Hongye Peak.

Other courtyard.

At the moment when the vision of heaven and earth first appeared, Yue Rabbit calmed down his slightly sad mood, jumped back to the yard, and stayed quietly next to the sword of Emperor Yama.

Yan Miaozhu, the daughter of King Yama...

This is the only person she knows besides Qin Mo in this third era.

Even though Yuetu is usually very close to Qin Mo.


She is very cold.

Except for Qin Mo, everything in this era seemed to have nothing to do with her. It had been a while since she left the Moon Palace and came to Hongye Peak in the third era, but she had always stayed here.

It seems like he is out of tune with the world.

Let’s not talk about anything else!

She had very little communication with Red Leaf Firefly. When Qin Mo was around, she would stay by Qin Mo's side. Just like when Qin Mo left the Kyushu Cultivation World and went to other worlds last time, she was very quiet in winter- sleep'. at this time!

A strange phenomenon suddenly occurred in the world. Yue Tu quietly looked at the door of the stone chamber that was now closed. A pair of red eyes blinked gently. She knew that... all these changes came from that person.

Qin Mo!

He is very special. In Yue Tu's eyes, Qin Mo is more special than anyone else in the second and third eras, even the Emperor of Heaven who suppresses the Three Realms, and even Xi Yue, the Fairy of the Moon Palace.

Although they are peerless in style, compared with Qin Mo, they are still a bit inferior.

"Sure enough, he is very special...."

Moon Rabbit thought.

In his eyes, a ray of light suddenly bloomed.

Stone interior.

Qin Mo calmed down, and after consciously exiting the chat group, he focused entirely on refining the 'World Seed' and achieving a breakthrough in realm, of course mainly the former, realm...If he couldn't break through, Qin Mo wouldn't feel too uncomfortable.

Because I have long been used to it. After refining Qi for three thousand years, my heart has been filled with countless holes. thunder! fire!

Feng... and

Qin Mo possess the five elements of heavenly spiritual roots. With the blessing of the vast true essence, all the elements in the heaven and earth can be driven by him. The power of the five elements combines with yin and yang. With the surge of Qin Mo's true essence, The 'seeds of the world' are invariably injected into them, evolving in countless ways, endlessly and endlessly.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth swept across, and the strange phenomena of heaven and earth on Hongye Peak continued.

Time passes minute by minute


Qin Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and a frightening light shot out from his eyes, as if he could easily kill people without being seen. His body was still involuntarily absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Qin Mo spread his hands.

In his hands, there was the self-made heart. 'The World Seeds obtained during fishing in the sky were almost completely enclosed in the stone chamber without any wind blowing, but the World Seeds turned into powder out of thin air and dissipated instantly. If you look carefully, you can still see the lines on it..On his face, there was a trace of vagueness.

Qin Mo looked inside Zifu..Inside Zifu...

The vast amount of true energy actually decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless true energy boiled and wrapped around the golden elixir that was as hot as the sun. There were not many golden elixirs, but the quality was....But it is far from ordinary.

Golden elixir period!

Cultivators who have reached this level can release golden elixirs from the body, which can be used as a means of attack and defense, but under normal circumstances...None of the practitioners would do such a thing. , because the golden elixir is the destiny of cultivators in this realm.

Once broken, it becomes a complete useless person.

The road to cultivation ends here!

Qin Mo is different.

The vastness of his golden elixir is far beyond the reach of others. Qin Mo estimates that with the quality of his golden elixir, he can directly kill people...., certainly.

Qin Mo's gaze only paused for a moment on the surface of the golden elixir. In the past three thousand years, not to mention the entire Jiuzhou cultivation world, Qin Mo had witnessed the rise of many geniuses even in this sect.

For example, Baiyunzi.

Their bodies exude an extremely dazzling light, as if a new sun is rising slowly. Qin Mo has seen many monks in the golden elixir stage, just like carps crossing the river. Not to mention this, the golden elixir stage of monsters will condense. Demon elixir, Qin Mo's hand now still has a demon elixir that he had obtained in the ancient secret realm outside Chang'an City. The name of that demon beast is -

Blue Flame Dragon Bone Zhuwu Lion!

In Qin Mo's eyes.

For a moment, it was as if he were seeing through it, as if the golden elixir had been cut open and what was contained inside could be seen.

Endless energy!

······flowers·······, can support Qin Mo in battle, and the battery life is now even higher.

Among the packages of countless energy sources, one can vaguely see... a seed

‘World Seed'!

After Qin Mo refined it and completely absorbed it, the world seed was directly integrated into Qin Mo's body. To be precise, it should have entered the Zi Mansion and combined with the golden elixir.


On the Red Leaf Peak.

Thunder rolls from the sky.

The sun shines brightly.

One side is radiant and the other side is gloomy like water, but they blend perfectly, forming an appearance similar to Tai Chi Bagua, where yin and yang meet. Gradually, as time goes by, the vision begins to dissipate. subsequently...


Qin Mo opened the door of the stone room and walked out slowly.

Golden elixir stage, breakthrough!

It's not difficult. exactly...

In addition to the shackles of three thousand years of qi refining, Qin Mo seemed to have directly opened up his Rendu and Du meridian since he broke through the qi refining stage and reached the foundation building stage. Breaking through was as easy as eating and drinking water.

This time, it was the same, or perhaps it was because Qin Mo had accumulated enough in the past three thousand years that he could do this.

The expression on Qin Mo's face was a little strange.

And all this comes from...

His golden elixir.

After the World Seed was refined, it was completely rooted in Zifu's golden elixir, and Qin Mo also got the message that the World Seed and him had formed an inseparable whole.

This golden elixir...


Qin Mo estimated that apart from the"excellent" quality of his golden elixir, there was nothing special about it. There was no way to explain this weirder mutation. It was all due to the special nature of the world seed.

His golden elixir turned into the world.

His breakthrough.

Something to do with it!

The Golden Elixir stage is the formation and cohesion of the world, the Nascent Soul stage is the birth of life, the Divine Transformation stage is the reproduction and evolution of life, and the Infant Transformation stage is a reincarnation....

‘Golden elixir world'!

The only drawback is..., the breakthrough time has become very long again.

This is heartbreaking...... ps: Please subscribe, please lose monthly tickets! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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