Time: a certain year, a certain day, a certain month.

Location: Academy Apocalypse world, Neon, Bedlord City, dark underground laboratory.

Characters: 'Traveler' Wisteria Koichi, Kamen Rider Decade Gate Yaji. ,

Event: Wisteria Koichi’s tragic day. at this time!

In the mind of Koichi Wisteria.

Such a scene emerged involuntarily, just like a dungeon scene in a game, and it has been circulating in Koichi Purpleto's mind since it appeared.

Wisteria Koichi's tragic day.

That's the name.

Right now, I'm probably in the middle of a week.

Purple Fuji Koichi's head was filled with confusion.

He had originally planned everything. Although the appearance of the All-Heaven Expeditionary Force in Fujimi Academy was an accident, he was almost frightened to his soul when he was stared at by the terrifying eyes of"400" Qin Mo. Lost. but!

Even so, Ziteng Koichi is still very conceited in his heart.

He travels through time, has a system, and has a golden finger. completelyIt is standard equipment for the protagonist.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the system is very compatible with the character of Koichi Purple Fuji. Just like the ninjas in the Naruto world, everyone has different chakra attributes. Generally, ninjas are born with single or dual attributes. Chakra, only after being promoted to Jonin, will you slowly master other chakra attributes and learn new ninjutsu to cope with the more brutal battles at the Jonin level.

After all, except for a heptagonal warrior like Sarutobi Hiruzen who is proficient in seven attributes, it is too buggy.

But his good friend Danzo Shimura is more normal.

Of course, in addition to his honeyed self-confidence that comes from nowhere, there is no doubt that Shimura Danzo, as a strong man who uses wind escape, once directly broke Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo with a mouthful of old phlegm. When it comes to wind release, it can completely touch the threshold of the shadow level, but in other types of ninjutsu...It seems very mediocre. Compared with Shimura Danzo's strength, there is a big gap between Sarutobi Hiruzen. therefore!

From the various analyses, it can be seen that the stronger the power, the better. On the contrary, in Qin Mo's view, only the one that suits him is the best.

The same is true for Qin Mo.

He is a master of swordsmanship. therefore.

In his hand, whether he is holding the Yama Emperor Sword or an ordinary to the extreme wooden sword, the strength he can exert is the same. It is nothing more than the strength buff attached to the Yama Emperor Sword itself, plus Strong blade.


There are no weak powers, only weak users.

One of the representatives of the group...

Lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng!

There is no doubt that Ye Gucheng's strength is very strong."On a full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, with a sword coming from the west, there are flying immortals from the sky." These are how Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue are described.

They are alone in the world.

Especially Ye Gucheng.


This move!

To be precise, it is a move that has surpassed the level limit of Ye Gucheng's world. He is worthy of the name of a flying fairy from outside the sky. A sword across the sky seems to come from outside the sky, and like a banished immortal descending.

It can be said that it is exquisite to the extreme! that moment.

The author spared no effort in writing and gave all the descriptions to Ye Gucheng, and Ye Gucheng certainly did not disappoint. Not only was the character not damaged, but it became more full.

As airy as a fairy.

At that time.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only that sword.

Everything seemed to be his foil. actually...

There are many such representative figures. Even in the Zhutian chat group, in addition to Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng, you can also bring a few more to show off, such as...,

Uchiha Madara.

Naruto Dance King!

During the Fourth World War, with the words"Do you also want to dance?" With such pretentious words, he directly won the PK and won the title of Uchiha Dance King. This title was also included in the chat group of the heavens as Madara's nickname in the group.

This makes Madara a little confused

‘Love it and hate it'! really.

Uchiha Madara is also one of the representative figures, Fire Release: High Fire Ninjutsu, a B-level fire release ninjutsu, but in the hands of Uchiha Madara, it was abruptly promoted to an S-level ninjutsu. , a fire escape, a sea of ​​fire.

Senju Hashirama’s younger brother is also 0.....,

Thousand Hands Tobirama!

In addition to the title of Forbidden Master, there is also a 'Water God', because in his hands, Water Release is no longer called Water Release, but Sea Release....

Of course, the name Senju Tobirama can be crossed out in advance.

After all, he did not join the chat group of all heavens. but...

If he really joins, the scene should be a bit more exciting than when Senju Hashirama joined the group. Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are so full of CP that they might as well get married on the spot..

But Senju Tobirama!

In Uchiha Madara's heart, he did not have a great image.

Senju Tobirama is relatively dark.

Such as persecuting Uchiha.

His disciple, Shimura Danzo, learned this from him, but Shimura Danzo's own hard power was too poor, and his political IQ was completely inferior to Senju Tobirama, so he got away with it.

In the live broadcast room. basement


‘Bang bang. ' narrow. silence!

Decde came out and pretended to be a b. After saying something flirtatious, he fell silent and did not take the initiative to speak. Wang Xiaoming always took the initiative to educate others when traveling through the world, but he and Ziteng Koichi made people The disgusting dark guy really has nothing to say.

Therefore, Decade silence!

In the narrow basement, you could hear a needle drop, so Murasaki 5.5 Fuji Koichi's slightly chaotic breathing and nervous heartbeat were very clear. Kadoya looked at him quietly.

He expressed...

This time, the arrangements for Koichi Zito will be clear.

The enemy cannot move, I cannot move!

Kado Yashi has been observing Koichi Wisteria's reaction.

The first battle is psychological warfare.

This is a psychological game. but.

Wisteria Koichi's psychological quality is obviously not very good. It can be seen from his heartbeat rate. The moment he saw Decade appear in the basement, the first reaction that came to his mind was -

‘There is a mole, terminate the transaction’!...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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