Chapter 99: What bad things have you done? (Two chapters in one, fourth update)

From the very beginning, Su Hang felt that he and his father were more like brothers than father and son.

In the past, every time I did something wrong and my mother chased me and beat me, my father would stop me from behind.

Several times, I was accidentally injured.

Because of this special father-son relationship, Su Hang prefers to talk to Su Cheng about many things.

It was also for this reason that this time, he asked Su Cheng for his bank card number.

Because if you ask Lin Yueqing for it, she will definitely not give it because she doesn't believe it.

But Sioux City is different.

Even if he doesn't believe it, he will give it in order not to dampen his son's enthusiasm.

I guess dad thought he could only transfer 10,000 to 20,000.

Su Hang smiled, took note of his bank card number, turned around and walked into the living room.


Beside the sofa, Lin Jia had finished taking a bath and was memorizing something in front of the table.

Su Hang took a closer look and found that she was keeping accounts

"Why do you suddenly want to keep accounts?"

A gentle voice came from above.

Lin Jia looked up, pursed her lips and smiled softly:"Write down the accounts. You can see more clearly where we spend more money and where we spend less money."

"And this way, you can better plan your unused money."

Holding the pen and tilting her head to think about it, Lin Jia continued:"If we plan well, we can also save more money."

"This way, if something urgent happens later, you won’t be too nervous."

"I didn’t expect that my wife is quite a housekeeper?"Su Hang smiled faintly and sat down next to Lin Jia.

On the account book, the use of each money was recorded in detail in small and elegant characters.

For example, when did he buy milk powder yesterday and how much did he spend?

Another example is renting a car for the past two days. , how much money was spent in total.

On the left side of the account book, the money they already had was recorded.

How the money came from was also recorded in detail.

Seeing Su Hang staring at the account book carefully, Lin Jia's expression She blushed slightly.

She bit the tip of her pen and said with some embarrassment:"I can't make much money now, so I can't help you share more pressure.""

"But I will also find a job that can make extra money as soon as possible so that you won’t have to work so hard!"

She said, with a firm look in her eyes.

Su Hang looked at her overly serious look and smiled helplessly.

"Don't take your aunt's words at heart, take your time, don't rush."

How can we not be in a hurry?

Lin Jia curled her lips and frowned.

She still had to save money to buy gifts.

This part-time job must be found as soon as possible.

"Anyway...I will do it as soon as possible!"

After making a promise, Lin Jia continued to lower her head and keep accounts.

Su Hang smiled, pointed to the position of 1.2 million, and said:"Deduct 1 million here, and I will transfer it to my parents tomorrow."

"good. Lin

Jia quickly made a note on the bill without thinking about it.

After writing it down, she looked up and said,"My classes will be in the morning tomorrow. Can you go to the bank in the afternoon?""

Su Hang thought for a while and nodded:"Okay."

Transfer the money tomorrow afternoon, and the day after tomorrow at the latest, my parents will receive the money.

When the debt issue is resolved, they will probably have time to return to the Magic City.

By then, Lin Jia and her children will definitely have to follow them Seeing each other,

Su Hang smiled and reached out to pinch Lin Jia's cheek.

"Teacher Lin, you have to be prepared. You may have to meet your future parents-in-law in a few days."


Hearing this, Lin Jia was slightly startled.

After a while, she realized what she was doing and suddenly stammered nervously.

"You...your parents...they are coming?"

"They...what do they like to eat? I want to study in advance……"

"Also, what do they like? Should I buy it in advance and use it as a gift?"

Her little mouth opened and opened, talking to herself in a panic.

Seeing that she was a little too nervous, Su Hang couldn't help but smile, and stretched out his hand to cover the little mouth that kept talking.

The delicate touch, It came from the palm of his hand.

Su Hang calmed down and chuckled helplessly.

"They are not as scary as you think, just relax."

Hearing this, Lin Jia frowned.

She pushed Su Hang's hand away with her small hands and pouted:"This is not something to be afraid of, this is respect for them."


Speaking of this, Lin Jia's face turned red, with a hint of shyness on her face.

Lowering her head, she said sheepishly:"I also hope to leave a good impression on your parents."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing these words, Su Hang felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He pulled Lin Jia forward and chuckled softly:"You're fine as you are now. They must be satisfied with you."

Looking directly at Su Hang, Lin Jia's expression became serious again.

"Then be more prepared!"

Tilting her head and thinking for a moment, she said seriously:"Well, you tell me what my uncle and aunt like to eat."

"I'll practice more before they come!"

"OK, I'll tell you."

Su Hang said, raising his eyebrows

"As for now, you should rest, you have to get up early for class tomorrow"

"what time is it? Lin

Jia glanced at the clock above her head in confusion.

The next second, she jumped up quickly, put the account book away, and placed it on the floor under the coffee table.

"I'll leave the ledger here. I'll try to come back as early as possible tomorrow and you can drive to the bank then."

After saying that, she dragged her slippers and trotted into the bedroom.

Seeing her hurried appearance, Su Hang chuckled helplessly.

Just when he was about to get up and take a shower, Lin Jia's little head stuck out from the door frame again.

"By the way, don’t forget to tell me what your parents like to eat."

With a shy warning, she quickly retracted her head. She looked like a rabbit in a hurry to escape.

Shaking her head with a smile, Su Hang stretched and walked to take a shower.

Anyway, let's pay back the money first.!


In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Jia was watching the little ones at home while Su Hang drove to the nearest bank.

After transferring the money, he called his parents again.

The person who answered the phone was Lin Yueqing.

After listening to Su Hang's words, she still didn't believe it.

After all, in her opinion, her son does not have the ability to make one million now.

If you don’t have a formal job, how can you get one million?

Even if you have a formal job, you can't reach the top in one fell swoop.

In this regard, Su Hang didn't explain much and just asked his father to pay more attention to the text messages on his mobile phone.

However, Lin Penghuai only responded twice and didn't take it seriously.

Until the next afternoon.

Su Hang and Lin Jia were changing clothes for Wubao who had just taken a bath.

Just when Su Hang was about to take Liu Bao to take a bath.

On the coffee table in the living room, his cell phone suddenly started vibrating over and over again.

After looking at the caller's name, Su Hang answered the call immediately.

"Hey, Mom, did you receive the money?"

"Brat, tell me where you got more than one million? Have you done something bad?"

As soon as Su Hang finished speaking, Lin Yueqing's crying voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Xiaohang, let me tell you, even if our family is poor, you are not allowed to do those immoral things for me. Do you hear me?"

"Tell me clearly, where did you get this million?"

"Mom, I……"

Listening to his mother's anxious inquiry, Su Hang was helpless.

This reaction was undoubtedly my own mother’s.

Su Hang opened his mouth and was about to explain when Lin Yueqing's crying voice came again.

"Xiaohang, your parents are already very touched that you are willing to help your parents pay back the money."

"But we can't do bad things for this reason, you know?"

"Please tell your mother, where did you get this money?"

The more Lin Yueqing spoke, the more anxious she became.

At the end of the sentence, she actually started crying.

She was really frightened.

Su Hang never thought that his mother would think so much.

He frowned and explained quickly. Said:"Mom, I earned this money seriously, it’s definitely not what you think."

"So tell me, how do you make money?" Lin Yueqing cried and asked.

On the side, Su Cheng coaxed a few words and quickly said to Su Hang:"Xiao Su, please make it clear quickly and don't let me worry about your mother."

"All right."

Su Hang sighed helplessly and told him that he had earned more than one million yuan from carving.

When they learned that their son had earned the money from carving, Lin Yueqing and Su Cheng were immediately dumbfounded.

This time, even Su Cheng He didn’t believe it anymore.

He had been collecting for a while before and knew how deep the profession of carving was.

His son had never carving before.

Now in just one year, he not only learned how to carve, but also made money with carving. More than one million?

This is simply impossible!

Su Cheng's tone became serious as his tone deepened

"Xiaohang, tell the truth, where did this money come from?"

"Dad, I make money from carving.……"

Su Hang didn't believe his father when he saw him, and was completely speechless.

Sighing, he simply said:"If you and my mother don't believe it, go search for a program called"World Collection""

"In the latest Mid-Autumn Festival special program, an old collector named Yao showed off the tea set I carved for him."

"And he introduced me on the show."

It's just that the introduction was not detailed enough.

Su Hang added in his mind


After listening to Su Hang's words, Su Cheng and Lin Yueqing were silent for a moment.

The next second, Lin Yueqing's threat came

"Your dad and I are going to check it out right now."

"Brat, if you dare to lie to us, I will rush back to the Magic City even if I spend double the money on the air ticket!"


Facing his mother's familiar threat, Su Hang smiled helplessly.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, the call was hung up.

Next to him, Lin Jia's laughing voice came

"Uncle and aunt don't believe what you said?"

Looking back at Lin Jia who was gloating about his misfortune, Su Hang raised his eyebrows:"You seem quite happy?"

"Ahem...I don't have one."

Lin Jia looked away with a guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Su Hang narrowed his eyes and walked forward slowly.

Just when Lin Jia thought he was going to do something"bad" and was about to avoid it,

Su Hang's hands moved directly towards her waist. Scratch both sides.

The next second, Lin Jia's unbearable laughter spread in the bedroom

"Ha ha ha ha! What are you doing!"

"You are not allowed...hahaha! No more scratching!"

"You tickle me again and make me angry!"

Her little face flushed with laughter, and she kept dodging.

Finally, with a pop, she fell directly on the bed.

Looking at Lin Jia who huddled up to avoid, Su Hang raised his eyebrows and approached with a smile.

He suddenly As soon as the pressure hit, Lin Jia was stunned, lying on the bed stupidly, forgetting to dodge.

Her almond-shaped eyes that burst into tears from laughter blinked innocently, staring at Su Hang's face in a mist.

Just as the two people crossed each other , As we got closer, the atmosphere became more subtle.


The mobile phone in the living room rang again.

Su Hang's eyes darkened and he sighed helplessly.

My parents, I watched this show too fast!

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