A group of gangsters wearing ancient soldiers' clothes slowly floated over from the other end of the tomb passage in uniform steps.

The faces of those Yin soldiers were pale, and their figures were a little unreal. Their feet seemed to be walking, but in fact they didn't even touch the ground at all.

Chen Wenjin took a sneak peek, and was startled by the appearance of those sinister soldiers at just one glance, and almost blurted out a exclamation in his mouth.

But in the next second, Wu Sansheng and Su Mu covered their mouths at the same time.

"Don't scream!"

The two of them motioned her to be quiet with their eyes.

Chen Wenjin knew that he almost made a big mistake, so he nodded quickly to show that he understood.

When the two of them took off their hands, Chen Wenjin immediately covered his mouth, for fear that he would make any noise again..

Not only Chen Wenjin, but also the bold Pan Zi, Fatty Wu and others felt their hearts trembling and were a little shocked.

Fatty Wang and Pan Zi looked at each other and saw their fear in each other's eyes.

Without any time to think, he stretched out his hand and pressed the other person's mouth, fearing that the other party would make a sound and attract the group of Yin soldiers in the aisle. In this way, a group of people hid behind the tomb beast in fear, not even daring to take a breath.

But okay. The group of Yin soldiers passed through the aisle at a relatively fast speed, but within a few breaths, the group of Yin soldiers had already passed by in front of everyone.

I was afraid that before the group of Yin soldiers had gone out of sight, everyone would go to the tomb beast for safety. After squatting behind for a minute, he walked out. The biting chill from before gradually left everyone.

Su Mu felt that the scene just now was really exciting. After walking out, he took out his Hanguang from his backpack without saying a word. Sword.

With the Light Sword in hand, Su Mu felt that his safety was somewhat guaranteed.

As soon as Su Mu took out the Light Sword, Wu Sansheng and Men You Ping looked over.

Wu Sansheng couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the sword. With a breath, he directly said the name of Han Guang Sword, and he knew the origin of Han Guang Sword very well. Even Su Mu had to admire Wu Sansheng's knowledge.

Men You Ping also looked at Han Guang more. Jian Jiyan, such a magical weapon, is not far behind his black gold ancient sword.


Wu Sansheng didn't dare to stop any longer and directly urged everyone to move on.

After everyone walked in the tomb passage for a while, they were blocked by a stone wall.

"The road is blocked, what should we do now?"Pan Zi looked at the stone wall with some embarrassment, speechless.

Wu Sansheng stepped forward to check it out, frowned and said:"This is a stone wall."

"Stone acid wall?"Everyone is puzzled

"The sulfuric acid wall is very troublesome. There is an anti-theft interlayer inside, and the interlayer contains vanadium acid used for alchemy. If it is broken directly, the sulfuric acid inside will definitely splash out directly. If it touches it, it will basically be burned to the skin in a moment. All gone"

"What to do?"

Menyouping came forward and groped back and forth on the stone wall for a while.

Then he inserted his finger hard towards the joint of a brick. However, he only inserted it halfway and couldn't get any further.

Menyouping retracted his finger. Shaking his head he said:

"The wall is so thick that even I can't get the bricks out."

Just when everyone was thinking about how to open the stone wall, they suddenly felt a very familiar cold feeling, coming towards them again.

And Fatty Wang, who was watching behind, also looked panicked at this time. shouted:

"not good! The Yin soldiers are coming back!

According to the previous speed of the Yin soldiers passing through the aisle, there wasn't much left for them.

Seeing that in a few minutes those dark soldiers would come back again, and everyone was still stuck here.

Now there are only two options available, either go or leave, which makes everyone feel a little embarrassed and don't know what to choose.

Wu Sansheng glanced at the stone wall that still couldn't find a breach, and felt the cold aura that gradually invaded him. After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"If it doesn’t work, let’s exit first.……"

It seemed that they had made an extremely difficult decision. Now that they exited, they would have a normal chance of running into the Yin soldiers in the aisle, but they also had a normal chance of being able to exit safely.

But if you choose to stay here, you will definitely run into the Yin soldiers directly.

For the sake of everyone's safety, Wu Sansheng had no choice but to make this choice.

However, just as he sat down to make his decision, Menyou Ping directly took off the long package that had been carried on his back.

Unwinding the cloth strips wrapped around the outside, a blade with a simple and elegant shape but exquisite details was revealed.

This is Menyou Ping's personal weapon, the ancient black gold sword.

Taking out the ancient black gold sword, Menyou Ping walked directly in front of the stone wall without saying anything.

He quickly touched the stone wall with his fingers, and then inserted the blade of the ancient black gold knife directly into the joint between the bricks.

Menyouping frowned and pried the bricks hard, but the thickened stone wall was not easy to pry at all.

Even though Menyou Ping is extremely talented and powerful, he can only pry the brick a little bit. It is not that easy to take out the brick.

When Su Mu saw this, he didn't hesitate and stepped forward to help.

Su Mu has the bonus of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline. After the strengthening of the bloodline, Su Mu's own abilities have made a qualitative leap, and his strength is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Su Mu stepped forward and patted Men You Ping, signaling him to let him try. Although Men You Ping didn't understand why Su Mu acted like this, he still made room for Su Mu.

After Su Mu got out of the way, Su Mu stepped forward and grasped the blade of the ancient black gold sword.

Then he took a deep breath, the energy settled in his dantian, and pushed forward hard with his hand. He saw that the black gold ancient knife was like poking into a piece of tofu, and it was inserted into the middle of it easily.

Sumu was afraid that he would get stuck into the vanadate layer inside, so he stopped after inserting it for a certain distance. He turned his hand back to the handle of the knife and began to slowly pry the stone bricks.

Su Mu's move directly attracted everyone's attention. Even Wu Sansheng, who had just advocated withdrawing, was now full of hope.

As long as Su Mu is fast enough and breaks through the stone wall before the Yin soldiers return, they will still have a chance...

Everyone watched nervously, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Under their gaze, the stone brick that Su Mu had pried was moving outward at a neither fast nor slow speed.

When everyone felt a little unable to hold it in and wanted to take a deep breath.

The stone brick was firmly grasped by the oil bottle, and then it was pulled out with force, and the stone brick was pulled out.


Everyone exclaimed, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Su Mu, you are so awesome! This strength is simply amazing!"

Chen Wenjin gave an exaggerated thumbs up to Su Mu, and Pan Zi and Fatty Wang beside him also agreed.

Wu Sansheng also had a look of surprise on his face, as Su Mu's ability had reached an unparalleled level.

He had always been taciturn. Menyou Ping also made an exception this time and praised Su Mu:"You are amazing!"

Facing the admiration and praise of everyone, Su Mu calmly said: These are all trivial!

Su Mu looked into the hole exposed after removing the stone bricks, and sure enough he saw that there was an interlayer inside.

Su Mu didn't know what to do about this How to deal with it, we can only let the unknown go and let the stuffy oil bottle come up.

As soon as the stuffy oil bottle comes up, it is taken out directly from the bag. There are tools and a long transparent pipe as thick as an index finger.

Only the stuffy oil bottle can be seen When the bottle came up, the arrow-like tool was heated red, and then it was plunged into the hole.

Then, the transparent pipe that had been placed in the position was quickly inserted into the broken hole..

Then everyone saw a lot of brown-red liquid flowing out of the transparent pipe quickly.

After the liquid flowed into the corner of the wall along with the pipe, it immediately made a squeaking corrosive sound, and an unbearable sound. The gas that I smelled came out immediately.

"Hurry up... Hurry up……"

Everyone was waiting anxiously, watching the cold air getting heavier and heavier, and the distance between the Yin soldiers getting closer and closer, which made everyone want to break through the stone wall and get in immediately.

Just when everyone thought that a long time had passed, but in fact it was only a few tens of seconds, all the vanadium acid had been discharged through the pipeline.

"alright!"Meng Youping stood up and gestured.

Two words in one sentence were like the sound of nature, making everyone's hearts feel like they were flying to the sky in an instant.

"Come on, come on, the Yin soldiers are back."

Fat Wang, who had been watching the wind, suddenly reminded. Everyone turned around and saw some shadows of Yin soldiers in the distance.

Seeing that the Yin soldiers were almost in front of them, everyone couldn't wait to step forward.The combined force broke open the stone wall.


The stone wall collapsed with a loud noise, and everyone walked directly into the collapsed stone wall to avoid the Yin soldiers.

However, just when everyone walked in, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side of the wall.

"ah!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!,·

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