You are still 20,000 years early:"Well..."

Planet K76.

Zero was speechless. but...On the other hand, Asuna Yuki's words are not completely wrong. If the picture she sent is really Gundam Honda, Ultraman's body is indeed somewhat similar.

"Tiga world...What?"

Zero murmured softly.

He supported his chin with his right hand and looked into the distance with his compound eyes. Beyond the K76 planet, there is still a vast universe. Now...He will serve as a true Ultra Warrior and protect peace.


The first stop is in Tiga World.

He has been refining his energy for three thousand years:"@UchihaDanceKing@My best friend Madara@You are still 20,000 years early. I have already opened the permission to travel through the world. You can go directly."

Uchiha Dance King:"Yeah."

My best friend Madara:"Yeah."

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, these two people have a perfect understanding.

You are still 20,000 years too early:"Understood!"

The big bones boiled into soup:"@You are still 20,000 years too early, that...Zero, when you come here, can you shrink your body? The monsters on my side have not appeared for the time being, which will cause panic."

Victory team war room.

Dagu's face changed slightly! mmp...

He thought it would be better to talk about this kind of thing first.

Tiga has the ability to change form and size.

Zero should have it too. after all...

If Zero came to Earth directly in his original form, even if he doesn't have the ultimate armor now, with his height of 49 meters and weight of 35,000 tons, he would still be very amazing.

It is estimated that the people at the Earth Defense Base will directly treat it as a monster, right?

Or, covet its power!

In fact, Dagu also knows how unpredictable the human heart is.

Now, Ultraman and humans seem to be in a very delicate balance, but this balance is based on the frequent appearance of monsters on the earth, monsters-Ultraman-humans.

Ultraman seems to be maintaining a balance between the two.

Once the equilibrium is broken, then...

After experiencing so much, he knew all these unspoken rules, but sometimes he deliberately forgot them and forced himself not to think about those things. But apart from the bright side of human beings, this dark side undoubtedly exists.

Dagu may not have understood it before.

But now he somewhat understands.

In the memory copy, after experiencing the last battle, why did he turn the divine light rod into powder and disappear, and why did he and Lina go to live in a base on Mars? All this was to avoid those"interested people" on the earth.

Before that, only a few people from the victory team knew his identity, and those people were his closest comrades. Dagu was not worried that they would reveal his identity, but after experiencing the final battle with Gatanje During the First World War, most people probably already knew his identity at that time, and humans coveted Ultraman....Never stopped.

Before, it was just because of the special reason that monsters appeared, nothing more.

You're still 20,000 years early:"@大 Bones are boiled into soup, it's okay, don't worry."

Sai Luo wiped his nose habitually.

Get smaller?

That is to miniaturize oneself, so that both height and weight are completely reduced in proportion. Zero can naturally do it, but since he is going to Earth, it seems a bit inappropriate to use Ultraman's appearance from the beginning.

"In that case, just use that one...."

Sero said.

He also has another name.

After refining qi for three thousand years:"@大 Bone makes soup, remember to broadcast the battle when the time comes."

Big Bone makes soup:"Okay."

Dagu replied.......

The world of Ultraman Tiga.

In the victory team's war room, the discussion about the 'black-robed mysterious man' who appeared at the monster site quickly ended. However, the investigation of the whereabouts was conducted by the victory team's Ye Rui team members through network and satellite reconnaissance, and the rest was left to TPC is a department that specializes in investigating various types of intelligence.

Team Victory is a division of the Earth Peace Defense Organization. actually...

There are not many real combatants in the Victory Team. There are seven members in the Global Unlimited Task Squad (GUTS). The leader is Hui Jiajian, a seven-person team at the TPC Far East Headquarters that is responsible for investigating abnormal phenomena. There are various experts on the team to deal with various incidents.

The rest are affiliated to various departments of TPC.

Logistics department.

Research department.

Medical department, etc.... at this time.

Neon street.

Dagu and Lina are patrolling in the Sherlock car of the Victory Team. This is the daily work of the Victory Team. Today was originally patrolled by Shinjo and Horii, but that guy Horii has to accompany his girlfriend and Shinjo wants to visit his sister. , in the end it was only Dagu and Lina, two 'single dogs' who were on vacation, who could take over the job.

However, when they patrol, they will also search for the whereabouts of the men in black robes.

"Dagu, you are a little strange today..."

Lina turned her head and looked at Dagu and said

"strangeness? How to say?"

Da Gu smiled slightly.

This smile was very warm.

Well, Mr. Yuan Da Gu is indeed a warm man. That smile is enough to make people feel like they are in the spring breeze.

"Women's intuition."

Lina said


Dagu scratched his head and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it's simply too powerful, a woman's sixth sense is so terrifying! Of course, Da Gu would not say the last complaint.

After all, he is not a straight man with negative emotional intelligence. At most, he is just a piece of steel at certain times and is not very romantic.

"Is there a problem?"

Lina asked

"It doesn’t matter if you can’t say it." she added

"Nothing."Dagu shook his head gently. Lina knew the identity of Diga, and they had a secret love. They just didn't break the window paper between them, but the rest of the people could tell at a glance. I can see it.

Dagu smiled and said:"The man in black robe is in some trouble. Some of my friends will come over to help in a while.""



Dagu nodded, and Lina did not continue to ask any more questions.

But help...

Dagu's friend couldn't be Ultraman, right?

Lina's imagination is wide open....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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