Military academy, for everyone in the class, is a place that is longed for but out of reach.

This is not an ordinary company, and those who want to retire after two years will not come here.

Scouts are elites, a group of good men who are determined to serve the country and love the military camp.

Although, non-commissioned officers and officers are both soldiers.

However, an officer can do something for a lifetime until retirement, but this is not necessarily the case for a non-commissioned officer.

What's more, the difference doesn't stop there.

These people here are qualified and confident in their own cultural level. They have all participated in the college entrance examination for the army.

Of course, if you are still here now, you must have failed the exam or not taken the exam at all.

"Hey, I really regret not studying seriously when I was studying!

My grades are a mess and I can only work as a top soldier for the rest of my life!"Wang Hao spoke bitterly.

After he finished speaking, Luo Dian and Li Qing also sighed at the same time.

"yes! But then again, if I had done well in school, I might have gone to university now!"

"Don't think that just because you get good grades in college, I joined the army in my sophomore year, but it was still useless.

I am an undergraduate, but in my freshman year, I gave back all the things I learned in high school to my teachers. I didn’t even dare to join the army or take the college entrance examination. I am a tragedy!"

Li Qing's words made everyone focus on him.

"College Students?

Still an undergraduate?

You joined the army to join the army before you graduated? Your brain was caught by the door!"

Wang Ping'an's bad-mouthed trait reappeared, and he was not polite at all.

But Li Qing just smiled bitterly and did not refute.

Because this is not the first time someone has said this to him.

Because if he graduates from a bachelor's degree and enlists in the army, his chances of promotion are very high. Big, but now that he is a sophomore, his education can only be regarded as a high school graduation. If he wants to be an officer, he has to take the military college entrance examination again and go to the military academy.

Otherwise, there is almost no chance.

After all, they cannot copy Lin Fan's path.

The army It is not so easy to get merit.

A third-class merit can be obtained through training and performance, and through year-end evaluation, and hard work, but two third-class merit is difficult.

Within the age limit for admission, then It's even more difficult.

What's more, sometimes two third-class merit scores may not guarantee admission to the military academy.

To be more safe, you have to get a second-class merit score.

But is it so easy to get a second-class merit score?

Every year in the military competition, there are always Those with the best grades or those who break multiple military region records can get it.

However, this is a military region competition!

It is so difficult that it is better to go back to stay up late and chew books.

That afternoon, the company commander took the selected seven and the other two The people from the company, plus the battalion commander, took the car to the brigade headquarters. The company's work training was handed over to the instructor.

There was no way, the three platoon leaders had left, and in the second company, except for the instructor, there were only a few people left. A squad leader has been appointed.

Moreover, the squad leaders of several squads have also left.

Therefore, the entire company can only work together, and the instructor arranges military affairs and classes every day. What is very difficult is that the instructor likes to give everyone theoretical classes, and even more likes to teach ideological and political education. class.

Therefore, in the next few days, everyone in the Second Company felt that they had no hope of life.

Fortunately, time would not stay forever. After one day passed, it came to the 10th.

Every day, the reconnaissance battalion actually organized everyone to watch the big The live broadcast of the competition.

Watched in the morning, afternoon, all day long, and the physical training was all arranged in the evening.

This made everyone feel great and at the same time relieved their tired hearts.........

On the 16th, the second day after the competition, the whole battalion was on the camp playground, led by the chief of staff and the main committee to welcome the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion who had returned with full glory.

"Comrades, the eagle spreads its wings and soars high. You have worked hard. salute!"

The chief of staff looked at the participating officers and soldiers who had come off the transport plane and lined up in front of him, and took the lead in shouting.

Behind them, all the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion saluted in unison.

The reconnaissance battalion, the reconnaissance battalion of the Red Arrow Brigade, although there was no The person who got the result got the first place, but there was an individual who was second and a team who was third.

Even the battalion commander also got the third place individually in the assessment competition of battalion and company-level military officers.

Although he didn't get the first place.

However, this achievement is not embarrassing and is worthy of celebration.

"Comrade Chief of Staff, Comrade Chief of Staff, and Commander of the Eagle Reconnaissance Battalion Fang Wu requested to return to the army!"On the opposite side, after everyone returned the greetings, Battalion Commander Fang shouted loudly

"agree!"The chief of staff said with a smile.

After speaking, he watched the battalion commander and the others run back to the front of the team and stood in a row again.

The chief of staff and the chief committee member took turns talking for another session.

After that, battalion commander Fang and the scouts obtained The soldier who ranked second in the individual competition and other officers and soldiers who performed well also came forward to share their experiences and experience in the competition again.

After sharing, it was time for lunch.

At this lunch, the chief of staff and the chief committee member were with everyone.

It was very interesting. It was a sumptuous dinner for the whole battalion, and a freshly slaughtered pig was brought to the production company.

Although the food was not as good as the Chinese New Year, it was much better than usual.

After the meal, the company commander who had been away for a few days came to find Lin Fan, and then Take Lin Fan to the battalion commander's office


Standing at the door, the company commander shouted a report!

"come in!"

The voice of the Chief of Staff came from inside.

After Lin Fan followed Company Commander Qin in, he immediately stood up and started saying hello one by one.

"Hello, fellow leaders!"

Yes, the battalion commander's office is very busy now.

The chief of staff, committee members, battalion commander, and instructors are all here.

"Haha, little guy, he is lazy and won’t participate in this competition!"

When Lin Fan came in, the chief of staff was the first to speak with a smile.

"hehe! well! Chief of Staff, don’t I want to be embarrassed?"

"Nonsense, I think you just want to be lazy.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. You hold the rank of private soldier and your theory test is nothing. Who's going to say anything?

If you don’t want to go, you just don’t want to go!"

"hey-hey!"Lin Fan laughed.

Fortunately, at this time, the official also smiled and said:"Okay, I called you over, not to lecture you.

Here comes your notice!"

The official picked up a big red book from the battalion commander's desk and handed it to Lin Fan.

"Lu Te's?"

Lin Fan was a little surprised to receive it.

It's embarrassing to say that although he knew that he had a place to be recommended to the military academy, he didn't know which military academy he would go to, let alone which major he would go to.

So, he took it at this time When he got it, after looking at the name on the cover, Lin Fan immediately smiled and hurriedly opened it and looked inside.

Inside was not only the notice, but also an admission notice, but Lin Fan didn't look at it and directly glanced at the content on the notice.

《Combat command department, special operations unit command》

"Forehead...Special operations?"Lin Fan was stunned for a moment. He originally thought he would major in reconnaissance command. After all, he is now a scout.

"This is determined by the stone minister.

To be honest, I don't want to give it up, but I can't help it if I don't want to. It's all his decision, so you can only go to this major.

Of course, when you graduate, you can come back even if you studied a special major."

Speaking of this, the chief of staff looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

"As long as you don't participate in the selection of special forces, it's fine, just like you don't participate in the martial arts competition this time.

You can't join the special forces, and I asked the brigade commander to find the army commander's important person, and I will definitely get you back to our reconnaissance camp!"........

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