Qin Mo took back the fishing rod.


The colorful ball of light instantly flew in front of him, suspended in the air, and reflected in Qin Mo's ruby-like pupils.


Take a deep breath.

Qin Mo couldn't help but smile softly. What was this inexplicable nervousness about?

Probably, this is metaphysics.

Think about it carefully.

That's really what happened...

At this time.

The brilliant light on the light ball slowly dissipated, and a thumb-sized seed appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes. It looked ordinary and had nothing special about it.

Qin Mo was also stunned. seed!


No way?

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he was a little speechless when he remembered that he had just vowed to declare himself the 'Emperor of Europe'. Of course, these are just Qin Mo's guesses. After all, there are some things that cannot be seen from the outside.

We need to cut through the surface to see the inside. perhaps.

Behind this ordinary appearance, there is a shocking secret hidden. for a while...

Think about this.

Qin Mo actually had some expectations.15.

He will receive it.

He also temporarily exited the system space of 'Zhutian Fishing', and the seeds obtained from fishing were temporarily stored in Qin Mo's personal warehouse. Everyone in the Zhutian chat group has a personal warehouse, which has a similar function. It is a space ring, but the space is infinite and does not cost any points. Except that it cannot store living things, it is simply a must-have for home travel.

【Tip: Congratulations to the group leader for"refining Qi for three thousand years" for his great luck and getting a"World Seed"’】 at this time!

In the group.

A sudden notification sounded in everyone's ears.

This is not a new group task.

It is not a new member joining the group.


Good news!

Previously, after the new function of the chat group 'Zhutian Fishing' was launched, every group member in the group was eager to try. Now the group members who overturn and counterattack should be 50-50. but.

Ye Gucheng's Sword Diagram, Yuan Dagu's Light of the Sun and Conan's Power of Death are relatively unremarkable things among the big bosses from different worlds in the world.

Therefore, it is normal that what they obtain cannot be favored by the chat group. after all...

Although Qin Mo is the group leader of the Zhutian chat group.

On weekdays, there are many privileges.

But this kind of thing...,

Qin Mo said that he had no idea at all. The origin of the chat group in the sky was too mysterious. Qin Mo also speculated that it was inextricably related to the avenue. The origin of the chat group in the sky, at least for now, Qin Mo believed You cannot trace yourself back.

He still has this bit of self-awareness.

In the chat group.

There was a great uproar!

This kind of scrolling + audio start-up announcement does not appear often in the Zhutian chat group. This is probably the first time for Qin Mo to get on the sedan chair, so he started the 'fish frying mode'.

The group exploded.

Kasumi Shiko:"wc! w! wc!", at the beginning...

Teacher Kasumi Shiko from the world of passerby heroines begins.

Three hits in a row is very nice.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"!!!"

Immediately afterwards.

According to the Zhutian chat group, the famous non-chief Miss Yakumo Murasaki is not far behind and follows Kasumi Shiko's footsteps. As a lucky melon-eater, Yakumo Murasaki's expression at this moment is a bit exciting.

One green, one red and one purple.

If analyzed separately..., it is estimated that every frame is a long-awaited expression pack.

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"I feel uncomfortable, I want to cry."

Li Xunhuan:"Uncle Jiu, you are not alone."

The Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword World.

On the pavilion in the center of Liyuan Lake.

The autumn wind blows.

Brush slowly. on the water.

You can vaguely see the ripples caused by the wind. Li Xunhuan and his cousin Lin Shiyin, who has achieved perfect cultivation, are sitting in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. This place is their 'dating place' and is of great significance to both of them.

But at this time.

Li Xunhuan had a tangled and heart-wrenching expression on his face, which was even more uncomfortable than when he had obtained the lancet model in the new function of 'Fishing in the Sky'. He and Uncle Jiu had the same idea.

This... can really be said to be: comparing one person to another will lead to death, but comparing goods can be thrown away. aside.

Lin Shiyin looked at Li Xunhuan affectionately and tenderly. She could clearly feel the change in Li Xunhuan's mentality, but Lin Shiyin didn't say anything more and just held his hand gently.

Li Xunhuan also smiled slightly. Looking at Lin Shiyin beside him, his mood couldn't help but feel much better.

‘One pair for life people'!

In fact.

Just like this, this is the way Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin get along. Real feelings often don't have so many gorgeous rhetoric. Just like the two of them, I can understand it with just one look from you. that is it!

My best friend Ma Da La:"@连气到了three thousand years, the group leader...World Seed, what is it?"

At this time,

Senju Hashirama asked aloud.

Naruto World.

Konoha Village.

Senju Hashirama was sitting on the Hokage Rock, with leaves flying in front of his eyes. He looked at the prosperous Konoha Village below and remembered again 257 Konoha, he and Uchiha were also standing here, with some emotion in their hearts. Following the notification tone in the group, Senju Hashirama also asked this question.

This question is also what most people in the group want to know. of.World

Seed...They don't know what it is.

However, what can be reported by the chat group is definitely not a mortal thing.

"Madara, what exactly is the seed of this world?"

Qin Mo in the group didn't reply for the time being.


Senju Hashirama turned his gaze to his close friend beside him.

Uchiha Madara, who was wearing a red 'couple' armor.

"whispering sound..."

Uchiha Madara curled his lips, quite arrogantly.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Here you go, picture above, picture."

Qin Mo, like Ye Gucheng, did not try to be mysterious, but directly posted the screenshot of the introduction. After doing this, Qin Mo's eyes Also placed on the introduction.

He didn't even look at it himself. really!

Use the phrase 'passing Kamen Rider'’...In Kado Yaji's words, there is no group leader who is more caring than him in this world.

The life of Ou Huang is so simple and boring......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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