The Ultraman Multiverse, like the Kamen Rider Universe, has many parallel worlds within the multiverse, and many Ultraman from the Land of Light belong to the same universe.

In the group.

In the main world of Ultraman Tiga where Yuan Dagu is located, there is no Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light. The two are not related at all, but they are not related at all. However, Tiga and the Kingdom of Light are There is a connection.

When Tiga was about to end, he traveled through time and space, came to another universe, and met the first-generation Ultraman transformed by obsession. That was also the first handshake between Heisei and Showa. and!

In the Ultraman of the new decade, the heavy light form of Ultraman Orb, the debt king, was also transformed by the power of Tiga and the first generation seniors. From this, we can see the world of Ultraman origin.

They may not be on the same planet, not in the same universe, or even in different parallel worlds, but the connection between the same series of parallel worlds is undoubtedly much closer than other worlds in the universe.

Just like Men Yashi - the dimensional wall of Wang Xiaoming's children's shoes.

The world of knights is invincible!

As long as there are coordinates, he said that no matter which knight world, you can go, and worlds with higher similarities such as Super Sentai, Armor Warriors, and Golden Armor Warriors can also go, but it is more troublesome. For example, Kadoya Shi got the Heavenly Way before. The world coordinates given to him by the Souji directly connected to the dimensional wall in one second and went to the world of Kato Lord where Tiandao is located.

By comparison...

If he were asked to go to other worlds, even the missions he had participated in the first two times, the world of Passerby Heroine and Academy Apocalypse, he would not be able to pass it! These are all due to the limitations of the dimensional wall.

Between the parallel worlds of the same series, the barrier constructed by the space channel is very weak, but if it is a world that cannot be reached with eight poles,...The thickness of space between the two is unimaginable.

From here, we can vaguely see how incredible the Heavens Chat Group and the existence of dimensional channels in the group are.

Completely, beyond concept!

Ultraman Multiverse.

A certain parallel world.

K76 star.

This place is called King Planet, the planet where Old King Pete lives in seclusion. This planet looks very desolate with almost no life. On weekdays, Ultra King Pete probably drinks tea with Astra.


There are countless living creatures on King K76 on one hand. ·

Pete, King of Ultra.



G. as well as...


On top of a mountain peak, sat a rather handsome Man... Probably, the reason why the last two words were added was because at this time, Ultraman Zero's face could not be seen.

Because he was too young, he coveted the energy of the plasma tower. After being stopped by Seven, he was entrusted to Leo. In order to sharpen Zero's strong heart and strength, and to make Zero truly understand the true meaning of the words"Ultra Warrior", He was forced to wear an armor device and underwent rigorous training under Leo's guidance. The armor covered almost half of his body.

Speaking of which, the pattern on Sai Rabbit's body is also special. The upper body is blue and the lower half is red. Ultraman M78 Nebula has a color that has never been seen before. There are also darts on his head. at this time.

He temporarily left Leo's sight to take a break, and then encountered a very strange thing.

In his ear, a mechanical prompt sounded

【Welcome to join the Zhutian chat group! ]

Immediately afterwards, in front of Zero, a virtual screen was projected instantly. It seemed to be some kind of chat group. When Zero was in the Kingdom of Light, he heard from the seniors who had gone to the Earth to guard the earth. The trees are also gradually opening their branches and leaves, and there is something like this.

Whose prank is this?

Sero thought. etc!

At this moment, Zero's expression suddenly condensed. He remembered that Master Leo, who was training him at this time, was one of the people who came back from Earth, right?

Could it be...


You're still 20,000 years too early:"Tell me, is this the fault of Leo or the old man? I'm not afraid of anything." A passing Kamen Rider said:"The newcomer's temper is a bit violent. You have to be refined and easy-going like me.."

Chief Tiandao:"Huh???"

Tiandao was stunned for a moment.

Elegant and easy-going... just you?

Kabuto said that Kado Yashi’s words cannot be trusted even if there is a punctuation mark. The bad old man is very bad!

Either I will kill this bowl of poisonous chicken soup, or I will kill you!

Decde is a force to be reckoned with. , not to mention...

In addition to the god form that fights against enemies, there is also a war ghost form that specifically fights knights, commonly known as the passion state. This form of Decade is quite expressive when fighting monsters, but when fighting knights, it is With the blessing of a very powerful buff, even Tiandao, a man who 'walks the way of heaven and is responsible for everything', will feel troubled when facing the war ghost form.

From this, you can see the bugs in Decade's passion state.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"Leo? I don't know, there are two Thors in this group."

Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Stark Industries headquarters building, where Thor is.

There was a trace of amusement on his face.

Long lost newcomer..., his temperament definitely does not belong to the refined category. Not only that, in the world he is in, one of the two is not weak in terms of power (get it) or technological level, otherwise members like Conan who come from the daily world, Most of them thought they were ghosts.

Thor:"@You are 20,000 years too early, so who are you?"

You are still 20,000 years too early:"Me? Zero, Ultraman Zero!"

K76 star.

Zero, who was wearing restricted armor, curled his lips.

So what if you report your family status?

He, Zero, is confident!

Kasumi Shiko:"Ultraman?"

Ganwumei:"@大 Bone Soup, Mr. Big Bone, your companions have joined in!"

DAGUN Cheng Tang:".......",

Tiga World.

Dagu's mouth twitched slightly.

If 'Da Gu' is replaced by 'Da Gu', he will definitely be happier...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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