"Hello monitor! Welcome home monitor!"

When entering the gate, Bai Xu was also treated politely.

Soldiers from a squad of the Third Company who were on duty today all gathered and ran out to salute Bai Xu!

Although this incident was not publicized, everyone in the reconnaissance camp still Everyone knows this!

Although everyone can't guess what medal Lin Fan got this time, they can guess what medal Bai Xu got!

Because protecting so many people has broken arms and disabilities, first-class merit is definitely not Will run away!

For a hero who has obtained first-class merit, this kind of courtesy is too light!

However, in order to keep it secret and to protect the hero and the hero's family!

Now, the Red Arrow Brigade can only do this!

All the way back In the dormitory, I occasionally met some soldiers on the road.

It was no surprise that whenever I met someone, they would line up and salute Bai Xu and say hello!

This scene not only moved Bai Xu to tears, but also the old father behind Bai Xu, Now she returns the gift again and again, and sheds tears of excitement.

As for the girl, although she doesn't have so many feelings, at this moment, she is looking at her brother with admiration!

Brother, he is so respected!

Inadvertently, The girl's body is very straight..........·

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Xu, accompanied by a group of comrades, walked around the camp, and finally, escorted by a group of comrades, got into a car from the gate of the camp and left!

No matter how reluctant he is to leave, he has to go!

Watching the vehicle leave, Lin Fan and others' eyes turned red!

Bai Xu, who was in the car, finally couldn't hold back anymore.

I looked out the window and cried loudly!

This place represents his youth!

And now, his youth is over!........,

"Okay, let’s go back, prepare for battle, and train!"

After the car disappeared in front of everyone, Lin Chao calmed down his emotions and turned to look at Lin Fan and others to speak!

Then, the group returned to the dormitory and began to arm themselves!

Although the company commander said that everyone had a holiday in the afternoon, they did not want to go back at this time Sitting in the dormitory feeling sad!

They are soldiers, not girls!

"Everyone has it, the target playground, the ten-kilometer cross-country, let’s run!"


Lin Fan roared angrily, and after Lin Chao's words, he immediately started running!

In a short period of time, more than two months in a row, he bid farewell to two comrades who were discharged from the army, and both of them retired with disabilities. Lin Fan now felt like a stone was weighing down his heart!

It's boring and uncomfortable.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Chao's words were behind him, and Lin Fan took the lead and ran out with a loud roar!

Simply, Lin Fan still had sense, so he went berserk and unleashed all his speed!

Otherwise, the speed attribute that is more than double that of ordinary people will make them dumbfounded!.......·

"Chief, I request the Red Arrow Brigade to join the operation!

They are provoking the Lord of my Red Arrow Brigade, and they are also provoking the soldiers of my Red Arrow Brigade!

Not fighting back when beaten is not the way of our Red Arrow Brigade.

Therefore, I request to join the war!"

In the brigade headquarters, in the brigade commander's office, the chief of staff, the chief committee member, and the brigade commander are sitting here. There is a military computer in front of them.

This is a remote meeting.

In other words, a remote meeting. The video request is not a meeting.

From the speaker of the notebook, the somewhat impatient voice of the military commander came out:"Are you three finished? I have to do my diaphragm every night before meals.

Talk but no action means no action!"

On the opposite side of the video, the Army Commander was rubbing his temples with a headache!

This is not the first time!

Ever since the military exercise was confirmed a week ago, the Brigadier and the others have been giving this to the Army Commander almost every day. A harassment!

Call him on time every day, and it’s not enough if you don’t answer.

Because he tried it five days ago.

After two days of video connection, he hung up on the third day!

Then, he was just about to take a rest at home that night When they were sleeping, there was a knock on the door!

These three pieces of brown candy actually came to the door!

At that time, the military commander was so angry that he scolded them!

However, he scolded them, but it was useless!

The three of them stayed silent that day Went back, but the next day, these three pieces of brown candy made a video call again...,

"You Red Arrow Brigade, this time, it is your mission to be a good Red Army and defeat the Blue Army. Don’t think about other messy things!"The commander rubbed his temples and spoke!

There was no surprise among the three brigade commanders. They just stood in front of the computer and saluted solemnly:"Yes!"

After saying that, the brigade commander waited for the military commander to hang up the video!

This time, they saw the military commander raising his hand and coming over.

However, the video did not stop!

"Why! How come I met you three pieces of brown candy!"

The commander suddenly lay down on the chair again and sighed.

This situation made the three brigade commanders look at each other, with a hint of joy flashing in their eyes!

There are some things, although they are not said openly, but the brigade commander and others You’re not a fool!

If you just practice without doing anything, doesn’t that mean you’ll still sing for people after you’re beaten?

And you’re still singing in front of people’s houses. If you don’t do anything, people might sit on a small bench and crack melon seeds to watch. What a joke!

The military commander also has a bad temper for this kind of thing, so it’s strange that he can do it!

However, even if they guessed it, if the military commander doesn’t admit it, it’s useless if he doesn’t agree.

So, they can only make this decision.

And Now, it finally worked. The commander's tone has changed!

The commander saw the changes in the expressions of the three 503 people through the video.

Immediately, he said angrily:"You don't look like brigade-level military commanders. You are simply scoundrels."!

Forget it, I’ll give you a place in the class!

Remember, don’t try any tricks on me. There are at most ten people. You can choose suitable candidates from the reconnaissance camp!

I’ll give you three days. After you’ve made your choice, tell me and I’ll let the flying eagle pick you up!"

"yes!"The three brigade commanders immediately responded to the salute loudly and happily.

"Hey, I am also following your nonsense!"The leader finally sighed and shook his head!

Looking at the black screen of the computer, the three brigade commanders immediately burst out laughing!

"Ha ha! Finally, our week of embarrassment was not in vain!"

"You also said that I, Lao Gao, have lost all his face this time.

In the past few days, people have called me every day and asked me why I became like this!"

"Haha, you are stupid, I turned off my phone for a week!"The official said cheerfully!

This made Chief of Staff Gao roll his eyes at him angrily:"Will shutting down the machine help? Are you going to stop turning on your phone for the rest of your life?"

"Forehead..."The chief of staff's words made the official choke.

Fortunately, at this time, the brigade commander raised his hand to end the irrelevant nonsense between the two people:"Okay, let's not talk about this.

Lao Gao, the selection issue is left to you. You must choose the most elite.

We must not let Feiying see it. Flat..."......._,

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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