. The four treasures were still nervous when facing the game before, but after experiencing two battles, facing During the final, he felt relieved and went to bed early.

It seemed that he had to make up his mind and recuperate his energy.

When Lin Jia saw Su Hang coming back, she didn't say much, but she wanted to let the Four Treasures Although she agreed to continue participating in the finals, she still couldn't help but worry in her heart. What if something happens again tomorrow? What should I do with Si Bao's hands?

"You promised me that the Four Treasures will be fine and won't be injured by then."The two of them were lying on the bed. Lin Jia couldn't help but repeat this sentence again. She had already said it during the day.

"Do not worry! If you say it's okay, it will be okay. Tomorrow you can watch Si Bao become the champion."Hold his wife tight, Su Hang said with all his heart.

Facing Su Hang like this, Lin Jia really has no choice.

In this situation, it seems that she can only wait until tomorrow. Only when the game starts tomorrow will we know the result. But but After lying there for a while, Lin Jia couldn't help but become worried again.

"Do you think we should ask a family doctor to come with us tomorrow? What if something happens? It can also be solved."Lin Jia got up and looked at Su Hang seriously.

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