A new round of almighty war broke out.

This time, it was David who took action against Pappetua. It was clear that not long ago, the two of them were still working closely together.

"You bastard, what good will killing me do to you?!"

Papetua roared, mixed with shock and anger.

David said calmly:"It's precisely because I'm not sure how much benefit it will bring, so I have to try it... What if I can gain something?"

As he spoke, terrifying power began to gather in his eyes, which were suddenly filled with countless powers and shot out a terrifying heat sight.


Black destruction rays and white origin rays all poured out at this moment. The brewing endless lethality enveloped Papetua in an instant.

The entire Almighty Universe was shaken by this terrifying fluctuation at this moment. David at this moment was really too powerful.

With his own power To forcibly shake this vast world, only the Almighty Universe level can do it.

In an instant, countless multiverses erupted into wailing sounds, falling into despair because of the confrontation between these two terrifying gods. Abyss.

However, neither Papetua nor David cared about this at all.

They stared at each other with murderous eyes.


The moment the heat vision hit, Papetua let out a With a shrill roar, his hair disheveled, all the powerful forces in his body burst out in an instant, and in just a moment, he faced David's heat vision head-on. At the moment of collision, terrible power surged out, spreading crazily, and this It is an attack that encompasses energy, time and space, meaning, and concepts. Wherever it passes, it is an attack that truly covers everything.

Countless multiverses are enveloped by this terrifying fluctuation, even in extremely distant realms. , was still invaded by this terrifying power, and began to collapse and destroy on a large scale.

It suffered heavy losses.

Everything began to collapse at this moment.

"You asked for this! Do you still treat me as if I just got out of trouble?!"

Papetua's ugly face was extremely distorted, and on her huge figure, the entire power level suddenly surged. The endless power of the place of origin was absorbed by Pappetua.

This creation statue God, began to expand rapidly

"Destroyed the place of origin and harvested the power of other creators and judges?"

David looked at this scene expressionlessly, and took action directly to forcibly snatch the power that was being swallowed by Papetua.

Boom boom boom!

The entire place of origin was completely destroyed and turned into endless Dust, even this dust, was frantically squeezed and plundered by David and Pappetua.

It lost all value and turned into pure meaninglessness.

"die! I will destroy you and the world you created!"

Papetua roared gloomily. Her power instantly reached a new level, even surpassing her previous peak.

But... David became more powerful than her!!

"The ideal is good, but it's a pity that it's illusory. When I kill you, you won't say such things again."

David sneered, and the mechanical parts all over his body began to mobilize rapidly. The blood inside also flowed like the vast Wang Yang, and terrifying power continued to boil in his body.

He mobilized all his strength to It reached its absolute peak and rushed towards Papetua with a bang.

The power of origin and the power of destruction surged crazily, bursting out in the powerful body.


Papetua also fought for his life with red eyes, Countless terrifying combat powers exploded at this moment.


The two figures finally collided together.

All the barriers in front of Papetua were torn apart by David's impact regardless of the cost.

"I told you, you will die here!!"

David sneered, and a large area of ​​skin on his body collapsed, revealing a powerful body.

The terrifying figure of half flesh and half machine pushed David's power to a more extraordinary level.


One punch.

Dai Wei punched through the barrier with one punch, and hit Papetua hard.

A terrifying hole suddenly appeared in Papetua's body. This powerful creation god was injured by David who was close by.

"As expected, hand-to-hand combat is more suitable for me.……"

David sneered and raised his head, looking at the goddess in front of him with a look of disbelief on her face.

Muscle is king.

Everything else is bells and whistles.

Papetua let out a shrill scream, and clawed hard at David with his long claws. With a hiss, David's powerful body was dug out with horrific scars.

But David didn't care about the injury at all. He raised his other hand and punched Papetua's wound again.

Then, both hands exerted force at the same time, so that his arms began to make a harsh roar and fell into an overloaded state.


The terrifying sound that spread throughout the Almighty Universe is constantly amplifying.

David, bit by bit, tore apart this great God of Creation.

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