Because they are too close.

The smell of blood spread through the air, coupled with the tragic sight of the three people falling to the ground and a thoughtful reminder from the bastard Black Fox....


Everyone vomited, which made the police inside the cordon and the police officers executing the execution over there all looked over.

Of course, they didn't know anyone here.

Including Captain Yu and Black Fox.

The Special Forces Brigade rarely has much interaction with the police.

It's normal if they don't know each other.

However, the performance of Lin Fan and others now makes Black Fox and Team Yu feel ashamed.

These policemen are all A good one, you soldiers just vomited in front of them.

Even if you know that they have experienced it many times and are used to it, it is still embarrassing to be like this now!

"Is it still possible?

If you can do it, keep up. If you can't, just lie down and vomit. I'll negotiate with the police over there later and ask them to help send you back!"

Captain Yu said with a dark face, and after saying that, he turned around and walked towards the execution ground gate.

Lin Fan raised his head and glanced at his back, and then looked at the smiling black fox next to him.


After spitting out the acidic water in his mouth, Lin Fan stood up straight.

"It works!"With a loud roar, Lin Fan followed directly.

At this moment, few soldiers from the other reconnaissance battalions spoke. Except for a few of them, none of them could be as calm as Lin Fan. They didn't dare to speak, let alone stand up. , just covered his mouth, then bent down and hurriedly followed.

It was a dream to be able to leave this place!

On the short road away from the execution ground, people broke away from the team from time to time and ran to the side to vomit.

A few minutes later, everyone boarded the plane again..On the plane, Captain Yu very thoughtfully threw a handful of black plastic bags to the back for everyone.

"Spit inside the bag, don't dirty the plane!"


The plane restarted.

It was still the training base where everyone was before returning.

The wooden barrels were placed on the ground there.

After getting off the plane, everyone's expressions were very bad, and the bags in each hand were no longer clean.

There's no way! This thing is like contagious. If one person vomits, other people will think of the scene just now and what they ate in the morning when they see him vomiting.

So, they vomit one piece at a time.

After getting off the plane, everyone I feel like my body is going to vomit and collapse........

"Think carefully about whether you want to go on the mission or not.

War kills people, and the guns you hold will also drink blood.

Of course, if you are weak, then the gun in the enemy's hand will drink your blood.

Did you see that bullet going through the brain?

Think about this bullet going through your own brain, and then think about your loved ones at home!"

The key to the plane was still left here. Captain Yu and Heihu took the bucket and drove away.

They watched the vehicle go away and looked at the sunrise that had just broken on the horizon.

Lin Fan took a few deep breaths and then walked to the eaves. , rinse your mouth with a little bit of the melted water droplets from the ice skate.


Lin Fan spat out a mouthful of ice water. He then took the water with his hands and washed his face.

Go, that is necessary. Lin Fan's belief has never changed from the beginning to the end. As for the previous vomiting , it’s just because the tofu brain and the picture are really a bit disgusting.

I looked back.

Now because of Captain Yu’s last words, some people stood silent, while some people were more generous and ran to one side to continue vomiting. , and some people turned around and walked away alone to watch the sunrise.

Of course, there were also people who imitated Lin Fan and gargled their mouth and face.

It was Lin Chao

"Fanzi, are you afraid? If you are afraid, go back!

The chief of staff also advised you, if you go back, no one will blame you!"

Lin Fan glanced at him and said nothing.

He turned around and went back to the leaf bed where everyone slept last night and lay down.

After Lin Chao rinsed his mouth and face, he also came over.

"Brother Chao, I won't leave. You should go back more than me. Our squad has already retreated a soldier, and then the squad leader also left.

You are the new squad leader, don't let your butt get hot before you get started, and you don't have to show off your prestige as squad leader!"

"piss off! Lin Chao, who had just sat down, cursed angrily.

Then, like Lin Fan, Lin Chao also lay down.

"I am also a soldier. After serving as a soldier for so many years, the military oath and the military responsibility have been deeply engraved in my bones.

What's more, don't think that I don't know what you think?

You are all thinking about revenge, but I am now the monitor of our first class!

Model leadership, you know?"

"What about your family?

Brother Chao, you only have one married sister in your family!

Your parents are also getting older. What will they do if something happens to you this time?"

Lin Chao was silent.

This may be his only worry.

After a while, Lin Chao said:"I believe I will come back. If I really can't come back, Fan Zi will trouble you!""


"Go away, if you really have filial piety, go back now!

You are not the squad leader. The squad leader has a sister. Your sister is married. How can I help you support your parents?"

"Damn it, you beast, you actually hit Xiaohan's attention, you're lucky the squad leader didn't hear it, otherwise he would have scolded you to death from a distance!"Lin Chao deliberately didn't talk about family matters and changed the subject.

Because he really didn't know what to do! Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. Now he only knows that he can't back down. If he comes back if he is destined, he will fulfill his filial piety well in the future. Really Not coming back, then...

Then maybe there’s nothing we can do about it!

Anyway, loyalty is at the forefront now. As a soldier, he cannot retreat or back down!

In fact, no one flinched.

Lin Fan saw more than one person walking towards the plane.

But in the end they just stood for a while and then walked away.

Everyone is afraid of death, and everyone is worried about family members.

But, he is a soldier!

Although there are only two words for"soldier", he has quit now. Unless he retires when he returns, otherwise he quits this time. Even if his comrades and leaders don't say anything, he will still be unable to hold his head up.

For nearly an hour, everyone did nothing and was just thinking.

However, an hour later, the second lieutenant platoon leader of the third company called everyone to gather!

"Brothers, I'm not kidnapping you, but I want to say that since you have made your choice in front of the Chief of Staff, don't think about it so much now.

What's more, it's just a mission, no big deal. Kill that bastard with one shot and everyone can come back.

At that time, everyone will eat meat and drink wine together.

You know, we are from the Eagle Scout Battalion.

They are elites, no less elite than their special forces. Didn't you see how Fanzi beat that special forces that morning?

Come on, sing a song, just sing"I am a soldier", I'll start!

I am a soldier, from the common people..."......

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