But it's all good news

‘There is no doubt about the strength of the All-Heaven Expeditionary Force. After joining the All-Heaven Chat Group and practicing for a period of time, even the group members from the everyday world will become 'Superman' in the eyes of ordinary people.

The first-order mutated dead body is no match for Xiaozhi and the others.

The rest of the group members, such as the First Emperor Ying Zheng, Teacher Saitama from One Punch Man, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama from the Naruto world, are all the leading figures in their respective worlds.

Moreover, the power level of their world is not weak. therefore.

The battle was completely one-sided.


Wind Control Swordsmanship...Ye Gu.

Qin Mo's mouth twitched slightly

‘The sand sculpture group friends are really good at playing.

Looking down from the sky.

Thunder is raging, golden dragons are circling, and swords are everywhere...

This is the battlefield!

The demon boy Nezha transformed into a fighting form, wearing the Huntian silk ribbon, holding a fire-tip spear, and stepping on a hot wheel. He was invincible. The old master was covered with the golden light spell of Longhu Mountain, and his thunder method was raging. at the same time.

Bed host city. another place...

With the assistance of the 'Doomsday Advent System', Koichi Wisteria spent energy points to open the space channel and teleported directly to another place, far away from Fujimi Academy. at this time.

He appeared in a dark basement, and the electric lights flickered with an unusually dark light, making people feel strange and frightened involuntarily. Through the dim light, a lot of experimental equipment can be vaguely seen.

This is Wisteria Koichi's secret base.

Located underground.

It is very hidden. No one knows the existence of this place except him. Moreover, Koichi Zito came from another world. Although he is more world-weary and dreams of destroying the world, he just enjoys the process morbidly in his heart. As for death,...

Who wants to die for no reason?

Naturally, Purple Fuji Koichi didn’t want to either. therefore.

When he obtained the system and laid out this underground secret base, he spent a lot of money to build this one-time space insect bridge. No matter where he is, he can return here as long as he opens the portal through the system.

It was just a moment. this time...

He apparently had a narrow escape from death.

Hiroshi Hiroshi breathed a long sigh of relief. At that moment, if his first reaction was surprise when he saw the sudden appearance of One Punch Man Saitama, Uchiha Madara and others, then the look Qin Mo looked at him made it clear that I was frightened!

That look seemed to come from ancient times. that moment...

Wisteria Koichi suddenly had a feeling in his heart, as if an extremely ancient god was staring at him, making him feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave, as if he was in the Nine Nether Purgatory. terrible!

Until now, Ziteng Koichi is still a little confused. after all...

System + transcendence, these are things that only exist in fantasy. At least in the previous life of Koichi Zito, except for seeing it in some novels, he had never heard of time travel.

Now, put yourself in their shoes.

He should be the protagonist of the novel.

The result was unexpected!

To put it in another sentence, it is probably - 'Imagination is full, reality is very skinny'. Reality gave him a heavy blow. He could have directly surpassed the world of Academy Apocalypse with his one-handed system, but the 'Expeditionary Force of the Heavens' ''s appearance directly shattered his dream.

In the words of Qin Mo, it is:

Please invite the next dream chaser!

In Zito Koichi's heart, there should be a sentence mmp at this time, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Damn it, where did those guys come from?.?"

"Need to re-plan..."

Hiroshi Zito said to himself with a stern expression, his low and hoarse voice echoing in the dark basement. His face was full of indifference at this time. To be precise,...He is a very self-centered person.

Be confident in your own layout and planning.

But when everything he prepared was perfectly cracked by others, he would become involuntarily angry, just like now, incapable and furious.


Wisteria Koichi didn't know that there was a pair of faint eyes staring at him in this narrow underground laboratory.

Chat group

【Tip: 'Passing Kamen Rider' uploaded an unnamed video]

At this moment, a notification sound suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.


The big bones were boiled into soup:"Wow! I was so scared that I was scratched by the dead body."

Dagu said.

Thor is not a fat man:"Who? Tiga...That's okay."

Thor, the fat man, said quietly.

Being scratched by a dead body is not a trivial matter. If an ordinary person is scratched, if there are no other measures, then it is a certainty that he will be infected with the dead body virus, and he will not even struggle.


If it is the guy 'Big Bone', there is no need to worry at all.

He has the genetic factors of the super ancient warriors in his body.

He is Ultraman Tiga.

The giant of light.

The defense is amazing.

Want to break through the defense of a dead body? That counts. To borrow a saying from Race Rabbit, that was still 20,000 years early!

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Torsan, I am very sad when you say that."

Da Gu said helplessly.

NEE Ji:"That...Am I the only one who noticed the 'Easter egg'?"·

Horaiyama Kaguya spoke.

I am not a Shinigami primary school student:"Look, Shito Koichi's reaction is okay."

Conan pushed up his glasses.

He said...

By this time, he had already seen through everything.

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"o((⊙﹏⊙))o"

(Wang's) Qin Mo was also stunned for a moment.

Originally, he thought that during the battle, the group would remain silent as always. After all, the dead body virus in the Academy Apocalypse world has spread all over the world, and there are still a lot of them.

The main reason is that they can't use large-scale attack skills yet. otherwise...

Angel Yan was done with just one big trial. therefore.

When the mission was released, the new functions that appeared in the group, as well as the 'Tianwai Feixiansuo' that Qin Mo intercepted just now, were temporarily stored. Now it seems that chatting and fighting at the same time, isn't this a basic operation? ?

Qin Mo smiled.


Focusing on the video uploaded by Kado Yaji...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'How dare I live in poverty' and 'Pingyun' for your monthly ticket support! Thanks to 'Zi Qi Dong Lai' for the big reward and support! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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