Kyushu Cultivation World.

Red Leaf Peak.

This mountain, covered with a red maple tree and showing a flaming red, is currently peaceful. Hongye Peak is the mountain where Qin Mo, the ancestor of the Taoist sect, lives and cultivates.

Other courtyard.

Yue Rabbit Yu'er squatted quietly next to the sword of Emperor Yama. The days when Qin Mo left were a little boring. Miss Yan Miaozhu, who also came from the second era like her, was still in a deep sleep. at this time!

In the courtyard.

A vortex covered with light suddenly appeared in front of Yue Tu, causing fluctuations in space. Yue Tu blinked Qin Mo's same red eyes, and she knew that Qin Mo was back.

She clearly remembered the smell of Qin Mo.

Qin Mo walked towards the light and walked out slowly, one foot stepping on the ground of the red leaf peak of the sect. Compared with the feeling in the"513" path of Dimension Pass, it was more real and gave people a sense of down-to-earth reality.

‘One by one, a snow-white light and shadow rushed into Qin Mo's arms with a biu sound.

Moon Rabbit!


"you ah you...",

Qin Mo smiled.

The Moon Rabbit was very attached to him, and he couldn't help but think of the records about the Moon Palace he had seen in Bai Yujing on Penglai Mountain.

Fairy Xiyue and her pet Jade Rabbit are both very cold.

Yue Tu arched her body and found a more comfortable position in Qin Mo's arms, then a look of satisfaction appeared on her face. It was this feeling that made her seem to be poisoned. actually...

Yue Tu herself doesn't know why she is so close to Qin Mo, just like Fairy Xiyue who signed a soul contract with her in the past. This is very strange. You must know that in the second era, her relationship with Fairy Xiyue Best friend Yan Miaozhu is just an acquaintance and does not show any closeness. The word"cold" recorded by Bai Yujing is not false. certainly.

Yuetu thought about Tusheng when Qin Mo temporarily left Hongye Peak, and also thought and guessed about it, probably because...Qin Mohe also likes clothes as white as snow. He has white hair and white eyebrows, and his eyes are also red.

And more importantly, it is naturally because of Qin Mo's special nature.

He is a man favored by 'the great road'.

Qin Mo hugged Moon Rabbit, walked to the stone table and sat down, and then his consciousness connected to the chat group of the heavens. The mission in the world of Academy Apocalypse was over, and they all quickly returned to their respective worlds.

Big Big Wolf is eager to return to Wolf Castle in Qingqing Grassland to conduct research on dead body viruses on his special experimental platform.

The dead body virus in Academy Apocalypse.

There are also the zombie viruses in the world of the walking dead that were materialized by Koichi Purpledo through the use of the 'Doomsday System', and the mutated zombie viruses that appeared in Bed Host City.

Mutated zombies are only first-level zombies.

There are higher levels as well. but!

Before Koichi Wisteria had time to show off his talents in that world, he was directly obliterated by Decae with a transcendent knight kick. However, because it was the mutation that Koichi Wisteria, the transcendent, manifested through the system, rather than the evolution of the world itself, therefore...In the Academy Revelations world, humans did not manifest supernatural powers such as wind, fire, thunder, and lightning. , if the group mission is slower, the world of Academy Apocalypse will probably have to speed up.

Qin Mo shook his head gently.

The task was solved and he was happy. after all...

Not everyone is like Wisteria Koichi. The more the world is on the verge of destruction, the happier he becomes. That kind of mentality can only be described as 'morbid'.

Refining Qi for three thousand years:"@风剑豪@白云城主, picture"

【Tip: 'Refining Qi for Three Thousand Years' uploaded an unnamed video. 】

Qin Mo directly uploaded the photos and videos he recorded during his ob.

As for the protagonist, he is already Aite.

Yasuo and Gucheng. ,

Qun·Kendo cp.

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Flying Immortals from Beyond the Sky"...So!"

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"Hiss!"

‘The fried fish didn't explode, but Master Zhang blurted out the nickname Feixiansuo. Uncle Jiu, who had returned to Yizhuang in the zombie world, couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Lord of Baiyun City:"......"

Gale Swordsman:"......"

Gao Yao:"Wait! I didn't pay attention before. Could the sword move used by Mr. Yasuo be that of the Flying Immortal from Beyond the World?" Zhang Zhiwei, a common man:"I should say, yes or no. On the basis of Lord Ye's Flying Immortal from Beyond the World, it should also be integrated into it." Mr. Yasuo’s wind-controlling swordsmanship achieves this visual effect0......."·

One person's world.

Longhu Mountain!

In a quiet and elegant courtyard, the old master couldn't help stroking his beard and sighed. Both Baiyun City Lord and Gale Swordsman were swordsman geniuses, but they learned different swordsmanship. However, they competed with each other in the duel field and confirmed each other. It turned out that it was true. It combines two kendos.

Gale Swordsman:"The Heavenly Master is right."

Yasuo nodded.

Gale Swordsman:"@白云城主, this is all thanks to Ye City Lord's guidance."

Baiyun City Lord:"It's just mutual confirmation."

Ye Gucheng pursed his lips and chuckled.

In life, it is rare to have a close friend.

Yasuo is great!

Ye Gucheng recognized him just as he recognized Ximen Chuixue, but now he has joined the Zhutian chat group and has become stronger step by step. In the legendary world of Lu Xiaofeng, he has truly reached the pinnacle and has truly achieved success. In the invincible world, just like Zhang Zhenren in the Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slaying, as an 'immortal cultivator in the world of martial arts', one person is the whole world!

In your own world, you can no longer find an opponent, so what should you do?

Ye Gucheng focused on the group.

Swift Swordsman - Yasuo. , a genius swordsman from Runeterra, and like him, he also joined the Zhutian Chat.1 group. They are the same, in terms of talent and psychology. Yasuo said, 'One sword, one thought, is a true portrayal.

They love swords and are addicted to swords as much as their lives!

The road is long, only the sword can keep you company!

That's all.

Gale Swordsman:"Hey, @风风...@Lord of Baiyun City, Lord of Ye City, Yufeng·Tianwai Feixian, you don’t mind if I teach you, right?"

Yasuoai attacked Ye Gucheng.

Well, this move is copyrighted.

Flying Fairy from Heaven and Wind Control Swordsmanship!

To be honest, these two are incomparable, but since the duel field opened, the two People have been struggling for it. It can be said that the birth of this move is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of the two of them....·...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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