Xiao Longnu was stunned. She had been living in the ancient tomb, and the only person she could come into contact with was Granny Sun, who had always taken care of her.

Except for participating in large-scale group missions across the world, Xiao Longnu almost never left the ancient tomb. Similarly, no one came to the ancient tomb in Zhongnan Mountain.

Even the male protagonist in the original work of The World of the Condor, the future Condor Hero Yang Guo, did not come to the ancient tomb. This was the butterfly effect produced after Xiao Longnu joined the Zhutian chat group. Of course, this time...Even if Yang Lai comes to the ancient tomb, Xiao Longnu will never accept him as her disciple again.

Moreover, she had said before that she wanted to go out to find her senior sister, but due to other matters related to her cultivation, the matter had been put on hold.


After the plot of the world of Academy Apocalypse came to an end, Xiao Longnu decided to go out to find the senior sister who was known as the"Red Lian Fairy" in the world.

‘The world is so big and she wants to visit it. '

Sister's words...

Xiao Longnu has really made up her mind this time. The senior sister was hurt by love, so in the eyes of people in the world, she has fallen into the devil's way. The Ice Soul Silver Needle is also very vicious, but Xiao Longnu has finished watching"The Condor" She also sympathized with her senior sister's experience.

She wants to bring senior sister back. If senior sister doesn't agree, then use force....

Xiao Longnu had already made a decision in her heart.

The world of divine sculptures.

Zhongnan Mountain! ancient tomb...

The inside here looks slightly eerie and dark compared to the outside.

Cold jade bed.

After thinking about these things, Xiao Longnu sat cross-legged on the bed.

Silently reciting the Bingxin Jue of Fengyun World.

If your heart is as clear as ice, you won’t be surprised if the sky falls...

What Xiao Longnu practiced was naturally not the Bingxin Jue of the Nie family in the Fengyun World. However, as a rare treasure in the Divine Sculpture World, the Cold Jade Bed could, in a sense, have the same effect as the Bingxin Jue.

At this time, in her body, the internal power derived from the improved version of the system, the Nine Yin Manual, was wandering in the meridians. Xiao Longnu's mind was pure, and with the help of the cold jade bed, there was no such thing as"being possessed"..

Xiao Longnu pursed her red lips, but her consciousness was still immersed in the chat group.

Water group.jpg! but!

Although the new feature of the chat group, Fishing in the Sky, has been defined as an exclusive game for the European Emperor, she still has some expectations. After all, her luck in the group is not the best, but it is by no means the worst. Try There is still a chance to give it a try. here...

Crazy diss of a certain monster sage Murasaki Yakumo. , at this moment, Yakumo Purple expressed that she was very upset.

Li Xunhuan:"Picture, vomiting blood, Ye Feidao model..."

At this time.

The world of the passionate swordsman and the ruthless sword.

Liyuan Lake Pavilion


When Li Xunhuan mentally entered the fishing space of the heavens to fish, he took a sip of tea, and then...The object he fished also happened to surface. The Liuye Flying Knife matched the name of his Little Li Flying Knife. However, when he saw the last two words 'model', Li Xunhuan spit out the tea. , if he hadn't held the mouthful of tea, what would have spurted out would have been a mouthful of old blood.

Uchiha Dance King:"...The Fourth Hokage’s Flying Thunder God Kunai?"

Naruto World.

Kirigakure Village. In a certain underground cave, Uchiha Madara was sitting on the steps in front of the outside demon statue. When he saw the reward he had drawn, an unspeakable gloom appeared on his face. Color.

This tm...

The majestic Uchiha Madara, the six-path powerhouse in the Naruto world, is actually a non-chief?

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

It must be Hashirama's fault.

Senju Hashirama is sitting next to him. As we all know, Senju Hashirama's gambling luck is only about the same as that of his granddaughter Tsunade. If they win money, something will definitely happen.

Furthermore, his luck was also bad.

Senju Hashirama:"Huh? I remember, isn't the fourth generation Hokage little Tsunade? @ninja大fatsheep." The big fat sheep of the ninja world

:"To put it mildly, I can't fly thunder god, that one is wave Feng shui gate...",

Tsunade's mouth twitched.

The art of flying thunder god!

This is a space-based ninjutsu created by her second grandfather Senju Tobirama. In the entire ninja continent, there are not many space-based ninjutsu, so it is not an exaggeration to call it 'rare'.

There are even fewer famous ones in the ninja world!

The sky-sending jutsu used by Mabuyi of the cloud ninja village is a type of time and space ninjutsu. It can teleport the target to a designated location instantly through high-speed movement. However, the drawback of the sky-sending jutsu is obvious. Because it moves at high speed, it will interact with the air. Severe friction occurs, and the ordinary human body will be unable to keep up with the too-fast transmission, causing the body to fall apart and die.

Therefore, this move is usually only used to transfer items.

There are only three people in the Naruto Memory dungeon who have successfully used this move.

The Third Raikage!

The Fourth Raikage!

There is also the Fifth Generation of Memory Copy, and now the Fourth Generation Hokage Tsunade. She relies on the special characteristics of the Yin Seal to allow her body to recover instantly when injured. By analogy, Senju Hashirama can definitely do the same.

After all, his 640 recovery ability is very strong,

‘Yin seal'!

This move is a hidden trump card for Tsunade. She will only use it when necessary. After all, the Yin Seal will consume the chakra she usually stores. Once consumed, she can only rely on time to slowly accumulate it. fill.

However, Senjuzhuma is different

‘The recovery effect brought by Yin Seal can only be regarded as his passive skill.

The second is the eye technique of Uchiha Obito Mangekyō Sharingan

‘The space system's kaleidoscope is rare to see.

The ability of Divine Power is also very buggy! , and finally the art of Flying Thunder God.

S-level space ninjutsu! , a kind of instant body technique.

To use the spell to achieve instant movement, the caster will leave the Flying Thunder God spell on the target in advance, which can cause the caster or objects that are in indirect contact with the caster's chakra to move instantaneously.

The caster is able to move large targets multiple times when energetic.

This technique can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt, surprise opponents, and divert targets. It can also be used to avoid and escape in times of crisis. No seal is required when activating...,...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '18xx85' for your monthly support!

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