At this point; on the edge of the top exterior wall of a building.

A figure shrouded in darkness was observing the area in the central square.

At the same time, at high altitude, the Bat fighter, which entered stealth mode with the help of invisible materials, was scanning the area through Alfred's remote control. a moment later......

"found it!"

The voice of Alfred the butler came from Batman's earphones.

"The location has been sent to you."

On the electronic display screen, a picture automatically zoomed in and out. Through the infrared sensing device, Batman saw a group of people carrying weapons in the room.

These people were none other than Harris and his group!

"Attention, it is detected that some people in the crowd seem to have some unknown substance implanted in their bodies, maybe a bomb!"

In the earphones, the butler Alfred's voice came again, but it brought bad news.

"All remotely detonated bombs require signals to be controlled. You should prepare the signal shielding device first. If I tell you to turn it on, turn it on immediately."

The black figure flew across the building like a huge bat, and silently landed on the building where the gangsters were from a building in the distance.

At this time,

Clark in the crowd in the distance, Suddenly he glanced in that direction

"Came quite timely."

He thought to himself.

At the same time, in the room in the building,

Harris and his group were ready to take action.

They first put on their equipment, put on gas masks on their heads, and put on their body armor. Fully armed and ready

"Thirty seconds later, the first bomb detonates."

At this time, Harris pulled a subordinate and ordered him.

The subordinate nodded and sat in front of several computers with a serious face.

At this moment......


The ceiling at the top of the room was suddenly broken open by an external force, and a black figure quickly jumped in like a ghost.

Harris couldn't help but widen his eyes as soon as he saw the black figure.

He quickly turned around and shouted:

"Detonate! Detonate all bombs immediately!"

The men sitting in front of the computer also quickly tapped the keyboard a few times.

At this time, Batman, who fell from the sky and rushed into the room, had already knocked down several enemies nearby.

In the square outside, as expected, The explosion did not appear.

This made Harris and others feel their hearts sinking!

"Your plan has failed."

Batman punched down a strong man who wanted to shoot him in the head, and then said in his unique low voice.

When Harris heard this, he didn't know that all this was done by the Batman in front of him.

He roared and fired continuously.

But the bullet only hit Batman's bulletproof cape, bursting out a series of sparks, and had no real effect at all.

At this time, Batman stepped forward and shot The punch hit Harris in the face, and another knee hit Harris hard in the chest, causing Harris to briefly lose the ability to breathe.

He fell to the ground in pain, and the gas mask fell off his face. His face turned red, and he opened his mouth wide and let out a hoarse roar.

Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots were fired.

The bullet hit Batman's helmet.

He turned back suddenly, and the shining eyes of the helmet looked like a pair of demons. Like his eyes, he stared at the woman behind him with a gun pointed at him.

"Don't come here!"

The woman shouted in horror.


A figure flew out and hit the door hard.

The gun also fell to the ground. Batman picked it up and broke it into a pile of parts and threw them on the ground.

He walked over, looked at the woman who was lying on the ground, holding her belly and wailing, and said in a low voice:"You have chosen the wrong path, and I am here to help you correct it!"

The woman on the ground gritted her teeth and looked at him with hateful eyes.

"Who do you think you are? Represent justice? You are no different from us!"

Batman was unmoved by the woman's scolding.

At this time, there was also a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

Batman knew that the gunfire just now attracted the special police outside.

He didn't want to meet these special police. So he threw down a bat dart, then flew into the room behind him, disappeared through the hole in the ceiling!

When the special police arrived, they saw the wailing gangsters on the ground, and there was a Batarang nailed to the wall

"It's him! It's Batman!!"

The SWAT captain shook his head, and then directed his men to handcuff the gangsters and take them away.

At this time, a SWAT policeman came over with a computer.

"Captain, there are civilians in the square who have bombs implanted in their bodies, but the signal here is blocked. When the SWAT captain heard this

, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem and quickly issued an order:"Immediately find those people who have bombs implanted in their bodies. Don't miss any of them. Do you understand?""

"Got it, Captain!"............

Just when the SWAT team successfully swept away, captured Harris and others, and began to investigate those in the crowd who had bombs implanted in their bodies, Clark had quietly left the crowd.

And it appeared on the top of a tall building in the distance.

In front of him, a man dressed like a bat seemed to be waiting for him, standing on the edge of the building, with a black cloak behind him constantly flying in the strong wind.

"You came."

Batman's deep voice sounded.

He turned around and looked at Clark behind him.

"Did you send that card?"

He asked.

Clark smiled slightly and said:"A small gift, it can be regarded as a meeting gift."

Batman didn't think this was funny, so he didn't laugh.

"Why do this? what is your purpose?"

"say hi. Clark said,"After all, this is your territory. When I come, of course I have to say hello to you, the only superhero in Gotham.""

Batman fell into a brief silence, seeming to think about the credibility of Clark's words. Obviously, Batman is not a person who is used to believing what others say.

It's like he never believes his teammates around him.

God teammates The titles of teammates and pigs can be reflected in this master at the same time.

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