Chapter 994: See what you can do. After hearing Su Hang's words, Dabao and Sibao didn't say anything yet, but the other treasures were the first to laugh out loud.

In order to take a good photo when she was presenting awards to Dabao and Sibao, Lin Jia ran over early to get a seat. Because the location was so good, she wouldn't be able to squeeze in if she was late.

Even if it was under the bright sun, Su Hang said that he would help Lin Jia take the photo, but Lin Jia refused, saying that Su Hang's aesthetics was not good enough. What should I do if the photos turned out to be ugly?

Well, now that Lin Jia has said this, what can we do? Su Hang had no choice but to sit here in the cold and watch the children play sadly.

"Dad, don’t blink when I give out the award later!"

Before leaving, Dabao and Sibao made a special statement, and then walked towards the podium.

After a while, everyone saw Dabao and Sibao, standing one high and one low to receive the award. On the stage.

There was nothing particularly surprising about the whole award-receiving process. The fat principal of the school presented the award, and it ended quickly. It took just a few photos, and Dabao and Sibao each held two pieces. The medal came down

"did you see it? Gold medal, gold medal……"

Dabao showed off as he walked, holding two gold medals from the Four Treasures in his hands, as if these two gold medals belonged to him.

And not only did he show off in front of Su Hang and other Dabao, but he also showed off in front of his teachers and classmates. From that look, Su Hang felt as if Dabao was almost floating when he walked.

"Look at what you can do. Those two gold medals were obtained by Xiao Zhuo. Where are yours?"

Er Bao really couldn't stand it any longer, so he said something to Dabao.

"Alas~ What’s mine is Xiaozhuo’s, and what’s Xiaozhuo’s is mine!"

Hearing this, Dabao was not affected at all and continued to show off everywhere. Seeing Erbao's teeth itching, he wanted to go up and take a bite.

As for the medals Dabao and Sibao held in their hands, Su Hang also took a look at them to see if they would lose. It was all gold or all silver, and the weight was not right at all.

Su Hang estimated that it was just the surface of the gold and silver medals that had been plated. If it was really all gold or all silver, Su Hang might be surprised. This The school is too willing to spend a lot of money to hold an autumn sports meeting.

"Oh~ I’m so hot in the sun, I feel like I’m about to have a heat stroke... Xiaochen, Xiaozhuo, come on, let mom see your medals! Lin

Jia, who had taken the photo, originally came over complaining, but when she saw the medals in the hands of Dabao and Sibao, she immediately forgot everything. At this moment, the medals of Dabao and Sibao were in her mind. In the eyes, it seems to be more precious than all gold or all silver.

"Okay, you're all hungry, let's go have a big meal at noon!"

Afterwards, Su Hang expressed his pride to the treasures directly, causing them to cheer again.

However, for the sake of the relay race in the afternoon, Su Hang only ordered some for Dabao and Sibao when ordering. Relatively light food to prevent them from having a bad stomach and affecting the afternoon game.

This made Dabao and Sibao, who did not eat what they wanted to eat, slightly disappointed, but they also understood that Su Hang was doing this for their own good.

Except In addition, Suhang also booked a room in the hotel for Dabao and Sibao so that they could have a good sleep at noon so that they could be in better condition to face the relay race in the afternoon.

Although the relay race was not in In the first game, but also relatively early, Dabao, Sibao and the other two quickly entered the preparation area.

"come on! Victory belongs to us!"

Before the competition started, the four of them hugged each other and cheered each other on. They were determined to get the first place in this competition.

In addition, Wang Jianqiang didn't know when he came to the preparation area, far away He looked at Dabao, Sibao and the other two people.

This game should not be missed. After all, he, Dabao, Sibao and the other two people had prepared for this game for a long time.

For this reason, Wang Jianqiang also specifically resigned from the game. The referee position was handed over to others just to be able to come here and watch Dabao and the others participate in the relay race.


As the signal gun sounded, Sibao was the first to start. Just like the two races in the morning, Si Bao alone outperformed the crowd and left the other runners far behind.

"come on! Come on!"

Wang Jianqiang, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help clenching his fists and secretly cheering for a few people!

When Si Bao passed the baton to Dabao, there was no surprise at all. Dabao's initial explosion was even greater than that of these four treasures. Not bad.

He kept the other contestants far away again, and then passed the baton to Zhang Shan. The handover was successful!


But when Zhang Shan ran only a few dozen meters, for some reason, something happened under his feet. Suddenly he slipped, fell hard, and even the baton fell out.

"stand up! Stand up quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Dabao's heart twitched, and he secretly cheered Zhang Shan, and the contestants behind him were almost catching up.

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