Victory team war room. at this time.

All members of the Victory Team have gathered and arrived here. In addition to Captain Megumi and Deputy Captain Munakata, TPC Director Sawai, Staff Officer Minamihara and Director Yoshigo formed a circle.

Gaze at the boundless ocean on the big screen.

Dagu's thoughts were racing, and he was stunned when he saw this.

Is it really that guy?


To be honest, even now, the genetic factors of the super-ancient warriors in Dagu's body are showing signs of returning to their ancestors. He has also learned Tai Chi and various fighting methods, so he is not weak in strength.

And now there is the 'Light of the Sun', the god-making project from the super-god universe as a backup energy blessing. Now after Diga's transformation, he completely brings his own power bank, even in a place where it is completely dark and there is no trace of light energy. It can also last for a long time in battle, and the stellar energy generated by the 'Light of the Sun' is endless. Tiga's transformation can be said to be almost permanent.

Of course, this idea only exists in theory, provided that Dagu's physical strength can keep up. Countless baptisms of the power of light have made Dagu's physical fitness rise in a straight line.

Dagu is different from Ultraman like Zero.

Zero himself is Ultraman!

They were caused by the destruction of the galaxy's sun 270,000 years ago by the Kingdom of Light in the M78 Nebula. The plasma spark tower developed by scientists from the Kingdom of Light mutated and became Ultraman.

In fact!

Before the mutation, the residents of the Kingdom of Light were not much different from ordinary people on Earth.

Probably, this was one of the reasons why the original hunter Bermuda prepared to protect the Earth after he arrived there. After that, the Kingdom of Light would send Ultraman to station on the Earth star in the Milky Way every few years.

All members of the Ultra Brothers, including the later Mumbius, the fastest and strongest Max, etc.

But the world of Tiga is different even in ancient times.

The world of Tiga is one of the many parallel worlds in the Ultraman multiverse.

The setting is different from the Kingdom of Light series.

Super ancient warrior! continuation of inheritance...

However, in another parallel world of the"Heisei Three Masters", or a parallel world born in a different timeline, it belongs to the type of twins, similar to the relationship between God, Speed, and Ai in the Kato world and the main world..

There may be differences between the two, but from another aspect, there are inexplicable similarities. therefore!

Dagu is Tiga, but Tiga is not Dagu.

Dagu possesses genetic factors, but his essence is still a human being. After transforming into Ultraman through the Divine Light Rod, Dagu borrowed Tiga's body to fight.

In this case, what needs to be paid attention to when transforming is not only the degree of loss of light energy, but also the physical strength of the fittest person.

Dagu couldn't help but frown. gatanjeou... nightmare!

That guy is a terrifying enemy known as the"Dominator of Darkness". He used Qijela to destroy the super-ancient human civilization 30 million years ago, led Zoga to rule the world, and has been sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean ever since. In Ruins - Luluye, his name and setting come from the Great Old One - Ghatanothoa in the"Cthulhu Mythos".

You can see the leopard in the tube!

That is the legendary enemy. mainly...

I don't know what's going on. In the memory copy, he defeated him with the glory of human beings, but the reality is strange and changeable. Although Dagu did not chat in the group, his consciousness never left.

If it's troublesome, ask for help.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

Moreover, life is obviously more important than face.

"These are the images that the satellite has monitored over the past few days."

Captain Hui Jianjian had a very serious expression on her face, pointing to the picture on the big screen. Maybe in private, she was an amiable captain, but when she was doing business, she was serious.

As her words fell , , Norui kept switching the screen.

Dagu also gathered his thoughts and looked at it seriously.

The pyramid at the beginning of everything!

Kakuma of Kura Island.

Balrog warriors, Kirialodians.

Kiranbo, a person from another dimension....

Picture by picture.

Those are the monsters that Diga has defeated since his recovery until now. Dagu was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't figure out what the senior officials were thinking. At first, he thought it was Gatanjie who appeared, but after a closer look, Thinking about it, it seems that even the Qijelahua and the monster Zoga did not appear. It would be a bit strange for Gatanjie to appear at this time.

What does that mean?

Just when Da Gu was stunned. soon!

Captain Hui Jian explained the specific reasons.

"Recently, we discovered this person when we were sorting out satellite records."Jian Hui said, and Ye Rui reacted very quickly, quickly switching the screen and putting multiple pictures together for comparison.

After those battles again and again...

There is always someone at the scene.

He was wearing a strange mask and a black robe covering his body, making it difficult to see his specific face, but this outfit was a bit strange in every aspect, let alone appearing in that kind of place.

Every time, after Diga defeated the monster, the body after the explosion of the monster was recovered by the members of the TPC Logistics Department, stored in the TPC laboratory, extracted genes, and secretly conducted experiments on various weapons. Most people have no idea about the terrifying monsters. It's unavoidable

"This person is...?"

Lina asked aloud

"It’s still unclear. That guy is very smart. He seems to be deliberately hiding his identity when revealing his whereabouts, as if he is playing a cat and mouse game. However, what can be proved is that the previous monster appearances are related to him.."

Hui Jian continued.

On the big screen, different photos began to scroll one after another.

Dagu nodded.

That's it....

Although some things have changed since he joined the Zhutian chat group, the direction of the big plot has not changed. However, it was very strange that he had never seen those monsters before.

Think again. etc!

Some of those monsters seem to have appeared in Zero's biography.


Do not know why.

Such a word popped up in Dagu’s mind for the first time........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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