In mid-June of the lunar calendar, on the playground, a group of new students were divided into groups according to their majors.

Sweat flowed freely, and within half an hour of taking off my clothes, I could almost squeeze out water.

Moreover, in no time, the instructors milling about in the team would shout

"Tighten up, who asked you to relax.

Looking straight ahead, my eyes are straight, my arms are clamped tightly, my forearms should droop naturally, and my middle finger must fall on the seam of my trousers without any gap.

If you're wrong, you should correct it and continue overtime."

"How do you stand? Legs, legs, come together!"

"Instructor, I...I'm not close!"

"You, get out of the queue!"

The conversation coming from behind the team let Lin Fan know that someone was in trouble.

Sure enough, in front of everyone, the instructor first taught him to answer questions and shout a report, and then he took out a small book from his pocket.

Tear off a page of paper and ask him to stand up and clamp the paper with his legs.

Is the clamp tight?

No. If he can pass the physical examination, there will be no problem with his legs. If there is no problem, then he will just grab your legs. , force you to clamp it, clamp the paper and stand in front of the queue

"Remember, if the paper falls down once, then you should practice for fifteen more minutes. While others rest, you should also stand for me!"

This kind of trick is very common in the army.

Even if Lin Fan and others in the recruit company have not experienced it, they can still see that some people have been played like this.

However, this kind of punishment makes all the students who passed the college entrance examination seriously. Stand tall with your chest raised, your abdomen tightened and your buttocks tightened. In fact, this kind of military posture is actually very difficult for students who have not experienced this kind of training before.

Half an hour is fine, but after adding these ten Within five minutes, one person immediately reported that he was dizzy, and one even fell to the ground.

Under the sun, the standard military posture of standing in a standard military posture without exerting any force was very torturous.

Even Lin Fan and the veterans who came up from other troops , after a short rest, they all sat together and cursed!

Being able to bear it doesn’t mean that you want to be trained like this again. But, there is no way, the new training does not depend on whether you are from the army, and you will be treated equally with the freshmen who have passed the college entrance examination. , collectively starting from scratch

"Those guys, girls, don’t need to train and come here just to watch the fun? Deliberately walking back and forth on the sidelines!"

Sitting under the shade of a tree, I watched the veteran students in rows of two and three or more walking back and forth outside the playground, and they were also passing by with side glances and pointing.

A freshman from the army said with resentment.

"Hey, just watch the fun.

In the army, if the recruit companies are not separated, you will definitely want to go and see the recruits who are following our old path every year when new recruits join the army.

Human nature!"A man wearing glasses also smiled and said.

He is also from the army, and this guy is not short-sighted. He wears glasses because he watched the special forces TV and imitated other people's pretense, so he also made such a decoration.

"MMP, three months! Thinking about this time is very annoying. This military academy is also the same. We are all veterans, and there are even non-commissioned officers. These things have to drag us to train together. Is this necessary?"

"Hey, if you can still curse, it means it’s necessary!"A strong but not tall student smiled and squeezed.

This made the one who spoke just now smiled and cursed:"Go! What a mess! Lin

Fan also smiled and said at this time:"Okay, stop complaining, complaining is useless, just grit your teeth and get over it!""

"Hey, just thinking about it is a waste of time! Might as well let us go to class and study!"

"Forget it, it's useless for us to say it, just get up, that old student is here again, and we have to stand in a military posture again.

This sun is so poisonous!"Someone stood up and squinted at the sun in the sky, complaining feebly.

Of course, it was useless to complain. As soon as the instructor came back, the whole team continued to stand in a military posture, and this time they no longer pretended to be pretending. They were forty-five when they came up. Minutes.

Sweat continued to flow.

At this second, everyone hoped that the weather in June would really change at any time like the legend.

However, it was unrealistic.

Moreover, as if he knew everyone's thoughts, the instructor smiled shouting to everyone

"Are you longing for rain?

Are you praying in your heart?

Haha, I tell you, stop dreaming."

The instructor paused and looked at some people's eyes looking at him. He didn't care, but continued to speak loudly with a smile:"Let me tell you, I know you are praying for rain in your heart, but it won't work. of.

You just have more than 300 people praying for rain.

However, there are still thousands of people in the school who hope that the weather will always be sunny!"

"MMP!"Lin Fan was so angry that he wanted to hit someone. This instructor was a bit hateful!

Everyone was sweating like rain, and he even joked with everyone.

The problem is, in Lin Fan's opinion, this joke is not funny at all.

Simply staring ahead, Lin Fan just wanted to endure it and get through this torturous and boring new training as quickly as possible....

But sometimes, surprises come out of nowhere.

On the fourth day of the new training, everyone just finished practicing the turn-stop method and continued to stand in a military posture.

The instructor was shouted away.

I came back ten minutes later and got a list.

"Stand at attention. I will call your names. Those who are called will come out!"The instructor has no nonsense.

"Hou Xiaomao!"


"Wang Jiayu!"


Shout one, click one, and finally, it's Lin Fan's place.

"Lin Fan!"


Although he didn't know what was going on, Lin Fan still chose to stand up.

But immediately, Lin Fan knew what was going on.

Because the system that had not made a sound for more than a month made a sound in his mind again.

"Task reminder!

Leading troops, as a commander, even if you have just entered school, you must be the strongest!

Task requirements: Rank first in the class graduation parade results of the military training belt!

Mission reward: a portion of camel blood.

Mission failed: 300 points deducted!"

"System, what do you mean by this mission?"When Lin Fan was a little stunned, he directly asked the system

"The mission is introduced in detail, and the dormitory can choose whether to accept it or not!"

"Nonsense, are you teaching me how to do things?

I don't accept the assignment!"

Lin Fan directly refused this task.

Of course, the reason why Lin Fan could speak so forcefully was also very simple.

He had four copies of camel blood in his carry-on space.

In the past month, Lin Fan traveled around in a car blindly It wasn't like he didn't do anything on the way.

He also got the blood of some animals.

Among them, he went to the Crescent Moon Spring in the desert.

There, Lin Fan paid for a camel ride, which was also very useful. The blood taker took four portions of camel blood.

That's why Lin Fan was so determined after seeing this reward.

Taking on this task is completely useless!

If you complete it, you don't need the reward. If you don't complete it, you will have to deduct points. This system Do you think you are now dizzy from the sun?.......

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