At this second, Lin Fan behind the tree raised his gun slightly!

His teeth, which were already clenched, were almost bleeding!

Lin Fan really had the urge to shoot directly at this moment!

These guys, even if they want to die, they are so afraid of death.

Now because of them, the platoon leader was so harmed that he said he was going to be a hostage and took the initiative to replace him!

Lin Fan felt that risking his life for these guys with the platoon leader would be a loss to his grandma's family!

However, Lin Fan still has reason!

No matter how desperate these guys are, no matter how spineless they are, they are still hostages!

At this time, the few drug dealers who were chatting over there seemed to have a unified opinion.

The man who spoke Mandarin once again hid behind the woman’s head and shouted in this direction!

"I can change the hostages, but I don’t want you. Do you have any new recruits in your team?

I'm talking about new recruits. Don't play tricks on me. I'm only counting three seconds. If there are new recruits, please stand up for me.

I know your military ranks, I want you as a private soldier of country Z!

In exchange for this kind of soldier, we agreed.

Otherwise, the worst we can do is not leave, and we will drag these young people from your Country Z to die together!"

As soon as the words from the opposite side came out, everyone in the row was stunned for a moment. After regaining consciousness, Lin Fan could almost instantly feel that at least ten people were looking at him from the front, back, left and right!

The request from the opposite side was what everyone had always said. Unexpectedly, even Lin Fan was shocked!

What the hell, this is a man hiding behind a tree, and disaster comes from the sky?

Labor and management are private soldiers and they have to be targeted!

He cursed in his heart:"A bunch of idiots, treating me as a weakling" It’s a persimmon!"

Why didn't Lin Fan understand what the other party meant?

He was afraid that the veterans would play tricks on him, but he wanted to leave, so he settled for the next best thing and said that he wanted to use new recruits!

They believed that when new recruits join the army, their military skills and psychological qualities would be the same as those of a new soldier. There is not much difference between ordinary people.

Only they can control this kind of recruits very well!


At this time, the drug dealer over there started shouting!

Everyone in the first row was quiet, including the radio headsets, and there was no sound now!

Everyone in the first class looked at Lin Fan, and the second class in front, including the platoon, Changya turned around and looked over.

But no one spoke!

Going out is a responsibility, and it is excusable if you don't come out!

After all, this is not a joke, but a risk of death!


When he heard the word"two", Lin Fan shouted directly:"Slow down!"

To be honest, Lin Fan hesitated for a second just now!

Do you want to take this risk?

After all, he is not invulnerable.

But, Lin Fan immediately made a decision, not to mention the responsibility and responsibility of a soldier, and The three hostage men of each type were just thinking about their mission!

If you kill one, you will get 100 points, and if you capture one alive, you will get 200 points!

Wealth can be found in danger!

So Lin Fan came out!

While walking towards the platoon leader At the same time, Bian quickly threw all the guns, bullets, and grenades on his body to the ground.

But he couldn't bring them to the enemy.

"Lin Fan!"

When he came to the platoon leader, the platoon leader looked at Lin Fan and shouted!

Lin Fan looked at the platoon leader, then grinned, but didn't say anything!

Stop, Lin Fan looked at the drug dealer over there!

"Look, I'm today's recruit! Let them go and I will be your hostage!"

Soon, behind a hostage on the opposite side, a drug dealer held a fancy flashlight. At first glance, it was definitely the flashlight of this gangster who wanted to die, and he shined it at Lin Fan!

Lin Fan squinted slightly and avoided it!

This flashlight The light was too strong!

However, the drug dealer didn't shine his light on Lin Fan for too long. He shined his light on Lin Fan and after seeing clearly the rank of private on Lin Fan's collar, he put out the flashlight!

"One is not enough, give me another!"

The drug dealer did not let him go, but made another request!

It's just that there is really no private here.

Except for Lin Fan in the second company, there is only Liu Tie, a private, who has not come!

And the other two companies are now It’s at least two kilometers of mountain road from here!

"There is no more Private, now here we are the only recruit.

If you still want people, privates, corporals, sergeants, people up the mountain, even me, a second lieutenant, can go there!"

The leader of the platoon shouted in a calm voice, but the more he said this, the more cautious the drug dealer became!

After the three of them murmured a few words, the drug dealer who could speak Mandarin shouted to Lin Fan,"No, it's just him, you stretch out Come slowly with your hands open!"

They considered that there were only three people. If they were two recruits, they could still be foolproof.

But with one more veteran, even if they were only veterans who had been in the army for more than a year, they didn't feel very safe. They could just switch to the new recruit in front of them!

Lin Fan began to walk over.

He kept looking at them with his eyes without blinking!

As he moved, the pores on Lin Fan's skin began to expand at this second!

Adrenaline surged, and the metabolism of the whole body accelerated.!

Lin Fan was like a tiger that was ready to hunt. He looked very quiet, but he could launch a violent attack at any time! He was no longer protected, and his weapons were gone. The drug dealer opposite also had a pistol. Pointing at himself from the side of the hostage's head.

There was no way he wouldn't be prepared!

If there was an eventuality and the other party dared to shoot, Lin Fan would definitely see the movements of his fingers in advance and then predict the aim of the gun. Avoid in the right direction!

After all, standing up is one thing, and the mission is also another.

Prioritizing saving your own life is the most important thing!

In just ten seconds, Lin Fan, who was walking slowly, When he was less than two meters away from them!

Lin Fan stopped, looked at them and said,"Let them go!""

The three drug dealers looked at each other, and then one of them quickly pushed away the woman he was holding and walked out! The pistol was pointed at Lin Fan!

After arriving in front of Lin Fan, he grabbed one of Lin Fan's open arms. Only one hand!

Lin Fan did not resist with any force and allowed him to twist his hand and grab it!

Soon, Lin Fan was twisting one hand and holding it with a pistol at the same time. He was caught and surrounded by other hostages. A circle.

Another drug dealer put down his hostage and walked over. He grabbed Lin Fan's other hand and twisted it behind his back.

He controlled Lin Fan tightly!

Of course, this was what they thought. In fact, Lin Fan really wanted to With their strength, they couldn't hold Lin Fan's hand!

Lin Fan could pull away at any time and even counterattack them!

However, there were three drug dealers here, and Lin Fan was sure to resist and even subdued one of them in an instant. There were two of them, but there was no guarantee that he could stop the third one from shooting at himself or the hostages!

So, Lin Fan endured it and let them catch him!........

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