
In a pool under a cliff at least seven or eight kilometers away from Taker's home.

At this time, a person's head emerged quietly from the water!

Then, three other heads emerged slowly as well. came out.

No one said anything, everyone looked around, and then dived into the water again. They swam until they reached the shore, then carefully checked around them, and then quietly went ashore.

The four of them quickly slipped into the pool. In the jungle above, after confirming that it was safe, Lin Fan spoke in a low voice

"Where are we? It feels like no one is guarding the area, right? Captain Yu wiped the water from his face, glanced at Lin Fan, and said softly:"It's not surprising, drug dealers are very cunning. This is his secret escape route. He will definitely not let others know about it, let alone disclose the escape route." Let others guard your mouth.

It is difficult for this kind of person to trust others, especially his own retreat!"

After saying that, Captain Yu looked around again and reached out to interrupt the other three who still wanted to speak.

"Just in case, go to the alert first, and I'll contact Coyote and the others to see what's going on with them now!"

Just now, there was no signal at all in the underground cave. Now, as soon as the signal came out, Captain Yu immediately started calling the coyotes and the others.

Lin Fan walked to the tree a few meters away and looked around cautiously. At the same time, his ears also While listening to Captain Yu's words behind him, the conversation between him and Coyote could not be heard in the headset.

However, through Captain Yu's questions and words, Lin Fan also got some information.

Coyote and the others were fine.

And now the three teams have gathered with them.

They should still be near Tucker's lair and have not left........

The communication ended quickly.

Captain Yu changed the communication channel of the radio station, and his voice sounded in the headsets of Lin Fan and the others:"They have all gathered on the cliff above Tucker's lair.

Now, there has been a ceasefire there for more than half an hour, and it is temporarily safe.

However, I have already Order them to destroy the tanks and armored vehicles and come through the cave we passed through. We will wait for them here!"

"No, Captain, why destroy the tanks and armored vehicles?

Isn't it enough to just let them drive over? Why don't we just drive back?"

Lin Fan couldn't help but speak.

The next second, before the captain could speak, Black Fox said angrily:"Do you know what special operations is?"

"what?"Lin Fan was stunned!

"What not to do? Let me correct your concept.

We in special operations do not just open tanks and play with people.

Now they have defeated their lair and beheaded Taker, but you don’t think that the Taker armed force is just one Taker, right?

Looking at Lin Fan, Black Fox continued:"They also have a second boss, a third boss and a fourth boss."...

This is actually the bandits' den, but they don't live together.

Now their base has been destroyed by us, but if you drive tanks and armored vehicles, you can only take the main road.

By then our target will be so obvious that if we are counterattacked, we will be a living target.

Tanks and armored vehicles are not invincible. These drug trafficking groups also have guns and even missiles that may be hidden."

"Damn it..."Lin Fan's eyes widened

"Are there missiles?

Is that an exaggeration?"

The blaster also answered at this time:"It's not an exaggeration, don't underestimate these drug dealers.

Although they may not have strong individual combat capabilities, their weapons and equipment are actually not weak.

Don’t forget, the gate under the cliff just now was made of gold. These drug dealers are not short of money!"

"All right!"

Lin Fan felt that his knowledge was a bit short.

In other words, he had not thought of this before.


Although they are essentially drug dealers, they are called generals. Their armed forces are also called troops, and if they have money, then they It’s not surprising that there are missiles.......

After waiting here for almost an hour, when the sky started to get a little gray, heads popped up one after another in the pool over there.

"Bah, what a bad luck, swimming in water filled with dead people!"

After Lin Chao came ashore and saw Lin Fan, his first sentence was to complain about this.

This made Lin Fan a little speechless!

"Hehe, brother, you have to get used to it!

Besides, what are the dead afraid of? You didn’t kill too many tonight, right?

That anti-aircraft gun, you had so much fun shooting it!"

Besides, a special forces soldier heard this and grinned.

It can be seen that everyone is in a good mood now.

Because there is no reduction in personnel, only two people were slightly injured.

One was in the tank, and the tank was hit by an RPG. When I was shaking, my head was bruised. Now I simply patched it up and put a band around it.

The other one is a scout. His right arm was injured by a bullet, but the problem is not serious. At most it will only leave a scar in the future

"Okay, ready to go, I have contacted the headquarters.

According to the instructions from the headquarters, we collectively go to the border of country L, and a plane will pick us up by then!"

At this time, Captain Yu's voice rang in everyone's headsets.

His voice just fell, and one of the scouts gathered together next to Lin Fan couldn't help but say:"Is it so high-profile? Will the plane come to country L to pick us up?"

"Haha, what's so strange about this? After the mission is over, the results can be announced. Our country can also confess to Country L and then send a plane to pick us up across the border.

After all, the reason why I didn’t tell Country L before I came was because I was afraid that there would be a spy in Country L.

It's not good to alert someone to something bad.

Now that the snake has been beaten to death, it's okay!"Coyote replied on the radio with a smile.

"Okay, don’t say these useless things, let’s go first!"At this time, Captain Yu had already packed his bag. With an order, the team began to shuttle through the mountains and forests.

Around 1 o'clock in the afternoon on the 13th, Lin Fan and others finally walked out of the Black Triangle and arrived in L's country.

Because there were directions along the way, Lin Fan and others had just entered the country of L. After a while, the sound of airplanes was heard in the distance.

"Oh, so many planes!

Our face seems to be very valuable!"Someone said with a smile.

But immediately, some knowledgeable people started talking.

"Don't think too much, only the two Z-18s in the middle belong to us. Although the planes on the side are also made in China, this emerald green plane is an export version of the Z-9. It should be sent by country L to escort it, or it can Understand to monitor our departure!"

Lin Fan was also raising his head and squinting at these planes at this time.

However, he was not concerned about whether the four armed helicopters were exported. He just wanted to get on the plane and have a good sleep.

These days, he didn't sleep much. However, now the mission is finally over and revenge has been obtained.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is safe.

Now, when he looked up and his eyes were illuminated by the sunshine after noon, he felt that his whole brain was starting to feel a little dizzy....

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