The big bones were boiled into soup:"@It's still 20,000 years early, Sero, you've finished reading it?"

You're still 20,000 years early:"Ah."

Sero wiped it nose. correct.

The restricted armor on his body was removed by the Ultra King during the afternoon training. Zero didn't know the specific reason. Maybe his training had reached a bottleneck. but!

Zero didn't leave. He had set a flag before and wanted to learn all of Leo's skills. It's still early. As a one-punch fighting king, Leo may not be very good at light skills. But in terms of fighting, it can be described as powerful.

Although Sero is a little conceited, he also understands his own weight.

Invincible among peers!

However, compared with the older generation, the"150" difference in combat experience is too big. The accumulation of the older generation is currently incomparable to newcomers like him. This is the development of horizontal and vertical strength.

Zero is not so arrogant that he can punch the father of Ultra and kick the brothers....

All right... at this time.

Leo, who is training him, can hang him up and beat him.

This is upsetting, but it’s true.

Sero wanted to argue, but he had nothing to say when faced with the facts.

You are still 20,000 years too early:"@连气了has been practicing for three thousand years, does the group leader also know my past and future?"

Zero directly liked Qin Mo.

Past, future?

There are some things that Zero also wants to know, such as who are his parents?

Will he become a true Ultra Warrior in the future?

These are all questions in Zero's mind.

In the midst of doubts, there is even more expectation!

Kyushu cultivation world.

A sect.

Red Leaf Peak!

When Zero Aite hit him, his consciousness happened to enter the chat group. It can only be said that this was a very coincidence. Qin Mo smiled softly. As for Zero Aite,...Ultraman, who is known as Tsuburaya's biological son, has been cheating since the beginning of Legend of the Galaxy.

Among the younger generation, Zero's strength is unrivaled.

He has an out-of-control temperament and can be called the king of compulsion.

In the new decade of Heisei..., and even the king of guest appearances.

Except for the Super Galaxy Legend series, which is his"debut" work, Zero does not have a plot of his own like"Ultraman Tega", but he has appeared in many plots..

Later, there were even legends of heroes.

Sero's life, in comparison, is!

He is Brother Ott, son of Severn..Although he has never known his own since he was a child, under the intentional care of the Ultra brothers, Cero's childhood was not difficult. When he got into trouble, there were still people to wipe his ass. At least compared to Naruto, the son of the hero next door, Cero's childhood was not difficult. Luo's childhood can be said to be extremely happy. -Teenage period..He prides himself on being powerful. In pursuit of power, he is attracted to the plasma spark core. When he is about to gain power, he is stopped by Seven. Here...It may also be that he did it intentionally under Severn's supervision, just to find a master for Zero and send him to Leo for training. With his relationship with Leo, Leo would naturally not refuse.

It can be said that Severn has been paving the way for his son.

By comparison.

You can look at another senior who covets plasma sparks - Beria. This is the comparison of the endings between related households and non-related households.

Zero's cheating life doesn't stop there.

Leo is a powerful Ultra warrior. Cero learned very powerful fighting skills from Leo, and his combat experience also increased. During the period of K76 planet cultivation, Cero's strength was completely at a rapid pace.

K76 star, and an old man. ,

Ultra King, Pete. after this!

Zero received one of the four mysterious gods, a gift from Noah - the Shield of Palagi. This is a miraculous shield that can use a trace of Noah's power, and can also travel through time and space with the ultimate armor.

This also paved the way for his various guest appearances in the future.

Among the legends of Ultraman.

Together with Gauss and Dyna, he was used as a fusion material to transform into another one of the four mysterious gods, the Miracle Warrior Ultraman Saiga. After that, Zero accepted the gifts from the two and possessed the Miracle of the Moon God and Ultraman Sega. Strong corona form. after.

Shining Zero, Ultra-limited Zero, Grand Blade Zero...

He is undoubtedly his biological son..........., new forms, coming one after another.

He has been refining qi for three thousand years:"@You are still twenty thousand years early, some"

【Tip: The group leader 'Refined Qi for Three Thousand Years' uploaded a large memory copy,"Ultraman Zero Biography"

, which contains a lot!

Super Galaxy Legend, Ultraman Legend, Super Zero Fighting, Ultra Ten Warriors, Big Monster RUSH. X, Orb, Geed, Taiga, Zeta...

It can be said that after the Ultraman included in it joins, the memory copy does not need to be uploaded.

Big bones are boiled into soup:"Sero..."

Tiga world.

Victory Team, Dagu's lounge, the earth is temporarily at peace, so the Victory Team does not have any tasks. Apart from Xincheng and Horii going out on patrol, Dagu and the others are on a long-lost vacation.’


At this time.

Dagu took a deep breath, then connected his consciousness to the memory copy and watched it carefully. then...

Dagu discovered a problem.

Is this really a large copy?

All right.

He is not sure about the classification of memory copies in the group. Tiga and Naruto are both large-scale memory copies, but Tiga only has a few dozen episodes, while Naruto really has 720. , including the plot of Zero, there are hundreds of them to say less than 5.1!

Ultraman parallel universe.

K76 star.

Zero held his chin with one hand, sitting somewhere on the planet, looking at the vast universe in the distance and lost in thought. In fact, Zero didn't. His consciousness has been in the chat group since he finished training. inside.

That mysterious place he accidentally joined.

Chat group of all heavens!

In Sero's view, it can indeed afford a hint of mystery.

He looked at the new memory copy uploaded by the group owner with some interest.

"In the copy named after my name, I am indeed the protagonist. Said to himself.

Zero wiped his nose habitually..., narcissism.jpg!...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Smile Night' for your monthly ticket support! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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